I had high hopes the acknowledgement of connection issues would fix the issues i'm experiencing, but alas, it seems to be MUCH WORSE now! I live in South Carolina and primarily play Great Lakes. Every evening at 5pm-6pm I start getting lag of the 'stutter-step' kind. This week, 4/01/2013, it's begun to FREEZE totally for 45 seconds to a full minute and even to a point where i've had to logout & back in to get any 'response' in game.
Why did EA even consider moving UO to a 'Cloud' server? Forcing players to share bandwidth on a server that contains who knows what that untold millions can be accessing for various reasons, thus causing mmorpg players tremendous lag is a move in the right direction why?!
The latest client is also giving 'Unable to communicate with Origin. Please close program & restart it and try again' after nearly every logout to change characters. Come on EA, this game is 15 YEARS old, it's time you people got it running smoothly for the majority of the time instead of part of the time!!
P.S. To the few that love saying 'get a better computer!!', i'm running an M17X and on 3.0 DSL (verified continuous) connection. The ONLY thing I experience ANY form of lag with is UO. And 1 last tidbit for ya, at 630am, when 90% of the world is still sleeping, I can actually run 4-5 UO clients at once and NONE lag. why would I do such a thing? it takes 5 spellweaver to get the Almighty Six focus!