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Suffice to say, last night's Britannian Spay/Neuter Clinic did not go as I had hoped. In an effort to reconcile with the city of Trinsic, whose governor's questionable animal-related policies have been the driving force behind my recent dog rescue efforts, I hired a veterinarian from that city to undertake this task. He sent assistants out to gather seemingly unnecessary supplies, then slaughtered in cold blood the dog he was supposed to neuter. He then proceeded to carve up the poor animal and give the meat to the governor of Trinsic, who stood by approvingly and thanked him for his efforts.
This, combined with the known sale of dog meat (including that from rabid dogs) from Trinsic to other cities, is disturbing enough, but at the event Governor Phoenix let slip even more worrisome information regarding Trinisician meats.
By the governor's own statement in front of nearly a dozen witnesses, Trinsic is apparently selling not only dog meat and rabid dog meat, but also orc, goblin, and gargoyle meat!
Clearly, the treatment of dogs in Trinsic was only the tip of the proverbial iceburg. Though my efforts to rescue the animals has been less successful than I had hoped, it has exposed a much more serious problem.
Orcs, goblins, and gargoyles are sentient beings, not food! There is no room for quibbling here. While the majority of orcs may be a constant menace and a particular threat in Yew even now, there are good, friendly and productive orcs in Britannia as well, and they are an intelligent species. The same is true of goblins; while most in the Abyss are aggressive, even there you can find some friendly ones, and the goblins of Pitmuck are our friends. And gargoyles... all I can say here is that Queen Zhah will likely be quite displeased to hear about this. Gargoyles have their own cities and civilization, for goodness sake!
While Governor Phoenix and her shady, bloodthirsty butchers may try to deflect and say that they only butcher aggressive members of these species, this is still unacceptable. There are aggressive humans and elves as well, but we do not allow them to be butchered and sold for meat either. To literally prey upon the flesh of other sentient beings, regardless of their affiliations or lack thereof, is a vile practice that is beneath civilized people.
It is thus with a heavy heart that I am forced, as my last act in this term of governorship of Vesper, to place a trade embargo against all food from the city of Trinsic. No foods, whether meat or otherwise, from Trinsic will be allowed to pass through the Vesper docks. Customs officials have been notified and a guard is posted at the docks. Taverns and inns in Vesper have been instructed, in the interest of public safety, to discard any and all food products of Trinsician origin and will be compensated by the city for their losses. Anyone caught selling such products within the city limits from now on will be subject to a fine.
-Governor Ivy of Vesper
This, combined with the known sale of dog meat (including that from rabid dogs) from Trinsic to other cities, is disturbing enough, but at the event Governor Phoenix let slip even more worrisome information regarding Trinisician meats.

By the governor's own statement in front of nearly a dozen witnesses, Trinsic is apparently selling not only dog meat and rabid dog meat, but also orc, goblin, and gargoyle meat!
Clearly, the treatment of dogs in Trinsic was only the tip of the proverbial iceburg. Though my efforts to rescue the animals has been less successful than I had hoped, it has exposed a much more serious problem.
Orcs, goblins, and gargoyles are sentient beings, not food! There is no room for quibbling here. While the majority of orcs may be a constant menace and a particular threat in Yew even now, there are good, friendly and productive orcs in Britannia as well, and they are an intelligent species. The same is true of goblins; while most in the Abyss are aggressive, even there you can find some friendly ones, and the goblins of Pitmuck are our friends. And gargoyles... all I can say here is that Queen Zhah will likely be quite displeased to hear about this. Gargoyles have their own cities and civilization, for goodness sake!
While Governor Phoenix and her shady, bloodthirsty butchers may try to deflect and say that they only butcher aggressive members of these species, this is still unacceptable. There are aggressive humans and elves as well, but we do not allow them to be butchered and sold for meat either. To literally prey upon the flesh of other sentient beings, regardless of their affiliations or lack thereof, is a vile practice that is beneath civilized people.
It is thus with a heavy heart that I am forced, as my last act in this term of governorship of Vesper, to place a trade embargo against all food from the city of Trinsic. No foods, whether meat or otherwise, from Trinsic will be allowed to pass through the Vesper docks. Customs officials have been notified and a guard is posted at the docks. Taverns and inns in Vesper have been instructed, in the interest of public safety, to discard any and all food products of Trinsician origin and will be compensated by the city for their losses. Anyone caught selling such products within the city limits from now on will be subject to a fine.
-Governor Ivy of Vesper