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[Discussion] Rare collectors


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to become a rare's collector but i would need advice in how to go about it as i dont have much of a clue hehe sorry to bother all you guys/gals but please leave me any comments as all would be read with an open mind


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Depends on the type of rare collector you want to be....

1. Some people go to tons of events, having toons on each shard, and collect that way. Then Sell the ones you don't want to get gold for the ones you do want.

2. Go to auctions and try to get steals. A lot of the time, people have no idea what an items value is, if you can get it for a cheap price, and resell at a later date, quick profit.

3. Do some IDOCs, you can find interesting things there. Might be enough to get you off your feet if you don't have characters that are good for event item earning (IE: Gargl thrower + Mystic/Gargl thrower + Anything)

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Welcome to the world of rares collecting, Drew.

Probably your first step is to decide if you would like to have a theme or themes to your collection, choose to collect items that will look cool in your house or some combination of both. Some more common themes are item themes such as someone who might collect sashes, another might collect whispering roses and still another might collect footwear. Another type of theme is an intellectual theme such as collecting torture/evil items, items related to smithing, Mesanna fandom or all things blood related. You don't have to have a theme, but many folks will come across what gets them excited and choose to pursue it.

After that, be realistic about your finances. It may be difficult to get the higher end items from the start so be okay with starting small. There are many less expensive themes you can try to collect that can still be formidable and impressive. Remember to build your collection for your enjoyment and not to compete with others. Many new collectors can get burned out by some folks with more gold or the fact their collection isn't as impressive as someone else. Seriously, just squash that notion now. I have many rares in my home and the ones that i have gotten the most enjoyment out of collecting are all under 20m. It isn't my items that might be worth a billion that make me excited when I obtain them... it is finding an item that I didn't have for what some might call lower end collections. I'm so proud of those collections and I imagine if we did a poll most folks could care less about them and might even roll their eyes. The point being I'm proud of them. Try to instill that pride in yourself and don't get burned out.

If you have any questions about collecting, feel free to ask.

P.S. Only bump your posts at the most once a day. If everyone starts bumping their posts every few hours than this forum will go down in competitive flames and this ol' dragon will start breathing fire.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is really key.

Never get scared of others collections orquit because of it.
Do your best with what you have. Always remember that you come from no-rares, and what you have is more than most.

When you see big museums and such, just remember a lot of the time, those people have been collecting rares for a lot longer, have had people help them, and/or is a groups collection.
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks you for all that i was going to strat small anyway may as well spend a lot of time doing it than go high and end up with nothing lol

and regarding the bumps that was my 1st ever sale so i still have a lot to learn about forums hehe and thanks again for advice


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
While I'm sure Kylie is kidding (to some degree), you don't have to be rich to collect things. I collect a lot of things that are in most cases relatively inexpensive. Being a rares collector does not mean you just collect event items, there are many many many different types of things that no longer spawn that a lot of us collect.

For example, I started off collecting old footwear. While I may have branched out to other things I have never deviated from my goal when it comes to said footwear. Many of us have been collecting for so long that we will often sell some of our prized items (everyone except Manticore, he collects all) in order to afford something new or even to change the theme entirely for our collections. Part of the fun, at least for me, is changing things up and even the long and sometimes tedious process of trying to find something to complete a set.

A couple of things to add to Kylie's list:

3. do IDOC's
4. Win items at Events
5. If you do not like the item you win, sell it
6. Buy something you do like

I suggest checking out a few museums, that may help you decide what sort of collector you'd like to be.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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While I'm sure Kylie is kidding (to some degree), you don't have to be rich to collect things.

Of course. Was in a clowning around mood this morning and did not have much time to respond (as usual hehe).

Some very helpful posts here since then tho. I also agree it all depends on your personal taste. I personally lean more towards the collection of older things as a full set (bells, statues, masks, snowmen etc). While they are not worth tons of gold I get some satisfaction in preserving all of the names of older things. I use the gold from any event drops to feed that addiction. Thankfully when it comes to that type of collector things have gotten much easier. What used to take hours and hours in looking through endless vendors now only takes a few seconds.

