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(Question) Lookn for adivce on a PvP career

Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's not much of a career in this day and age. Consider accountancy instead, or marry a wealthy Jewish man and become a concubine.

*flutters eyelashes suggestively*


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, marrying a Jewish dude isn't that bad of a plan.

Just don't end up with the "creative" types. That'll do you no good.

You won't get real advice from folks on Stratics.

Here's how you start:

You want a ton of macros. Probably at least 65+. It adds up quick, I assure you. Of course, it depends on your template.

Then you want to memorize them to the point where you no longer even have to think about it.

Then you need to learn timing. Have someone cast large offensive spells on you while you time Greater Heals in between. Get to the point where you can still cast Greater Heals in between Magic Arrows. And then try casting Cure between Weaken. Start from Flamestrike spamming. Then Energy Bolts. Then Fireballs. There's an interesting delay on those. Then Lightnings. Finally, Magic Arrows. Mix it up.

And lastly, when you've got your timing down for a Mage, and you're honed to an edge, there's only one thing left to do: Get out there and get experience. Yes, you'll die a lot. Yes, you'll be abandoned to fight by yourself.

When you've built up enough experience solo, then you work up dueling, and survival tactics will come to you naturally. Pot chugging, suit building, etc.

Take it from an experienced head: Don't skip ahead and build your suit to be uber, or run speedhacks. You may think you gain an advantage from this, but in the end, it'll hurt you. You won't learn to survive on your own, or gain any sort of situational awareness. There are no shortcuts. Timing and experience trump all.

Join a competitive guild. Learn that from the things you've already learned; they are meaningless in a way. They will serve you in your greater understanding of the game, which will benefit you to the last of your days. But the things you need to learn are dismounts, geography of your hunting areas, guard zones, etc. How to chase. When to pull out. Where the guard zones are. What templates are stacked against you.

But those are easy to learn. You start from the basics. Those will never fail you. Learn your timing. Learn from experience when to pull out. Then learn everything else.

Then indulge yourself in the gimmicks. Let the ******** that EA allows into some kinda gimp template inform you, but not direct you. You're a mage. You're versatile. You can hold your own in any environment. Even if you don't participate in the gimmicks, you need to know them. A strong understanding of the basics will insure that you are never unevenly matched against them. Not even speedhacks. You can hold your own. If you skipped ahead and didn't learn your basics, you're as good as screwed. You will die, and you won't understand it, and you will blame everyone but yourself. You are doomed to failure. Start from the basics and don't skip.

About 6 months after you start, you should be killing folks. One year or two, you'll be good enough to teach others.

No one said it was easy.

But it ~is~ rewarding.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
By the way, I didn't mention anything about teamwork/leadership.

In my experience, teamwork comes naturally to most. You'll get it. When you get in a guild, they will no doubt have demands on you. They will tell you the uber combo to pull that will obliterate everyone.

Of course, that is all ********. Every guild and every person has a different way to do things. The most important thing is to stay flexible and to know your qualities. Know what you bring to any table. And then have the humility to learn whatever you can.

But none of that is any good without a strong base. Learn your basics. I cannot stress that enough.

Leadership within a group/guild is a completely different thing. Some base that on experience, others know it instinctively from their natural born charisma.

This isn't something that can be taught. The most badass PvPer/Duelist that you've ever met has never been in a guild that lasted longer more than 3 years.

...Why? Because they're arrogant and don't get along with others.

It's inevitable.

Teamwork can be taught. True leadership cannot. Some will get it, 90% will never understand it.

It is something you are born with.

I have met many who had plenty of experience and made all the right decisions/calls. But the way they carried themselves only found them wanting. Their guildmates didn't care for them.

There are many kinds of leadership.

But most people will never have that type of charisma to inspire others to improve, to fight on, to unite.

Don't worry about it.

Focus on improving yourself to be the strongest link in the fence. Worry about teamwork/leadership later.


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
dont mary a jewish man they are clingy and they cry at all times

also they are always argue. they argue about all things. every singl electristy bill comes in they call up the compeny and is YAP YAP YAP WHY IS MY BILL SO BIG and then they say IS BECASE MY IDIOT HUSBAND IS STAND IN FRONT OF FREZER ALL NIGHT EATING ICE CREAM and is maybe true but we have plenty of money, lindee! we can aford such! stop complaining!

good music tho