Totally disagree, Pre-AoS PvP was all about skill and timing because it was easy for everybody to have the same gear. Magery was not the only PvP temp, a good Dexer did just as well or a Tamer with Drags was one bad mother to try and solo. Now PvP is all about Gear, because without the Gear you do not stand a chance. I grew up in Fel and also PvPed pre Age of **** and when PvP turned item based I stopped just like a lot of people I knew back then. PvP isn't Player V Player anymore it is now Gear V Gear.
Pure Warriors pre aos were 100% luck. There were no special moves, you just targeted and ran up to them. That was it, and it required 0 skill. Even when we got specials pre aos it was just rng luck.
Pure Tamers were 100% luck (still are) all kill and thats it, requires 0 skill, and was radically imbalanced. Trust me on that one I was one of the first people on lake superior to tame a dragon and they could 1hit ko a lot of people at the time.
The ONLY pvping that required any player skill was with magery. That is the ONLY skill that involved timing, which basically is what player skill boils down to. Everything else was rng vs rng.
And I don't know you to tell you, but if you had a vanquishing weapon you were going to beat someone with a ruin weapon every time... unless magery was involved. Remember pre aos runic crafted long spears? I do.
That is not the case any more.
Warriors now require technique with weapon specials and with warrior skills like bushido and chivalry, all of which require player skill to use effectively.
Magery is now one of 4 magic skills all require player skill to use effectively.
Tamers still don't require much skill, but they are also no longer gods.
Hell even bards can pvp a little now a days.
Add into that a large range of expendable items that require player skill to use effectively.
Also it may not have been about gear (though it also was), but it absolutely was about character skill level. Skills went up super slow, and people who started early, or who macroed had a serious, and in the first year I would say practically insurmountable advantage. A buddy of mine and I did a lot of macroing early and our skills were wayyyy higher than most people, and as such it was really easy to kill them.
I personally look at gear choices as the modern skill levels, but they are far more equitable. Skills are now the template that you design your gear setup around. Both are just time sinks, and currently the time required to make a competitive suit is at an all time low
I agree AOS was a big problem but only because like the previous skill gap problem there was a serious item gap problem. Some people lucked out and got artifacts or lucky drops in the first month and were gods. The horrible difficulty in finding good loot lead to many people being seriously over powered simply by chance or obsessive farming.
But... that is not the case any more. It is easier than ever to get high end gear now, and players are more balanced that they have ever been. Gear vs gear only matters when one side has decidedly better gear, and that doesn't really happen anymore. The best uberest gear may give you and edge, but that edge is small, and used without skill will garner you little. Its not like early AOS days when you could strap on an arti suit and turn into Godzilla.
If you want to argue that pvp in the olden days was more SIMPLE I absolutely agree, because that is obviously true. If you wanted to say it was more ELEGANT... I would also agree there. But if you want to say it required MORE skill... that's just not true.
Even for mages thats just not true. There are many more factors and many more actions that you foes can throw at you to consider, and more ways of dealing with them.
Back then it was Skill level + player skills JUST for mages. Now its gear set up + player skill for many different varieties of Melee AND Magic characters.
The only thing old pvp had over new pvp is simplicity, and elegance. But it was also much much much more shallow and there were a very limited number of effective tactics.