When I was starting out I found it beneficial to check out others places and museums to get an idea of what direction I wanted to go.... AND... for motivation in continuing on with it. For me it was not a competition type thing, more of an admiration type thing. I would see all they had amassed and it would drive me to continue that walk towards preserving history in some small way.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
This is the best thread ive seen in months, and wish there were ones like it alot more often. The world of rares can be confusing, even intimidating to get into. The key is just to start and see where it takes you. i only got into rares 4 or 5 years back, and started very small. My collection is mostly for deco purposes, and wearables. Anything "evil" (bones and blood and evil power, that sort of thing) as well as a relatively new "magical garden" theme ive started.
I started tho with simple things like prepatch named shipwreck skulls, old double exceptional armor with evil sounding crafting names, bone containers and worked up from there.
A little gold of course helps, but not every rare is millions upon millions of gold (you wouldnt think it from these forums)
Don't hesitate to ask here about affordable rares, be it prepatch double exceptional armor or clothing, wispering roses or aos items, or an items origin that you arent sure about. Most here will be happy to help a new collector with enthusiasm. :)

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Don't hesitate to ask here about affordable rares, be it prepatch double exceptional armor or clothing, wispering roses or aos items, or an items origin that you arent sure about.
Agreed. One of the main things you can do to protect yourself as you are starting out is check this area:


There are a couple of threads there on False rares. Some folks make tons of gold scamming others with some of these things and tagging them as 'Event Items' or 'WOW! REALLY RARE' on their vendors.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for all this imput i have taken all of this information in :D and would like to see some collections if someone could point me in the right direction.

i read that post about the false "RARE" items and am sorry to say i bought one lol well you live and learn but i am very grateful for all this help i am getting and lets hope i can be a half decent collector :D

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
I would say have fun at the EM events, where you might get a rare drop, you can learn a lot of the history and really understand why it is a rare and what the meaning of the rare item is. The Meaning just makes it more special and you will be building your knowledge for the future when you might afford some of those high end items.

I agree it is good to start a collection style. There are plenty of "low end" rares out their to get started with. Being a rares collector really has nothing to do with the value of the items but more in regards to what you are interested in.

Case in point. I like to collect Guildstones as they represent a certain history I like. They really are not that valuable but I enjoy collecting them and that all that really maters :party:

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yeah, live and learn is the name of the game lol.

Mine is not a high end collection but you can feel free to check it out. I am on Atlantic. From downtown Umbra take the West road out of town. Once you go thru the first little area of trees I am the 3rd and 4th houses to the South side of the road. One of them has a large KK rxh on the roof. That one is open to the public for now. The other is being stocked for a future open. There are white books locked in front of most of the collections giving the names etc. The stack of backpacks in front of the Snowmen and the White gift box on the roof are able to be looked in as well, I do not have room in the house to display them and they will be part of my second house once it opens.

Also there are some nice places to visit here: http://stratics.com/community/threads/display-your-museum.196550/


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah i don't know what to collect yet will have to have a look at people's collections and make my mind up that way but low end is all i can afford at the moment so low end it is but no matter what it will still be fun

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some ideas of collections that you can find your items starting at under 500k.

Items of "_____ of exceptional quality"
Blackrock infected boxes
Whispering roses
Alcohol (you can start with liquor that still spawns and build from there.)
Prepatch shipwreck items (Gold titled full name)
Prepatch Facing Deeds
Old Moonstones - collect all the colors/facets
Edition Books from the gargoyle quest (Not rare per this forum, but something you could start without buying anything)
Food items - several asian event items that are fairly inexpensive to start such as burned cake, big chocolate muffin, etc.
Halloween candy.

Keep in mind this forum is dedicated to primarily items that no longer spawn so if it still spawns you'll need to post on your shard trade thread.

Good luck with your collection!

