Coming from a Modder's Perspective:
First off, if you have Pinco's installed right now, even if Pinco pulls the website and hosting down due to financial issues, unless they significantly change the EC's UI, update database numbers, or otherwise make the current UI setup incompatible with the client, Pinco's UI will continue to work. The only probalems that will occur is that any outstanding bugs in the UI will not be fixed, the UI as stated is susceptible to being "broken" via client patch, or tooltip info may go out of date if they change mods around (such as they did for item resists recently). So let's not panic completely about the loss of the UI itself.
Next, if you have NOT tried modding a UI, then you do not understand the amount of time it can take to create one. My own work was limited to the texture and XML files that displayed them. Even this took weeks' worth of time to replace each texture to one I wanted to use, fine tune each texture to fit in the space allotted, work with the code to place each item accordingly for the best look (the Third Dawn container textures were probably the single most difficult), recode areas as necessary to work properly, and then fine tune literally pixel by pixel to clean up anything that looked a bit off. Then in many cases, especially in the early days of Pinco's I'd find myself back at square one having to rework everything to work with the changes made to the base UI package. Pinco has a lot more work to do considering the LUA work to create the advanced scripts used in the UI and then adding in entirely new portions including new textures and the calls to them. This is a LOT of work and time that most UI modders do entirely unpaid expect by possible donations. Basically, it can be considered that a modder in the middle of a project will come home from their real job only to start and work just as many hours on the modding "job". So it's understandable why Pinco would rely on the donations even if it's only to keep hosting up to date for the site that hosts the UI and addons.
Finally, I'm not sure if any modders are really left (unless they simply do not post here or advertise their work in any way) that have a positive view on the future of the game. Even after GrimmOmen left, there have been more rounds of layoffs and the idea of an item revamp has made things even more complex when most players wanted things to be simplified. Quite frankly, I'm not seeing anything to be positive about in regards to the game. Not that I don't like UO, I wouldn't still be messing around in it after 15.5 years if I didn't, but right now, regardless of how upbeat the devs try to be, I'm not certain they have the resources to pull off the needed updates to keep the game in the spotlight. I'm more and more inclined to agree with the people saying the game is in a "zombie mode". Because of this, I've been less encouraged to join in the "ideas" threads... not that the ideas aren't there, there are simply too many things that need to be done FIRST that I'm not sure will ever get done anymore.
It's been the lack of quality, needed updates to the EC itself to finish up the product that has ended up with UO losing the modding community through attrition. If someone, especially those badmouthing Pinco wants to pick up the modding torch, then put up or shut up. I used to have the "Why doesn't someone put out mods for KR/EC like they did for WoW so I can just download them?" mindset until I actually decided that I should be one of them to provide them. So for those attacking Pinco's decision... how much time have YOU spent providing the community with improvements to the game? I see ONE name up there that can answer that they have.
Pinco, whatever your final decision... thanks for your UI, and thanks for allowing me to add my own texture packs to it.