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[Discussion] Community Warning on Dupes


Social Distancing Since '97
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This is a reminder: Dupe detection DOES NOT WORK for event items.

I have seen ALOT of these Sphinx's for sell on Stratics + on vendors. I have also seen friends buy them, not realizing how duped they are.

Please shop safe


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First you reply to my thread discrediting how I obtained an item, then you write this. Do you really think people forgot about duping? LOL


Social Distancing Since '97
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First you reply to my thread discrediting how I obtained an item, then you write this. Do you really think people forgot about duping? LOL
Do you really think people forgot the Sphinxs have been on vendors for 175m over and over for the past week?


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And yet 1 sold yesterday for 500M right here on stratics. I guess they must have missed all the ones on vendors LOL.


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I'm sure the person who bought was well aware, after all it was a NAILS Auction. Next you will say there are 2 Story Statues and Marble Tables on vendors also. There will always be duped items that you nor I could tell which was real or who had original. I guess we need to stop the Rares thread then as a good portion of it are known duped items.


Social Distancing Since '97
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You are the one getting quite upset we are pointing out just how duped these statues are.


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I got upset at the fact that you TROLLED my thread to discredit everything I said, then posted this.


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There was a ton of them from a recent idoc on europa. Somone yesterday was selling them for 125m via gen chat and there were a couple at 175m on vendors, again on europa.


Always Present
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The dupers win again.............


Always Present
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Untill the Devs get tough..and i mean tough and delete all dupes and dont bother to listen to people moaning....then the rares commuinty WILL keep supporting the dupers duping there dupes in mass numbers and turning a blind eye to the fact they are buying dupes get something they want.

one cannot survive without the other!! [END OF] :next:whatever
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Always Present
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Untill the Devs get tough..and i mean tough and delete all dupes and dont bother to listen to people moaning....then the rares commuinty WILL keep supporting the dupers duping there dupes in mass numbers and turning a blind eye to the fact they are buying dupes get something they want.

one cannot survive without the other!! [END OF] :next:whatever

bump...and get real....

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
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I got upset at the fact that you TROLLED my thread to discredit everything I said, then posted this.
Promathia has played a great role in this Rares Community and all he is doing is simply looking out for the rest of us. Of course there are duped items but not everyone is aware of it, especially within the past couple of weeks where ALOT have shown up from "IDOCS" and what not. So yes he can post on a thread concerning a sphinx, and yes he can make everyone aware of the current boom of these items. It isn't considered trolling, it is simply an action to make this community aware of what's going on. And if it does effect the sale of someone's 500m sphinx then so be it. I personally would rather see a duped item sell for less rather than see someone in our community get screwed out of their hard earned gold.

Blue Fly

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If anyone doesn't know all of the above by now, I would be very surprised! How often do we need to be reminded? Anyone with counting sticks can see how many have been for sale recently, which exceeds the drop count exponentially.

While this is a nice reminder, and I'm sure posted with only good intentions for player safety, this is like pounding sand with one hand, and beating a dead horse with the other.

Untill the Devs get tough.. [END OF] :next:whatever
THP- I am ALL FOR the deletion of ALL duped items, and I would not quit or cry about it. But people would quit and cry about it... impacting Origin's bottom line. What % of the people/accounts can they afford to lose with out shutting the whole thing down? Who wants to roll those dice on a % since its not predictable? We potentially lose a game, they definitely lose jobs from the revenue loss. A 1 or 2 day roll back on ATL makes people crazy enough...

Blue Fly

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Promathia has played a great role in this Rares Community and all he is doing is simply looking out for the rest of us. Of course there are duped items but not everyone is aware of it, especially within the past couple of weeks where ALOT have shown up from "IDOCS" and what not. So yes he can post on a thread concerning a sphinx, and yes he can make everyone aware of the current boom of these items. It isn't considered trolling, it is simply an action to make this community aware of what's going on. And if it does effect the sale of someone's 500m sphinx then so be it. I personally would rather see a duped item sell for less rather than see someone in our community get screwed out of their hard earned gold.
How can you prove his isn't a real one? I mean the person making them had to have access to a real one at some point I would assume... Just another reason this discussion is pretty much pointless. Its a problem but there is not a solution.


Always Present
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How can you prove his isn't a real one? I mean the person making them had to have access to a real one at some point I would assume... Just another reason this discussion is pretty much pointless. Its a problem but there is not a solution.
The point isn't if this [one] specific item is real or not.


Social Distancing Since '97
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I know, how could it be proven for ANY Rare or EM Item? There are real ones and duped ones and no one can tell the difference...
Considering there was only 1 "Sphinx" Statue, it is very easy to tell which one are dupes.

