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[Discussion] Shell and Metal Chest

Angel of Sonoma

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I found these items at a Fel castle idoc.

The chests are not tagged with 'recovered from a shipwreck' or paragon. Both of the chests have the same description "Metal Chest". There were hundreds of paragaon & shipwreck chests and these 2 were sitting inside one of the chest by themselves.

I found the shell in a crate with a bunch of double exceptional items.

Does anyone have any information about either item? Any idea if they are worth anything? Thanks!



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
not sure on the shell. metal chests spawn on plague beast lords.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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I have at least ten "shell"s (and "nautilus"es) which came from shipwreck stuff, but aren't tagged with the "shipwreck" bit. All of them are colored, rather than 0 hue. It's been a long time since I fished, but I thought that the colored shipwreck stuff like shells didn't get tagged "shipwreck".


Slightly Crazed
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure the shell is from a salvage hook. Some of the items obtained are labeled "barnacle covered" others are not (like the deep sea sponge and shells).


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Do the metal chests still spawn?
Yes, they still work the same way too. The more you "feed" the beast the more chests you will get.
I wish they'd fill those chests with shame loot :p