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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This isn't exactly what I expected when I heard tiger mount. But it sure is what I see. Could we possible have a real tiger mount instead of an over-sized house cat?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll say one more thing on the tub and candle tray. I don't mean to sound as if it should be changed because I don't like it. I'm not that important - Hehe.

I'm just saying I think it would be more prized to the whole community if it could be dyed to fit into homes better and support their current color design. I think if you made it so it could be dyed, you'd find folks who would go out of their way to give their homes bathrooms around that tub.
so what your saying is you want it dyeable? :p

Miri of Sonoma

Lore Master
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"City Election Changes
  • Each account may now only vote once per shard."
*sighs* :(
I agree with Aurelius regarding this change. I don't understand the logic behind it at all! My people have their own lives! This just strips away yet another level of immersion :( and I have to say it is starting to get pretty shallow. There are some things in Britannia that it might make sense to "share" (like a soul stone) but a vote isn't one of them. Please find another way.


UO Baja News Reporter
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Campaign Benefactor
16th Anniversary Veteran Rewards

House Add-on Lighthouse – 5 year reward, recovers any ship except rowboats that are linked to the lighthouse.
  • All weapons will be saved
  • House add-ons that currently allow you to dry dock your ship will be saved
  • All other items will be destroyed
  • The ship model can be found in the house moving crate

So this can only be used in a customized house? Last time I checked classic houses do not have moving crates.

WildStar (as a player)


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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I'M GOING TO GET A TIGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
16th Anniversary Veteran Rewards

House Add-on Lighthouse – 5 year reward, recovers any ship except rowboats that are linked to the lighthouse.
  • All weapons will be saved
  • House add-ons that currently allow you to dry dock your ship will be saved
  • All other items will be destroyed
  • The ship model can be found in the house moving crate

So this can only be used in a customized house? Last time I checked classic houses do not have moving crates.

WildStar (as a player)
Pretty sure th do. When a vendor runs out of money it usually drops its contents into the moving crate. You just don't see the moving crate in a classic house as much as a custom one because there's rarely a need to use it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
more testing on dungeon, cant teleport around ,intended? bagballs a no go for this now that its in a dungeon? either way im cool with it. sampire capt. isnt all that bad, he likes to spam spirit speak. some parts of deungeon have rez ankhs,but they dont work or is it just deco?

Haven't personally tested, but curious... are the captains of the same strength as they are currently? I've done the invasion on many shards and bagballs and boats are the way everyone has managed them, even in groups for the most part. If this changes, will people even bother with this?

Acid Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dol'Gorath called it Wildstar. Classic's do have moving crates. Accessed through the house sign. Took me a few months to figure that out when they patched out items under house signs. Couldn't figure out where the hell my stuff went ! (figured it was lost) Ended up finding a couple things in there that I'd written off years ago.

Haven't had time to see/test anything yet(only done invasions 3x), but after 16yrs, thanks for the time/effort all you folks put in to make UO still work. Its appreciated by more then is often apparent ;)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Haven't personally tested, but curious... are the captains of the same strength as they are currently? I've done the invasion on many shards and bagballs and boats are the way everyone has managed them, even in groups for the most part. If this changes, will people even bother with this?
From what I see, they are the same as now. I really think they need to be toned down a bit, specially as this becomes old content in the future no one will ever want to do them because of how hard they hit and how much HP they have. A mob that takes over 30 minutes to kill that is not a boss is not fun.


Stratics Veteran
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Event Coordinator
Campaign Patron
This isn't exactly what I expected when I heard tiger mount. But it sure is what I see. Could we possible have a real tiger mount instead of an over-sized house cat?
I love the cat, but it'll be several years before I can claim one! :(

All the other ethereal mounts are based on mounts that are available as tameables as well. Will there be tameable tigers?!

And will they be decent fighters with pack instinct?!?! I soooo want to take a pack of cats into battle!

*crosses fingers*
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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If Kyronix or Mesanna are reading: I have a question regarding the patch note: Minax artifacts can be found by destroying Minax’s beacons and her minions within Castle Blackthorn Dungeon and also engaging other creatures within.

