Two years ago EM Emile Layne was training me into the EM I am today and boy has it been a ride! There has been times I absolutely loved seeing how players would react to an event, occasionally followed by immediate regret in an event design decision.

I didn't want the post to be entirely sad, so here are my best memories from Catskills (of which I EMed on before Europa) and of Europa.

This screenshot really is a favorite of mine, I poorly decided to have a pirate ambush on an island the size of your hand - It wouldn't have been so bad if the top attacker monster didn't instantly kill everyone. Sorry Catskills!

On Europa one of my most enjoyable mini arcs was Snox the Goblin and his ship. It took nearly a week to decorate the ship and we got use out of it twice! (Some people may not know this but the ship has actually sunk and been rebuilt three times
So finally, thank you all for coming to my events, it's been an absolute pleasure to see how they work from this side of the room. It's now my time to return to the other side and pick up the reporters pen once again as we await Europa's newest EM.