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Luna Town Walls House, SW corner.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It says "Owned by ProWrestlingFan".

I had some account weirdness happen (something which resulted in my main account getting three months game time when I wanted to.... oh well, long story... the customer service peeps wanted me to terminate one account to give game time to another, I said no... the house-holding account has NO game time on it and is closed)

Well anyway, for whatever reason the house holding account was closed on the third of Feb. It's now getting close to the end of the month. I have no idea why the house is still standing but it might go IDOC sometime before the first of March. I only have some rune books there and a chest of sending I want to keep.

I won't explain in detail the issue I'm having with the game account holding the house. If I do get a chance to pay for game time I'm likely going to drop the house. Or sell it or give it to another player in my alliance to play around with.

So keep an eye on this house. I'm not going to answer questions, too frustrated as it is. If it does go IDOC before the first of March, a spot in Luna Town Walls will be OPEN.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for sharing.

...You do realize pro wrestling is fake, right?
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