Does this mean that any mob in the dungeon has a chance to drop Minax Minors or only the red monsters attached to the captains, the captains themselves and the beacons?

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
16th Anniversary Veteran Rewards

House Add-on Lighthouse – 5 year reward, recovers any ship except rowboats that are linked to the lighthouse.
  • All weapons will be saved
  • House add-ons that currently allow you to dry dock your ship will be saved
  • All other items will be destroyed
  • The ship model can be found in the house moving crate
So this can only be used in a customized house? Last time I checked classic houses do not have moving crates.

WildStar (as a player)
Every house as a moving crate even the classic houses.What do you think when a classic house owner loses a vendor?


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
16th Anniversary Veteran Rewards

House Add-on Lighthouse – 5 year reward, recovers any ship except rowboats that are linked to the lighthouse.
  • All weapons will be saved
  • House add-ons that currently allow you to dry dock your ship will be saved
  • All other items will be destroyed
  • The ship model can be found in the house moving crate
So this can only be used in a customized house? Last time I checked classic houses do not have moving crates.

WildStar (as a player)
Just checked... I have a moving crate in my castle.


UO Designer
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If Kyronix or Mesanna are reading: I have a question regarding the patch note: Minax artifacts can be found by destroying Minax’s beacons and her minions within Castle Blackthorn Dungeon and also engaging other creatures within.

Does this mean that any mob in the dungeon has a chance to drop Minax Minors or only the red monsters attached to the captains, the captains themselves and the beacons?
Any in the dungeon.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Golems crafted via the Gadgetry Table, seem to be roughly the same as normally tinkered golems. resistance wise... seems to have more HP, and the obvious capped skills (Wrestling, Tactics, & Resist) as stated in the pub-notes.

Although, when used in combat, they have the ol' Pre-AoS "Health-link" mechanic going on, Meaning when your golem takes damage, you also take a percentage of the damage taken, in some instances if your golem takes a big hit (fire breath) it could end up killing you before your golem dies.

I noticed as my golem took damage my mana depleted before I started to lose HP, is this intended? (I don't remember it taking Mana at all back in the day)

Edit: Tested with 100.0 Tinkering.
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Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Golems crafted via the Gadgetry Table, seem to be roughly the same as normally tinkered golems. resistance wise... seems to have more HP, and the obvious capped skills (Wrestling, Tactics, & Resist) as stated in the pub-notes.

Although, when used in combat, they have the ol' Pre-AoS "Health-link" mechanic going on, Meaning when your golem takes damage, you also take a percentage of the damage taken, in some instances if your golem takes a big hit (fire breath) it could end up killing you before your golem dies.

I noticed as my golem took damage my mana depleted before I started to lose HP, is this intended? (I don't remember it taking Mana at all back in the day)
Ewww gross I remember when golems used to do that. I hope it's an oversight. Also, did you try with GM Tinkering. It's supposed to be more powerful for a tinker.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ewww gross I remember when golems used to do that. I hope it's an oversight. Also, did you try with GM Tinkering. It's supposed to be more powerful for a tinker.
Ahh yes, this was with 100.0 Tinkering, (I knew I forgot to add something to that !)


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, looks like maybe these "improved" golems need to be looked at before this goes to Origin then eh? =O
They seem to be exactly as they were described. I hope you weren't expecting a taming-powered pet without having to have taming.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They seem to be exactly as they were described. I hope you weren't expecting a taming-powered pet without having to have taming.
Not really. It's more the damage link thing that is what I am referring to.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah golems served one purpose in my book,that purpose has been nixed. If this was an attempt at reviving usage,not good enough to justify 100 skills points and 1/day. As for the capts. I don't mind them having same toughness/power but i don't see the players farming up the dungeon like doom.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I knew Blackthorn was hiding something in his basement! ;)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can see the need for something to change in voting, since it was open to a lot of abuse - but I'm not happy at this method, it's another case of clever programming and not developing the game world we are meant to be playing in....

