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[Discussion] neon blue leather dye tub


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
are neon blue leather dye tubs legal to sell on this forum???
Yardman ICQ#310851531


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
never heard of them...is that the only colour of the tub??? kinda sounds illegal deffo


Stratics Veteran
never heard of them...is that the only colour of the tub??? kinda sounds illegal deffo
It was one of the old leather tubs that were gained by a bug that allowed you to use normal dyes on the tub to change the colour.

When the patch came in to revert all types of the bugged tubs, it was left with the last colour set, in this case, neon blue and will stay like that unless you try and change the colour...

Legal/not legal is up for debate (not on this forum though I think), and so let the buyer beware! :)


Stratics Veteran
It was one of the old leather tubs that were gained by a bug that allowed you to use normal dyes on the tub to change the colour.

When the patch came in to revert all types of the bugged tubs, it was left with the last colour set, in this case, neon blue and will stay like that unless you try and change the colour...

Legal/not legal is up for debate (not on this forum though I think), and so let the buyer beware! :)
Sorry forgot to say at the end. The reason for legal/not legal debate IMHO, is because technically, all tubs have been fixed by the devs....


Stratics Veteran
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In the past, the neon metal tubs were sold on the forums (that are also now fixed) I wouldn't really consider them being illegal. Unfortunately these tubs along with the neon runebook and metal tubs will eventually be met with a demise as the dev team releases more and more hues via tubs/cleanup dyes/natural dyes. Still a neat item to own currently though. There was a sigil leather tub on atl for 150mil just last week.. be a neat option for a crafter to brand his goods.


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Technically, they already did fix neon runebook dye tubs, although noone outside of the Japanese shards seems to have realized it. There's a reason almost
every "neon" runebook sold these days is one of a certain number of colors...