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[Discussion] 2013 UO Reflections


Crazed Zealot
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As we head towards the end of another year playing this game what was your favorite UO Rare Collector moment for this year? Whatever it is that we do in our daily lives that separates us this one game unites us each night. For some, this goes back 15-16 years. Just simply amazing when you think about it. I am still playing with people who I've never met in real life but known for over a decade and would probably trust some as much as some of my closest friends.

To narrow it down lets just focus on any aspect that has to do with Rare Collecting.

For me, there were many I can think of but the one that pops out would have to be obtaining a particular server birth item (flask) that I've been waiting for many years. I've always admired this particular item and never would have thought it possible that this would come up for sale and by fate when it finally came up for sale I was the first person who saw the posting and responded. The exact moment as it transferred into my backpack was an awesome feeling.

What's yours?
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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Stratics Legend
I have a similar story to your Manticore.

I am an Atlantic based character and enjoy going to EM Events. I remember when I first started collecting rares was around 2009 when EM Nestor was around. My first ever event Item was the 'Garkin's Dream Elixer' and I cherished that little bottle!!

Another instance was when I was fascinated with that Europa Gold Harp: An Ancient Lyre Resembling A Coiled Serpent. At that event I opened up a corpse and saw that beauty- waiting to be grabbed up by a player. As I moved my mouse over to retrieve it from the body of the depraved.... the body vanished. And so after that, I was determined to find and hopefully obtain that special harp. I remember when that harp came forsale here on stratics about a year or two ago. I was so determined to get that beauty and with the help of friend buying my rares, I purchased it. It is now laying in my sacred gardens on my roof in Toad Town.

Now, to answer your question of what is my most memorable memory of this year. It just around August when I got a private message that absolutely made my day. It is a funny thing but in real life, I have arachnophobia and will literally jump out of my skin when it comes to spiders. What is funny is that I absolutely love the design of spiders in the game. When EM Bennu first became the Event Moderator for Atlantic, he held a Spider event. I remember dieing so freaking much that I just gave up on staying alive. I walked around in my death robe hoping to loot a public corpse for a prize. After all of the 'Spider minions', as I called them, died the real bosses came out. They were huge spiders (Navery) with the hue of Ocean Blue. Blue is my favorite color and so I fell in love with those things. It wasn't until way after the event I found out what the event drops for that event were:

A Crystal Idol Of Huuteth The Spider Queen (1)
A Crystal Idol Of Jountaal The Spider Queen (1)
A Crystal Idol Of Dresheth The Spider Queen (1)
A Crystal Idol Of Pthorath The Fallen Spider Princes (1)

Back to the private message. I have been after one of these spiders EVER SINCE THEY CAME OUT!!! I finally got that message and was able to buy one of the unique and fabulous spiders:

A Crystal Idol Of Pthorath The Fallen Spider Princes (1)


Always Present
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I had seen the scaffold at highmoons castle for years and years. It had been the most desired item on my wish list for such a long time... the number one item I have always wanted.
That being said, I should be saying it was my greatest purchase this year. After wanting it for so long to actually have it and search for that special spot to put it because I'd never dared let myself think I could ever get one....

But truthfully theres something else that stands out. My now most cherished item(s). My whispering roses from Pinky and The Brain. Laugh if you must. I LOVE THESE ROSES!!! ZOMG!! When I got Pinky after having The Brain for a while it was like reuniting two long lost loves. *Happiness*

On to 2014!
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Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
This might run a little long, I apologize... lol

I thoroughly enjoy the rares fests. I look forward to them like a child looks forward to Christmas morning. But this year Pacific's rares fest brought forth a set of circumstances that really made it special. First off, I have played since late 1999 (on and off) but had yet to own a castle. And as anyone here can attest, when you start to seriously collect things, space is a premium commodity. My ever growing collection of blaze items, cows, and pies, along with other odds and ends was beginning to burst my home at the seams. And despite an 8 month campaign of shouting every day in the in-game chat on Chesapeake "buying Trammel castle" I could not find one for sale. (As a few people here can attest... I was a little annoying. lol)