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a rather nice collection you have there

Thank you. Tell you what. If you have time c'mon back to the house. I have a set of the first year snowglobes (2000) you can have if you want. Been trying to sell them as a set but not been fetching my asking price. May as well donate them to someone who would truly appreciate them and not just turn them in for points.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
I loved collecting double exceptional items. Or Blessed items. Then I kicked it up a notch and started looking for made by named Double exceptional. Like you would an artist or craftsman from the old days if you were interested in their work. Challenge, fun, and not to pricy
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The Turk

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thank you. Tell you what. If you have time c'mon back to the house. I have a set of the first year snowglobes (2000) you can have if you want. Been trying to sell them as a set but not been fetching my asking price. May as well donate them to someone who would truly appreciate them and not just turn them in for points.
and i can arrange their transfer to europa :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On the very top of this thread "Archives" Make sure you visit there frequently. That's where your journey should begin. It's a lot to take in at first, granted it contains 15+ years worth of histories so it will take you a few times to read and re-read then re-read some more. All the posts above mine have given great advices. Basically, you'll end up like the rest of us, i.e. make many mistakes along the way, change your themes many times over, redecorate your house many times over, never satisfy with your collection, and during this whole time have one heck of a fun time doing it!

Most importantly, when in doubt, ask questions!!!!!!

1. If you have time, ask the question here.
2. If you want a quick answer, ask 2-3 people over icq. Never just trust 1 person's opinion.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah i would take the snow globes and not sell on or throw away for points but i would need on europa and couldn't afford the transfer's at the moment but they would be displayed lovingly :D


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks manticore i will have a read once i have finished looking at your collections lol

The Turk

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
yeah i would take the snow globes and not sell on or throw away for points but i would need on europa and couldn't afford the transfer's at the moment but they would be displayed lovingly :D
ill xfer some things to europa next week i can xfer them for you :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For museums on your shard, Thor has one of the best musuems on Europa. It is located in a traditional tower in Ter Mur, go South East from the Ter Mur moongate about 3-4 screens down


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks The turk i am grateful for your help would be a grate start to a collection,

and i will go to europa one next :D

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
Lots of folks transfer around during the rares fests that take place a few times a year. Its a great opportunity to get gold to the shard of your choice and bring home items later if you are not in a rush.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah i would take the snow globes and not sell on or throw away for points but i would need on europa and couldn't afford the transfer's at the moment but they would be displayed lovingly :D
I'll see what I have on Europa this evening for you.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i heard about the rare's fest but i was a bit poor at the last one and wasn;t really thinking of collecting rare but my mind shifted so i will be at the next one with a bit f gold to spend fingers crossed

and i haven;t got ubber gold to buy items on europa atm but ill see what you have flutter


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i have seen something that i do like AOS clothing but is it still around like for sale


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thanks manticore i will have a read once i have finished looking at your collections lol
Eww, I should have told you not to go see his first!

BUT, if event items are your thing than you'll be hard pressed to find a better (not to say that he doesn't collect other things, EM items are just the vast majority).

Also check out:

The Glowing Orb (Lake Superior, dominantly Seer items and Serverbirths)
Courage's museum (Baja, other side of Umbra from Manticore, Seer items)

Also check out this thread if you'd like to see screenshots and locations of some of the finest museums UO has to offer.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i have been to see manticore's museum and i am impressed very much so :D and i aspire to something like that in years to come but now i really have to find something to collect hehe not too pricey but nice
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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well thanks to all who have had an input in this discussion i have seen many collections now and forget the AOS stuff i have seen items about blood/death that i like and may pursue that just have to read the archive which kylie pointed out to me earlier :D
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Colorblind Collector
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Stratics Legend
First and foremost is to max out all your toon slots on every shard. Holiday rewards are just around the corner and you can log in every character to get the set. You have to be old enough to get them most of the time. There are sometimes "rare" items in the common collection of items.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It isn't account age... it's character age. So you can't make a character after gifts are given and then get one. Your character has to be made 30 days in advance.

Good idea Pfloyd


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you. Tell you what. If you have time c'mon back to the house. I have a set of the first year snowglobes (2000) you can have if you want. Been trying to sell them as a set but not been fetching my asking price. May as well donate them to someone who would truly appreciate them and not just turn them in for points.
sorry it took a while but i have just looked at them snow globes on your roof and they look awsome


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
yeah i have had a look at a few and what i saw i loved thanks again to all who had input
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