Also, noone mistake the one in my house for these Sphinx dupes, as mine has a completely separate name.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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I am ok with this thread poping up every once in awhile. There are plenty of new traders coming into our community

Instead of a thread like this turning into a he said she said personal attack feeding frenzy.

I would prefer a more structured system that says "Alert" do to the sudden increase of these items it might have been duped or a notice of a total verification.

There are plenty of duped items still pulling gold and really its just because we knowingly choose to pay the prices.

There are a couple of deco items I like to have to tag my property with that run a couple hundred mil I know they have been duped. It's my choice to pay what I feel is reasonable. I don't however pay stupid money for them at the current market prices.

If they all got deleted after years of my ownership do to them being duped. I would say fine, I enjoyed them while they were around. The one or two though that didn't delete out of the dozens I had, Now those are going to be worth a pretty penny :)


Always Present
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I am ok with this thread poping up every once in awhile. There are plenty of new traders coming into our community

Instead of a thread like this turning into a he said she said personal attack feeding frenzy.

I would prefer a more structured system that says "Alert" do to the sudden increase of these items it might have been duped or a notice of a total verification.

There are plenty of duped items still pulling gold and really its just because we knowingly choose to pay the prices.

There are a couple of deco items I like to have to tag my property with that run a couple hundred mil I know they have been duped. It's my choice to pay what I feel is reasonable. I don't however pay stupid money for them at the current market prices.

If they all got deleted after years of my ownership do to them being duped. I would say fine, I enjoyed them while they were around. The one or two though that didn't delete out of the dozens I had, Now those are going to be worth a pretty penny :)
No one better dupe my vegetables!

Pickaxe Pete

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I personally would rather see a duped item sell for less rather than see someone in our community get screwed out of their hard earned gold.
The warning came hours too late for me and others.

But as mentioned in the other thread, I see this item holding its value fairly well because it appeals to PVP types of personalities. Look at the other items that appeal to that crowd -- all duped to high heaven and still worth a ton.

I bet this is blown out of perportion if anything, this is probably still very rare. Maybe all of ONE or TWO made it onto a vendor. Oops. :) All gossip imo. Maybe even just someone trying to lower the price with rumors, it's worked before.

Blue Fly

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Considering there was only 1 "Sphinx" Statue, it is very easy to tell which one are dupes.

Also, noone mistake the one in my house for these Sphinx dupes, as mine has a completely separate name.
Please enlighten me on how to tell the diff? Other than someone selling more than 1... And also the Devils SUCK! :p


Always Present
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Please enlighten me on how to tell the diff? Other than someone selling more than 1... And also the Devils SUCK! :p
I think he means he knows where the original one is so the rest must be dupes.
Like those mummy bandages. I was so excited to loot one for myself.
Then a year later I went to trade it for something more fitting my collection only to be told they were "duped to hell and back".
Well, mine wasn't. Got no proof of that. But yea, mine isn't duped. *shrugs* Still have it. Locked down right next to a replica one. It's worth more to me because I know mine is "real".

Blue Fly

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I think he means he knows where the original one is so the rest must be dupes.
Like those mummy bandages. I was so excited to loot one for myself.
Then a year later I went to trade it for something more fitting my collection only to be told they were "duped to hell and back".
Well, mine wasn't. Got no proof of that. But yea, mine isn't duped. *shrugs* Still have it. Locked down right next to a replica one. It's worth more to me because I know mine is "real".

Now that is interesting! I wonder if we find the "real one" we find a duper?

Kylie Kinslayer

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Call me naive, but I doubt if anyone can say there is nothing in their collection that is not a dupe for a 100% fact. Unless of course everything in someone's collection are only things that have dropped in their pack personally *shrugs*

Pickaxe Pete

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Now that is interesting! I wonder if we find the "real one" we find a duper?
Good question! I remember back in the hayday of duping (2008? again going on rumor because I had no clue how to dupe myself) people were shuttering their museums for fear someone would come in and dupe everything... others were convinced that you would need to actually own the item first....


Social Distancing Since '97
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Good question! I remember back in the hayday of duping (2008? again going on rumor because I had no clue how to dupe myself) people were shuttering their museums for fear someone would come in and dupe everything... others were convinced that you would need to actually own the item first....

Lol, the only reason people shut their musuems were if they had stuff that their vendor wore, and that was during doggy duping.

In order to dupe an item, you DO need it in your backpack.


