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[Discussion] A Plea to the Rares Community! And a mystery!


Lore Keeper
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Dear fellow rares collectors,
At this time I have plans in the works for a museum, with my beloved lantern collection as a large part of it (time allowing). I plan to have this museum on Atlantic in Luna.

Recently, I have found a very neat lantern, and am extremely excited! I will be displaying this piece eventually, and with as much information as I have been able to obtain. A book has been kindly written and given to me with as much information recalled on this lantern as possible, by someone involved in the roleplay (I shall not ruin the surprise until the book is displayed!)

Here is my dilemma. This lantern has a story written up about it along with information of another lantern named "The Light of Emotion", as well as other items involved in the storyline. However, it is unclear whether the other items and lantern really existed or whether it was a fictional prop for the story aided by photoshop.

If this lantern does exist, I would very much love to have it displayed alongside The Light Of Reason with history and the storyline next to it to help preserve something that was so long ago. The other items involved, if they do exist would be a bonus as well.

These are the other items supposedly involved in this story;

So what I am asking, is for any information anyone can give. Please keep your eyes peeled, ask your fellow rares collector friends. Have you been apart of this event? Have you seen This Light of Emotion lantern? Any information that can lead me to know if this lantern does in fact exist, where it is, and help obtaining it would be appreciated. I am also hoping that if such a lantern does exist, and it is found, that you will consider trying to allow these lanterns to be reunited once again.

Thank you anyone who will help with this ^_^

Here is a bit of extra information to go on; Lantern came from Great lakes

Thanks again,


Crazed Zealot
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I had the light of emotion and sold it a couple of years ago. You won't get it out of the new owner's hands. They don't sell anything especially uniqiues. Sorry


Lore Keeper
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Ack T_T I feel like I have just been visted by

*walks away with deflated excitement*


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had the light of emotion and sold it a couple of years ago. You won't get it out of the new owner's hands. They don't sell anything especially uniqiues. Sorry
Maybe for another unique item they would trade. ya never know


Lore Keeper
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ty, maybe I could try :sad3: Have to find out who this person is first.