Stratics Veteran
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Event Coordinator
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Recently, I held a dog rescue in Vesper in hopes of saving some of the helpless pets that... well, let's just say aren't safe in all the cities.
Unfortunately, my staff was overwhelmed by the number of dogs brought back to us! As much as I am loathe to admit that a certain fellow governor of mine ever has a point regarding anything to do with animals, she made a valid point at the recent Council meeting about the dogs we rescued not having been neutered. I'm sure many of you have noticed the sudden increase in the puppy population!
I have been in contact with some veterinarians, and in the interest of reconciliation I have hired the one from Trinsic to perform the operations. However, he has told me that he needs more supplies, so on Thursday, February 27th at 8PM EST the city of Vesper will hold the first ever Britannian Spay/Neuter Clinic.
On Friday, February 27th at 8PM EST, we will meet at the Vesper Stable (Trammel). No particular skill set required! Please join us for fur, fun, and prizes!
Unfortunately, my staff was overwhelmed by the number of dogs brought back to us! As much as I am loathe to admit that a certain fellow governor of mine ever has a point regarding anything to do with animals, she made a valid point at the recent Council meeting about the dogs we rescued not having been neutered. I'm sure many of you have noticed the sudden increase in the puppy population!
I have been in contact with some veterinarians, and in the interest of reconciliation I have hired the one from Trinsic to perform the operations. However, he has told me that he needs more supplies, so on Thursday, February 27th at 8PM EST the city of Vesper will hold the first ever Britannian Spay/Neuter Clinic.
On Friday, February 27th at 8PM EST, we will meet at the Vesper Stable (Trammel). No particular skill set required! Please join us for fur, fun, and prizes!