My family and I had scheduled a much needed vacation that would take me away from UO from thanksgiving day, until the 7th of December. (I could not wait, I hadn't had a real vacation in years) One day in early november Avery contacted me in-game that he would have a castle for sale. Finally! A castle would be mine! He had to empty the castle first, and it would not be ready until the beginning of December. I explained that I would not be online until after the first week. And he said he would gladly hold it for me. But despite Avery's glowing reputation in the community, in the back of my mind I felt that somehow my not being there wold jeopardize purchasing the castle.

Then came the announcement of Pacific's rares fest. With the looming purchase of the castle I had very little money that I could take to Pac, and only a short few weeks to gather as many sell-able items as possible and get them there. (as well as trying to get everything done before leaving on vacation) I began the process of transferring items and gold to Pacific with the help of some amazing in-game friends (Special shout out to Brianfreud and Meadhbh)

While figuring out the logistics of getting items from Chesapeake and Atlantic to the fest, Avery contacts me via icq and tells me "I am sorry to say the castle will not be ready in December like I had promised". My heart sank. The feeling that yet again a castle had slipped though my fingers. I replied with something like "if you need more time, that is fine, i can wait." His response "it wont be available in December... because it is ready now." !!!!! WOOOT finally got my castle!

In the midst of all this, there was a post on stratics that someone was selling a large collection of EM rares. And in that an item I've wanted since I first laid eyes on it, a blaze candelabra "Tall Golden Heirloom Candelabra of an Ancient Style". A 1/10 item that i figured I would never see for sale. I contacted the seller and even though the price wasn't unreasonable, with the purchase of the castle and having sent most of my remaining funds to Pacific, I just could not afford it.

To bring an end to this lengthy tale: Rares fest begins and I see another "Tall Golden Heirloom Candelabra of an Ancient Style" is in one of the silent auction houses. With an amazing starting bid of 300 mil. I worked my rump off selling at the fest to be sure I could at least bid on the candelabra. And once the dust settled on the insanity of the silent auction, I was the proud owner of that blaze beauty! (plus I picked up some other great blaze items and a handful of rare pies at the fest as well!)

It was truly a great year for me in UO, and I look forward to some more amazing rares fests in 2014!


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Completing my collection of named Pre-AOS Juka bows at some point last January:)

Captn Norrington

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I have been after a blue 1/1 sash named "Champion Of Luna" for years and years, and since it was 1/1 and the owner liked it quite a bit I didn't think I would ever have it, but earlier this year, I finally got a chance to obtain the sash and it is now, and always will be my prized possession in UO. (thank you Goodmann!)
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Queen Arya

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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My most memorable moment was this past Saturday night at the Hoopla2 election night event held on Atlantic nearly 6 months after Toad Town held their rares fest
A player came up to me and said thank you for holding the rares fest they truly enjoyed it.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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2013 has been a bitter sweet roller coaster ride for me with many highs, lows, thrills, and screams. It nearly began with the passing of a great rares collector, rival and friend known on here as Woody. Shortly there after I found myself fall into the role as in-game silent auctioneer, hosting 30 silent auctions, including the ones at both the Pacific and the Atlantic Rares Festivals. I have brokered hundreds of trades, transferred items for many players, and taken the pulse of the game's economic health. I have attended well over 100 events across 25 shards, and been fortunate enough to be rewarded with some items on almost everyone of them. I enjoyed the invasion in the cities, and even stolen some new artifacts from the new dungeons. I grabbed a bag of rare Easter carrots at an idoc, and even killed a few reds at some PvP events. I have accidentally lost and even eaten valuable rares worth over a billion gold. I have voted early and often. I even won the governors race for New Magincia on my home shard twice. I attended Stratics 16th Anniversary on the test center. Yet best of all, by far and wide, I made many new friendships with players from over a dozen countries that I will always treasure. I will end this year with some regrets, well learned lessons, and hopeful about this game's future in 2014. I wish everyone a Happy New Year!
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Getting the last of my collection of Avrey ales of course. Or was that last year? Hopefully next year I will have finished of my collection of the Easter carrots from the 2010 event on Catskills. I now have 30 out of 31 handed out that year. Umm.. Nails you wouldn't happen to have "A Carrot [Blackrock Infected]" in that bag of carrots you found would you? That is the last one I need. I have a spot ready for it now!:



Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Umm.. Nails you wouldn't happen to have "A Carrot [Blackrock Infected]" in that bag of carrots you found would you? That is the last one I need. I have a spot ready for it now!:
I know who does...
(no it's not me..)
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For me it was getting my Enchanted Grandfather Clock Of The Time Lord from an amazing friend. I absolutely love the color blue much like @Alexan
so when I was given this clock I was soo happy ^_^. Another moment would be the moment @Decadence and I became friends :p Shes truely a blessing to be around, and like Manti said this game unites us and I'm so glad it does; because I feel so blessed to have met you all :)

Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy New Years! :pint:
Lets get on to 2014


Lore Keeper
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For me it was getting my Enchanted Grandfather Clock Of The Time Lord from an amazing friend. I absolutely love the color blue much like @Alexan
so when I was given this clock I was soo happy ^_^. Another moment would be the moment @Decadence and I became friends :p Shes truely a blessing to be around, and like Manti said this game unites us and I'm so glad it does; because I feel so blessed to have met you all :)

Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Hanukkah!
Happy New Years! :pint:
Lets get on to 2014
Sadie darnit !!! You always make me cry ! :p I was definitely blessed during 2013 and made very special friends. These friendships extend far beyond UO.

As for rares....special people I have met, are the best ones!!!

Sadie, is genuinely caring, selfless and sweet!! Qualities that are an extremely hard to find. As everyone knows I love lanterns. When one dropped this year at an event, where I completely missed targeting the boss, and was devastated, Sadie GAVE me her lantern. Not many people would do that. She also hid a puppy vest that she knew I wanted in a box under snow and gave me that as a present! These rares are my favorite this year because of the selfless acts of a very special friend. She has also dedicated hours to taking pictures for my website.

Another selfless person to mention is blend. When I missed the buy on a lantern this year, and was upset, Blend offered me his abyssal mesanna lantern. That was Blends favorite lantern, so I turned it down, but the gesture was simply amazing!!! Blend also saw a lantern on a vendor on a random shard that was worth wayyy more than what it was being sold for. He could have picked it up and made a profit, but he told me about it instead.

Piyo has helped always giving me info on rares, for my site and lending me items for pics...

Nails has helped with tons of picture and whenever a really rare rare or unique passed through his hands he would message me to get a pic. He also always gives info on rares and has leant so many rares for pictures.

Manticore has also been vital on my projects and has been a great ear when things were a bit rough in my life this year.

Really, it would take forever if I mentioned all of the special people on this game who has had an impact on me, I would be here forever listing names and things they have done for me.. Please know that if you are a friend of mine, I truly cherish our friendship and appreciate all of the things you do!

Thanks UO for 2013!!! May next year bring us all health, wealth, friendships and happiness!!

-Lady Decadence


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
There are so many to mention! However I made a very good friend this year who is above and beyond awesome. I got to know some people personally and my hugest thing was hosting rares fest on Pacific. I will go into more detail this evening!

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

rares wise I finaly got the hammer that rules them all !
A Smith Hammer Crafter By The Royal Tinker.
Thank you LOTR.
and Lady Kahlan sold Santa's ingot to me.
Thank you Lady Kahlan.

Those two and my old single server birth gold ingot look very good together.

I try to load a pic.
East Scandinavia.jpg

The Scandinavian
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