Always Present
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Correct. Wearables were duped during doggy dupes. Lots of reputable people tried putting away their rare equipable items at the time.
Once the blue shrouds started pouring out it was the end of an era really. I remember the blue shroud drama like it was yesterday.
Now we don't think too much of it. At least I don't. I own a glacial spellbook. I got it as a gift. Should I hang my head in shame?
Some think I should.
*shrugs* I have it locked on a teleporter in one of my Luna houses so when I am giving directions people know what teleporter to take.
I don't think that makes me a bad person. I don't think it makes me any less of a reputable trader.
What I don't understand (STILL) is why these sphynxes are still selling for so much (100-200M) I can get a 1 of 20 item for about that.
Are these some sort of status symbol?

Pickaxe Pete

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What I don't understand (STILL) is why these sphynxes are still selling for so much (100-200M) I can get a 1 of 20 item for about that.
Are these some sort of status symbol?
No idea but they have sold for 400m to 1.8billion, some as recently as the last couple of days toward the lower end of my figure (400-500+ range). I thought 400 was a good deal based on deals closed right here on Stratics. (I just googled site:stratics.com sphinx and until this thread popped up yesterday, 400+ seemed like the going rate, now everyone's talking less... not sure why, what changed in the last couple days?)


Always Present
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I dunno Sneaky Pete. I am not "in the loop" on such activities. I, like you, are one of the last to know.
I just got lucky that I didn't particularly like this rare.

Pickaxe Pete

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- shushu sold a sphinx for 550mil on 8/21/13 to The Turk for 550mil. Also received offer for 700mil from aochan. link.
- Nails Warstein sold a sphinx to Alcestis for 500mil on 9/21/13. Link.
- Pickaxe Pete bought a sphinx for 400mil from Obs Knight LNR on 9/21/13. Link.
- Goodmann sold a sphinx for 500mil to unknown buyer on 9/8/13. Link. (Although post is now edited, Google cache has the selling price listed still. Link.)
- Goodmann sold a sphinx for 500mil on 6/25/12 to unknown buyer. Link.

I could go on. As you can see there are no "alerts" in those threads and the prices are a lot higher than the small money I am seeing discussed in this thread. As I said elsewhere, I think this is all just hype trying to drive down prices. Values are as posted, actual sales.


Always Present
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We are all aware of the sales. That doesn't mean that there wasn't a recent "influx" of them.
Why would people create hype to drive down the price? Wasn't there originally just one of these items (with this specific name?)
There must be some substance to the story sinice three of them sold in September already.

Kylie Kinslayer

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... not sure why, what changed in the last couple days?)
A few days ago (I want to say Wed. range) someone posted here on Stratics they had 5 Sphinx Statues to auction off, along with another em item that they had like 3 of or so. In that thread a few folks were already crying foul. Then a few hours later another thread came up on a shard traders board about someone else having 2 of them for sale. Then to top it off someone on Atlantic was spamming in gen chat about have 2 for sale (that could have been one of the two folks already selling them)...... Once the crowd pushed the person saying they had 5 for sale they first changed their story and said 5 was a typo that they only had 1. Shortly after that I think the thread got deleted. But, the cat was already confirmed out of the bag at that point and prices started plummeting.

Pickaxe Pete

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A few days ago (I want to say Wed. range) someone posted here on Stratics they had 5 Sphinx Statues to auction off, along with another em item that they had like 3 of or so. In that thread a few folks were already crying foul. Then a few hours later another thread came up on a shard traders board about someone else having 2 of them for sale. Then to top it off someone on Atlantic was spamming in gen chat about have 2 for sale (that could have been one of the two folks already selling them)...... Once the crowd pushed the person saying they had 5 for sale they first changed their story and said 5 was a typo that they only had 1. Shortly after that I think the thread got deleted. But, the cat was already confirmed out of the bag at that point and prices started plummeting.
1) I don't think we can trust that whoever this mysterious person was actually had them for sale. It's also very possible this was just one person or person(s) trying to sell the same statuette(s) using various venues rather than an actual abundance of the item.
2) I have not seen any offers posted on here at these supposed plummeting prices.

Value of item is still as posted. It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay. :) The sales speak for themselves.
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Always Present
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Well you also have to take into account you got an item for 400M that was running around 800M just a month ago. That was the first tip off. I mean I like half off sales and buy one get one offers just as much as the next girl, hell that's how I get most of my shoes, but you're even posting yourself that you got a bargain.
I don't think anyone is trying to hurt you. You bought the item at a price you were happy with. Be glad in that and enjoy your item.
I think the warning is more for others who may be on the market for such an item and not realizing the status.


Long Live The Players
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Enjoy the game, be happy with your purchases, be happy with your sells, appreciate any insight someone is willing to share with you, disregard anything you dont adamantly agree with.

This is a community that we are all apart of and that in of itself is special enough considering how old this game is.

