Folks, this is the strangest thread I ever was involved in. Ok, here is another anonymous bid:
205 Millions.
The bidder is also a well-reputed statics member. He allowed me to add the following statement to his bid:
"once final transaction took place the buyer will make an announcemetnt"
So, this is the leading bid. Honestly, I would prefer public bids in this thread, but the guys are trying to avoid a bidding war. I can understand that point, because we all know that there are fake bidders out there trying to bring up prices and ruining auctions without serious intentions. We have seen that every now and then.
This procedure, however, leads to a situation which might affect my credibility as trader. Lucky me, I have always had straight auctions (sales or not) and this is the first time with anonymous bids for me. I will let it go, because both bidders are well-reputed and there is no doubt - neither on their intentions nor on their wealth.
I would, however, LOVE to get some public committment here ;-)
Ah, last point: Due to the (for me) quite uncommon nature of this process, I reserve my right to think about the final sale when the time of this "auction" ends. And this will be Sunday night, I think (CET).
I wish you all the best!