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Happy Valentine's Day 2014!

Lizzard of Baja

Stratics Veteran
Happy Valentine's day everyone.
I hope everyone's valentine's day is special today. If you don't have someone cuddly to hug and then hit with a pillow when they least expect, you might not be so happy about today.
Well lets look on the bright side of this lovey dovey over commercialized day buying heart shaped gifts for everyone or passing out cards etc or the appreciation of not being single.
Here are some pros that do not include having someone to share with:

You have en excuse to eat as much chocolate as you want. Chocolate chocolate chocolate! yum yum
You don't like chocolate? Woohoo, you aren't getting fat from too much chocolate like the rest of the people over indulging in chocolate. mmm yumm

Woohoo for being single and not having to do last minute valentine's gift shopping and or being grouched at because you didn't get your sweet heart flowers.

You can stay home, order pizza, drink some beer, surf the internet and avoid a crowd.
(I plan on ordering pizza and making valentine's day cards from construction paper myself)
Netflix season two of House of cards is out today.

You can log onto UO and run around emoting *hugs*.

You can call up your other single miserable friends and go out and meet other single miserable people, and maybe possibly someone you find interesting and have a mad make out session. Woohoo go dancing like you are single and have no care in the world!

You can choose this day to reflect on life, your own goals, ambitions, etc. You can just be selfish and treat yourself to whatever it is you want.

You can do all kinds of things that are fun!
In fact if you are bored, you can reply to this thread with fun pros for other single people for Valentines-day. And all the other lovey dovey people can post their plans for Valentine's day to make you sad again....And or give you idea's for next year.

Happy Valentine's Day,

Your very own Secret admirer,


The Slug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bleah, stupid Hallmark Holidays! (just kidding) Happy V'Day all I spose. I guess tonight might be a good night to sit around in my boxers and drink like 15 Millier Lites, only I'd freeze and certainly pass out cold after 3 beers, possibly 2. Maybe I will log in Howard tonight and emote hugs tho, ya never know

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's the people like you who make Baja a brighter place.Thank you for that. And Happy Valentines Day to you and AzzmoedanB (I think that's how it's pronounced! :dunce:) and Maaaaaamaaaaaa and da slug and ever one else.:heart:

Pete is far, far away in India but we are still together (sorta) thanks to skype! I miss him lots but skype does make it so much easier. He fell asleep the other day with it on so I got to hear him snore! :sleep2: It was good. Anyways, so I'm sitting here thinking of Pete. The flowers he sent sit next to my monitor and I can smell the star gazers now.

All is well.


Lizzard of Baja

Stratics Veteran
Thanks Azmodanb!
Mama, That is pretty cool. Random Valentines Surprise. Sounds like fun.
Howard, let us know if you survived the cold! I wouldn't mind a few emote hugs on UO myself.
Amber, I know what it is like with a long distance relationship, can be pretty tough. Oh well you will appreciate being back together that much more. In the meantime, you can fart as much as you want without having to worry! lolz! *hugs*