Seriously. It's as though EA doesn't want my money.
You are not alone. I can only suggest that folk write EA Corporate. The Stockholder Communication is what I wrote and I let them know how I felt in a nice pleasant manner and explained my love for UO and how I felt about the billing system changes as well as the Origin store. I also let them know that I felt it was costing them WAY more than it's saving... since many folk have just given up and walked away. I told them I don't think they have any idea how many people they have turned away and that this is in large part one of the reasons they are rated the WORST company. And told them if they wanted to improve customer service they should all be made to watch the Disney video I had to watch when I worked for Holiday Inn Gateway Center... There is no better video about Customer Service Excellence. It ought to be mandatory viewing for anyone who provides services, no matter what those services might be.How I wish we had the old system...
I could actually see when my account turned off ! The new system with its CC hastles is totally peeving me off.
Absolutely.....I do need al of this info at my finger tips how about you?
^^^^^^^^^If you are experiancing difficulty and want to express your unhappiness or talk to someone in regards to either the Billing or the Origin store than I suggest you do what I did which is write to those in "charge" ..... I wrote to EA's Board of Directors.... And received a letter back from this fellow Kyle Cooper who wants more input on what exactly people are having troubles with exact case #'s and information. So if you have any of that and want to share it with someone higher up at EA who might take notice if more of us wrote then go for it... you can write to:
[email protected]
Standard 'screw the customer' international bank practice. If banks did credits first and then debits they'd lose a fortune in unauthorised overdrafts they'd created by their own practices.I am not sure if it's the new billing system or my bank but either way I abhor the way it's done now. I have one account/debit card that all I do is online stuff with. I keep very limited funds in that account just in case it is compromised and someone gets the info, at least then they can not wipe it out. But last month EA hit the account as the pre-authorization deal. So the bank shows it as a $12.99 withdrawl. I had $15 in there at the time and figured no big deal. Would transfer some in a few days. Well 7 days later (I think it is) EA comes to get that $12.99 and problems ensure...... It seems the $12.99 for the preautho was held off to the side and earmarked for EA, BUT when they came to get the actual $12.99 it takes from the account its self. With the pre autho $12.99 off to the side the actual available balance was $2.01 so there was an overdraft. According to my bank when everything for that day runs they run deposits first, then debits and then credits to the account. They consider it a credit to the account when EA comes back to get the $12.99 that has been ear marked for them in the first place. It seems to me if that $12.99 was already pre authoed and earmarked for EA then THAT should be the $12.99 they actually get, there should not have to be an additional $12.99 for them to get. It sucked and cost me $35 and now I will keep a little more in there but it is BEYOND messed up like that.
Absolutely no argument outta me on that one. They definitely find any way they can to squeeze more and more out of customers.Standard 'screw the customer' international bank practice. If banks did credits first and then debits they'd lose a fortune in unauthorised overdrafts they'd created by their own practices.
Oh how many times they have burned me in that one... Or made my balance negative when it's really not so I can't use my money the day before I get paid because they have put in charges they autobill the next day on the day before I get paid so my balance looks bad before they add in my pay. Very irritating..... especially when you KNOW you have money in there and you can't use it to buy supper or anything because they set your bill pay stuff to pay before you get paid.Standard 'screw the customer' international bank practice. If banks did credits first and then debits they'd lose a fortune in unauthorised overdrafts they'd created by their own practices.