Is there any way to set a macro to open the most recent/nearby monster corpse using either the classic client or US Assist?
If not, can we PLEASE get this option added to the game? It would make a great option under the macro options; You could set the hotkey of your choice and then hit it every time you kill something instead of having to try to double click the darn corpse on the ground.
Better yet; could we simply get a setting we can turn on/off where every time you kill something and have looting rights, the corpse automatically opens? Man this would be a HUGE time saver and make hunting/spawning a lot more enjoyable. Again, this option would allow anybody who does not want the corpses to open to play like we have been for years. But for the rest of us this would be sooo nice.
If not, can we PLEASE get this option added to the game? It would make a great option under the macro options; You could set the hotkey of your choice and then hit it every time you kill something instead of having to try to double click the darn corpse on the ground.
Better yet; could we simply get a setting we can turn on/off where every time you kill something and have looting rights, the corpse automatically opens? Man this would be a HUGE time saver and make hunting/spawning a lot more enjoyable. Again, this option would allow anybody who does not want the corpses to open to play like we have been for years. But for the rest of us this would be sooo nice.