My characters are different people. some have different loyalties to different towns. Now, because you make this 'account wide' change, they can't vote, no matter how involved in a town, if 'someone else' on that account votes. Please stop conflating and confusing the player with the characters, by all means have a minimum requirement of city loyalty if you need it, but don't put yet another 'gap' between the character and the player - remember what the RP bit is in the MMORPG and let the characters be different, no matter who the player is running them.... or is it to be just another game where you steer a set of statistics around in a battle against a spreadsheet, and we ignore the 'character' idea completely... :(
We definitely will have lost something important if this goes through, for the reasons you cite.

Some people play across multiple shards and all those characters have different lives and identities -- on the same shard or different shards.

In a way it's not too far removed philosophically from the "one red all red" proposal and there was a firestorm about that one. Doubt there'll be one now, though. The most-vocal players, not the most-numerous but the most-vocal, are now on the other side of the debate.

-Galen's player


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So the first question that comes to mind is: Will the captains be toned down in difficulty once this enters the dungeon and becomes older content? They are insane right now and eventually when the number of people doing this event drops no one will want to even touch them.
The Captains are quite solo-able, though I've found it to take too long and not be worth it relative to fighting them in a group.

Granted we now know that anything in that dungeon can spawn the Minax Artifacts but, still, the Captains are solo-able.

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"Snow added to the client"

Yeah about the snow? Does anyone know if there is a line that can be altered in the cfg file or somewhere within the UO folder to toggle it OFF? I am not looking forward to coming inside from being blinded by snow, to try and spend some time playing UO being blinded by the snow yet again!!?? =) I'm not trying to be a Scrooge about it or anything I just value my eyesight and don't feel I should be penalized to having to spend all day in it working outside, just to come home and "try" to relax being "forced" by developers to either take a few weeks off until the snow is gone so my eyes won't bleed OR hopefully finding a line tht can be changed in the config file to remove it pretty, pretty please??

I really like the other changes listed. Thanks developers I have enjoyed the Halloween stuff and hopefully some Thanksgiving fun soon too! =)


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I must concur with those displeased with the new vote change and how it trashes the RP nature of having multiple characters. While not perfect, and abuseable, the original system was manageable. The rich will still buy votes, so this only aids the corrupt. Since the Governor system is now 100% RP, why lessen the actual ability to RP?

Regarding the snow... Uhm.. Can we strip the leaves off the deciduous trees or hue them white like they were years ago? The snow looks cheesy in the EC with bright green plants poking through :p
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I must concur with those displeased with the new vote change and how it trashes the RP nature of having multiple characters. While not perfect, and abuseable, the original system was manageable. The rich will still buy votes, so this only aids the corrupt. Since the Governor system is now 100% RP, why lessen the actual ability to RP?

Regarding the snow... Uhm.. Can we strip the leaves off the deciduous trees or hue them white like they were years ago? The snow looks cheesy in the EC with bright green plants poking through :p

I love the snow. Just saying I would LOVE to see true winter though without leaves on trees...... and what I wouldn't give for a spring and fall too!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I was wondering ....... I have questions about the Lighthouse..... Let me see if I understand this right...

I place the lighthouse and then I "Link" my boat to it...... so if I'm gone for more than a week or two from game or neglect to remember that I had my boat out...... and my boat for some reason would "decay" it would then find it way into my house's Moving Crate where I have my lighthouse.... and if I had crap in the hold of my ship that would be gone but if I had guns (cannons) on my boat and a forge or whatever that would be OK...... I'd still have that.

So assuming I'm correct about all that my next question would be.... How many ships can I link to a lighthouse? Is it just the account that I link to it or can I link multiple accounts to the one lighthouse???
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Think I'm going to have to consider the hatchet as a viable weapon now. My Sampire will be very pleased.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I haven't sailed the seas for o'er two-three years since I lost me ship and all the hold contents. That be a lot of crabby patties. Still don't think I be shoving off anytime soon even be I see that lighthouse with me one eye.
