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[Discussion] Clearing Up Some Things About Me Getting Robbed Yesterday

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Captn Norrington

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Hi everyone, yes i did get every single rare i own stolen yesterday.
these are the facts ive learned so far.
#1 it was dr pets account BUT it was not him, his sister used his account.
#2 100% of the items have been returned to me by the real dr pet, every single one.
#3 they were stashed on a boat in the middle of the ocean by his sister
#4 my guild is completely safe, and all auction items are safe (no idea why she left the auction items)
#5 the auction is cancelled this week due to this mess, owners please pick up items from me
#6 the auction will resume the first friday after rares fest at 9 PM eastern time (June 14)
#7 i have completely forgiven dr pet for this entire chaotic event
thank you all so much for all the support through this 12 hours of chaos, it truly does mean alot and shows how strong this community is. im happy to answer questions if you have any.

Mithryl Elves

Elves Suck
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How did anyone get access to your items? This is a big deal man. People enter items into your auction with trust. I have given you 3-5 billion worth of items at once and trust you but I also need to be able to trust that you, your account, your auction and my items are safe. Do people have access to your house/account/etc? Thats probably NOT EVER a good idea for anyone. I would think that noone has access to Nails accounts and know for sure noone has access to mine. Do not trust people like that. This "it was his sister" stuff just seems meh to me.


Lore Keeper
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Congratulations, so glad you got your stuff back!

I think Mithryl Elves brings up a really good point. If anyone is in a position where you are trusted with other people's items, you need to go the extra mile and take precautions. That means never allowing anyone to access your account. Not having your account on email addresses that other people know. Having the best firewalls, and antivirus's up, and making sure you are secure.



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Dr. Pet has access to things in my castles and my Atl keep. He has never bothered with a thing. He shares everything he loots when we do IDOCS. Seeing how upset and hurt he is over all the people he thought were his gaming "friends" who didn't even give him the benefit of a doubt...really burns me. It's not just a game you know when one plays it this long...it becomes a part of you, and the people you play with as important as family someways. I don't think that sister realized how much damage she was gonna inflict doing this, she just wanted her brother to stop wasting his life on a game and focus on real life... as I'm sure many of your family members have said to you at some point. I for one wishes he would stay but...I don't think any of you would ever stop your ill-wishes and mob mentality.


Social Distancing Since '97
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Well, you were less than sympathetic about my loss, but im glad everything worked out for you.


Always Present
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Hi everyone, yes i did get every single rare i own stolen yesterday.
these are the facts ive learned so far.
#1 it was dr pets account BUT it was not him, his sister used his account.
#2 100% of the items have been returned to me by the real dr pet, every single one.
#3 they were stashed on a boat in the middle of the ocean by his sister
#4 my guild is completely safe, and all auction items are safe (no idea why she left the auction items)
#5 the auction is cancelled this week due to this mess, owners please pick up items from me
#6 the auction will resume the first friday after rares fest at 9 PM eastern time (June 14)
#7 i have completely forgiven dr pet for this entire chaotic event
thank you all so much for all the support through this 12 hours of chaos, it truly does mean alot and shows how strong this community is. im happy to answer questions if you have any.
So how many people have access you your account/items and how many of those people allow other people access to their accounts?


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Promathia I read about your loss today and I def feel for ya...now that was purely intentional and meant (def no sister playing intervention there). I've been given people's accounts and passwords to deco their homes...it's a HUGE TRUST. HUGE. I know I could never do the same, so I feel honored and truly touched when somebody hands their baby over like that. I def do not look at those who trust a person as dumb, I look at their trust as a beautiful thing that's becoming very rare indeed. People like you and me will get shafted a LOT (yup a lot) in the gaming world, but I wouldn't change for anything, would you? :D Take cares chicka, you know deep down those people know they are merely scum and nothing else.

Lord Gareth

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Having trusted the Captain with an entire floor full of Rares I can honestly say I still trust him and even more so after the situation. An Auction house being hit and the owner being able to recover items and or gold shows me that not only are they resourceful but their security will now be even higher then ever.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Seeing as this issue has been resolved, I'm going to lock this. Glad things worked out in this instance.

I strongly encourage folks NOT to share their account passwords. Once that password is out of just your hands, your account is at risk. It may be their disgruntled family, a roommate or simply picking up a keylogger by accident. They can be the most trustworthy individual and still be the medium through which something happens. Please be safe out there folks.
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