Chesapeake gathered for it’s weekly meeting at the Hall of Commons a bit early on Sundays Eve and much to our surprise we were introduced to ur new EM, Dramnar. The usual announcements and small talk soon turned into a meet greet with the shards new event moderator.

The ever inquisitive population of Chesapeake soon began to learn as much as they could about our new arrival. We learned much in the brief time we had as we learned he hails from the realm known as Scotland, has been playing on and off since the early days of beta, he ejnoys all aspects of the game from roleplay to pvp. Wether he owns a kilt and bagpipes is still a mystery. A warm welcome he did receive as the shard greeted him in fitting fashion. We look forward to the many adventures he will soon bring.
Godspeed EM Dramnar!
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The ever inquisitive population of Chesapeake soon began to learn as much as they could about our new arrival. We learned much in the brief time we had as we learned he hails from the realm known as Scotland, has been playing on and off since the early days of beta, he ejnoys all aspects of the game from roleplay to pvp. Wether he owns a kilt and bagpipes is still a mystery. A warm welcome he did receive as the shard greeted him in fitting fashion. We look forward to the many adventures he will soon bring.
Godspeed EM Dramnar!
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