Assume everything is duped and let all your worries melt away. :)

Pickaxe Pete

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Assume everything is duped and let all your worries melt away. :)
Well, that's probably pretty close to the truth with very few exceptions! :)

Thanks for the other advice, I better ignore this thread, it's making me crazy. :) See you all somewhere else.
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Kylie Kinslayer

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2) I have not seen any offers posted on here at these supposed plummeting prices.

Value of item is still as posted. It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay. :) The sales speak for themselves.
I agree with you there.

I did find the two threads I was talking about though but it was a little longer ago than I thought. Both happened on 9/11.



Manti even chimed in on one of them with this:
all, i don't understand if people have short term memory or what but it has been stated many times in recent months that this item has been duped many times. There are probably between 50-100 out there.

All of that combined seemed to put the prices in the tank for them though imo.


Social Distancing Since '97
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The Sphinx statue was one of a kind. ANY others are a CLEAR SIGN its duped. So when you buy a dupe, one you should know off the bat IS a dupe, you run the risk of there being MANY MORE out there.

As with the Sphinx, there are MANY now out there.


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Remembering back to the 2008 duping, most remember the robes being turned into monks robes. however i also remember Alot of the glacial was deleted. not sure if this was via some sort of code, or "on sight" by a gm. by then i had sold most my glacial (which i found laying on the ground in some random fellucca woods) and also learned that glacial pants do not cut up into cloth (they poof under scissors) I only kept one unblessed glacial spellbook, which i still have but feared it would also be deleted as many of the other were.

What im getting at is, specific items become "high risk" for one reason or another. The GMs decide they dont like something, such as ethy clothing or the robes at the time and it can be targeted for deletion.
Id love to see another major targeted delete just to strike some fear back into the community.

*PS So whats this cleanup points exploit? nvrmind i take it back i like paying 3 mil for a 250,000 item.


Always Present
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The Sphinx statue was one of a kind. ANY others are a CLEAR SIGN its duped. So when you buy a dupe, one you should know off the bat IS a dupe, you run the risk of there being MANY MORE out there.

As with the Sphinx, there are MANY now out there.

The devs need to get tough and get tough fast!! ...simple...delete them all.... turn em to dust...no moaning ...no arguements....*poof* [end]


Crazed Zealot
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There are very few true unique items left in this game. I would say no more than 300 (compared to potentially thousands of possible rare items out there its really a small %). A majority of them were created back in the Seer days and Mesanna special events. A few were introduced during EM events throughout the seasons, accidental grabs, and other illegal means that GMs in today's world have forgotten their legality or its not on their "radar" of things to do. Of those 300 or so items, majority of them are owned by a few collectors and they horde them with absolute discrimination. Trying to pry one of those out of their hands is nearly impossible. To these collectors, they assumed everything else 1 of 2s, or more have the potentially of being duped because that side of the world duping has been and still is ongoing and totally uncontrollable but they still continue to collect because they are for the lack of a better word "pretty". At the end, isn't that what we collectors do? Collect? :D However, I do agree that posting about it and reminding the community from time to time about the history of our great 16 years of gaming community profession is only a good thing. I am just amazed that we have 16 years of history already!!!!!!!
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Babbling Loonie
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There are very few true unique items left in this game. I would say no more than 300 (compared to potentially thousands of possible rare items out there its really a small %). A majority of them were created back in the Seer days and Mesanna special events. A few were introduced during EM events throughout the seasons, accidental grabs, and other illegal means that GMs in today's world have forgotten their legality or its not on their "radar" of things to do. Of those 300 or so items, majority of them are owned by a few collectors and they horde them with absolute discrimination. Trying to pry one of those out of their hands is nearly impossible. To these collectors, they assumed everything else 1 of 2s, or more have the potentially of being duped because that side of the world duping has been and still is ongoing and totally uncontrollable but they still continue to collect because they are for the lack of a better word "pretty". At the end, isn't that what we collectors do? Collect? :D However, I do agree that posting about it and reminding the community from time to time about the history of our great 16 years of gaming community profession is only a good thing. I am just amazed that we have 16 years of history already!!!!!!!
Weee, I personally only own 1 "unique" item, and it's not even a good one.. but there is only 1!! Should I ever part with it, it will become Manti's due to him being a great friend and helped me a a lot in rares collecting.

Oh wait, back to the topic, Sphinx... don't like it, hehe.

Captn Norrington

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I just assume anything that has ever been sold, has been duped, if a duper see's a cool item, and knows they can make hundreds of billions duping it (like the sphinx) they aren't going to mind paying 10x what the item is worth, and as a seller, of course the person is going to accept the offer that's 10x the amount anyone else will pay. the absolute only way to 100% know an item has not been duped, is if it is a 1/1 item, and you were the person that won it originally.