What are some of the items you would like to see for sale?
Thoughts or discussions?
Thoughts or discussions?
I don't have a single 120 or any artifacts (other than craftable) on my tamer who duos Lady Mel, Dread Horn, and Travesty with a friend. Sometimes I take two friends and do them and none of us have 120s however my friend who is a necro mage has a few artifacts.120 makes all the difference in the world. Proper gear and templates make all the difference in the world and some of it is not accessible to all people. Maybe of our own choosing but I as I stated I don't want to join a guild because it's never going to be the same as it once was for me.
No there really aren't 120s belong mostly in PvP. You can do almost all PvM content with 110s or 115s if you know how to gear and template and you can gear and template without a single doom artifact.Also there are certain high level templates required (120) to attempt Peerless or Champion spawns need in order to have a good degree of success.
In my book this is a HUGE issue with champion spawns. Champion spawns should have never been the long lasting band-aid they end up being for PvP. Instead, a decent consentual PvP system (O/C with factions) should have been introduced.Currently is appears as if certain guilds/groups/players that have control over champion spawns and we'll dive in and interrupt at the in whatever time they deem necessary to come and steal the day. I have no problem with this I also don't have a problem buying items/resopurces from EA instead of the UO site of the week.
I agree that there prices are skewed. I mean, I will never buy a gender or name change for a character at $30 but I might buy 3 at $10. It doesn't really cost EA anything because it is a completely automated system.Powerscrolls and recipes for sure I would be down with. The problem with uogamecodes in my opinion is the high price they demand for some of their items. The gender change and the name change deed are like $30. It's totally ridiculous they need to rethink the prices of some of the promos they offer. What does it really cost EA anyways?
As long as I pay $12.95 a month or someone else does and they choose to buy items or I choose to buy items it is MY or THEIR choice. You have no right to tell use what game to play just because of your opinion. If it wasn't for us you wouldn't have a game to "solo".If you feel you need to Buy your way thru this game maybe your playing the wrong game, I'd sujest you try an easier game that you can win. Maybe Mario Bro's is the game for you. I'll show you how get 1000x lives so you can beat it.
Totally and utterly agree.As to the rest of the list, Quit crying over spilled Insurance. Go res and get back out there!
The current shops give NO money back to EA to be invested into UO at all. The only profit to be made is for those that run the websites. I don't understand how you can mention these sites that sell items and at the same time not allow EA to sell these items.I voted for none of the above, because I think the already purchasable items cheapen the game, but I know it is a necessary revenue stream from the business perspective.
I suggest quality cloth maps of the lands instead!
IDOC houses - esp luna ones. EA could get the RL $$ for them instead of the house scriptors/exploiters.What are some of the items you would like to see for sale?
Thoughts or discussions?
I agree I also play solo and would rather earn what I have myself. BUT, I believe what ppl do with their rl money is there business. I won't look down at them over it and I can care less. I myself have bought things in the past. It's not that big of a deal and not something to be nasty about!!!! If someone wants to waste there money on pixels go for it they pay the monthly fee to keep the game alive. I would rather be in the dungeons doing it myself but if I see something I want and don't have the chance to I will be in line buying it!well . . . I play solo, alwase have and alwase will, yet i have gotten EVERY item that I have Ever wanted. I have solo'd peerless and spawn and ran rampid in fel mag taking what i wanted. Yeah, I've been ganked tons of times and it's part of the game. I didnt let it stop me. I've stolen 120's from BTH [a once HUGE fell guild that controlled fel] I am left felling that I have truly beaten this game . . . SOLO!!
If you feel you need to Buy your way thru this game maybe your playing the wrong game, I'd sujest you try an easier game that you can win. Maybe Mario Bro's is the game for you. I'll show you how get 1000x lives so you can beat it.
HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!! That'll be the day. I think they just fired all the GMS and instead run a GM script that tells people to visit the website. *sarcasm anyone?*Oh, and they use the money to fund a decent Customer Service dept, and some proper in game paid GMs who wield power and abilities to fix things when they go wrong, not just copy pasters who cant be bothered.
Also to fund a new weekly GM/ Staff run FUN event, (Back to the Old Seer events, hunts, mystical rambles, battles against foes, with sexy loot to collect and show off)
Extra house per shard, or account (Not on the same shard, I would love a Siege house)
A basement for my current house.