I feel bad about saying this because EM Bennu's "liked" a fair amount of my posts of late. But I've actually not liked how Blackthorn is played on Atlantic, based on the posts I've seen. At one point he issued a ban on hunting the King's deer -- probably reflecting historical readings by the Atlantic Event Moderators, but I don't think such a thing fits this context. The idea of an occupation force also doesn't appear to fit our situation, which strikes me as a ruler who adheres to Chaos by inclination ("good guy" Chaos, meaning tolerance and diversity) but applies Order by necessity ("good guy" Order, meaning strength through unity and virtue). The Atlantic interpretation clearly is getting you some good mileage for events and stuff so on some level it's working out for you.
But, still. I prefer, and find more fitting, the Great Lakes interpretation of him. Sober, diplomatic, serious, and "hands off" (decentralized) until there is some seemingly-obvious reason not to be. The Europa interpretation based on posts I've seen seems to be closer to the GL interpretation.
And again, sorry Bennu!
-Galen's player