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[Discussion] Rares Fest Updates


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Hi everyone! I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! Rares fest is shaping up to be one heck of an event. I hope I don't disappoint you guys as a first time host, however I am getting some really good help from the team, Nails of course and Funtony. Not to mention the RP Alliance members who are contributing time and resources. Anyone who would like to donate toward the cost of the fest as far as gold, or door prizes please feel free to contact myself or Funtony. We have the vendor houses already set up, adding in a lil deco here and there, the plots for the THREE silent auction houses hosted by Nails are placed. The ingame auction for low end rares will take place at the RP Alliance Plaza and Auction House in our player town of Sagewind. We are also planning on a tour of homes, HUGE net toss event, and many other events during the week preceding the actual fest. Any ideas or suggestions for events you want to see let us know! This is for you guys and we want it to be as cool as possible. Those of you who have already pledged funds, please contact me at your convenience.


Mother Confessor of R3


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Ok weekly events starting on the 18th so far ...

Summoning game:
make sure to create a new char with enough magery to cast summon creature, we will have some talisman and jewelry sets available for use

Gigantic Net Toss:
how many white nets can we toss at one time? need I say more?

Tour of Homes:
some of the best/most interesting homes on the shard

Forgotten Guilds Memorial:
visiting Nabin's Castle to see all of the recovered guildstones

General Trivia:
quickest fingers count! each question wins a gold check or checks! help fund your rares fest shopping spree!

We are also having a backpack art contest and vendor dress contest, other events to be posted.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where abouts is the location. I made a character on Pacific and had a wonder around and asked in general to no avail.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where abouts is the location. I made a character on Pacific and had a wonder around and asked in general to no avail.
We wont be setting up officially until Tuesday DJ. There is also planned to be a moongate from Luna.