I have profiles in all of my main characters; Some from when I first started in 2001, others more recent as they've been created... but the comment about the EC is correct, there's a problem with the way it handles profiles, as well as books and most in game text. As a result, I had to trim two of my original profiles just to stop them overflowing and disappearing, losing a lot of the flavour sadly.
I think the mindset of roleplay gamers has changed over the years too; it used to be you wrote your own stories, and thus UO being a sandbox was designed around that idea. Most MMOs after though went the "present a story to you that you play through" model, for some good and some not so good reasons, and now like so much in life, gamers see themselves as passive receivers of, rather than writers of, gaming content. Plus those of us here a decade ago are now a decade older, bills to pay, tiring jobs to work, children to feed, we don't have as much energy to buck the trends we now see perhaps.
It's a shame... but then I ask myself when was the last time I tried to read someone else's profile myself... and I can't really blame others for not writing one then.