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[Discussion] Item Q in the Rules of Conduct.

Do you want Violators of Item Q to have their names listed for all to see?

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Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Recently I noticed this thread locked due to the following reason:

Q. You may not use an alternative user account to promote or support your main user account in a way that implies you are more than one person or to evade disciplinary actions.

However there was no mention as to who violated this rule, and it could not be easily determined. Since this was not the first time I noticed this reason for locking a thread, it got my me thinking, why doesn't Stratics name these violators? Does Stratics always catch these violaters every time? If not, please vote yes to my poll.

As a broker and a player who often utilizes this forum to buy/sell/trade rares, its important for me to know who violates Item Q in the Rules of Conduct. Establishing trust is paramount to safe trading. Since we live in a fantasy world where players enjoy creating imaginary identities, it is difficult to know who we are truly dealing with. Yet Stratics has a unique opportunity to deter scammers and promote safe trading.

Scammers often hide behind multiple identities. They use VPNs to hide their IP address, they use multiple ICQs, they use multiple email accounts to disguise their activities, they use multiple characters in game, and yes they use multiple Stratics handles as well. Apparently Stratics can determine who these players are and could if they so wish list all the Stratics handles connected to each other in an effort to employ more transparency. Would you support this scammer preventive measure? If so, please vote YES!

This post is a petition to create a thread at the top of the forum that lists players mutltiple handles, or at least a list that names the handles of players that violated Item Q in the Rules of Conduct, or at least some indication in a player's profile details that they are also the same as another Stratics handle who may or may not have violated Item Q in the rules of Conduct. It seems common sense to me. If Stratics allows players to have multiple handles, they should tell us who do, or at least those who violate Item Q in the Rules of Conduct. Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
i think the forum mods can see if multiple accounts come from the same ip, because they are the ones who lock threads, and reveal identy of the one at fault in some cases, but have wondered is there a way for anyone to check ips if this is suspected? altho it would be nice, i dont think stratics will create a "blacklist"


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Answer NO....

You forgot to list... "I've Never been scammed".

Ok.. read your post AFTER answering poll & I don't see Stratics as a utility for brokers. I find it silly that the trading system REQUIRES trust at all. There should be a sure fire method to trade large amounts of money. It's that simple.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Answer NO....

You forgot to list... "I've Never been scammed".

Ok.. read your post AFTER answering poll & I don't see Stratics as a utility for brokers. I find it silly that the trading system REQUIRES trust at all. There should be a sure fire method to trade large amounts of money. It's that simple.
Tho it can be alot of trouble, i like how uo is. that there are still some aspects of the game that are not clean and easy. alot im sure would disagree of course. i like that its just a bit closer to real life, where you have to be careful, have to rely on trust a bit. i could go into "the community" blah blah blah everyones heard that. It adds a little extra excitement knowing that theres no perfect system, you have to deal with actual people, be them honest or otherwise.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my friend got his account deleted from stratic coz he posted a few posts from his Iphone from my house using my Wifi.

He had to make a new account and no longer posts from my network.

This is how stratics tracks people down through there IP address they are posting from. They make Zero allowance for multiple people posting from ths same IP address, which in this day and age is wrong. My son also reads stratic but i have had to tell him to use my account as Stratic will not believe there are more than one person from a house posting.

So i vote no

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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my friend got his account deleted from stratic coz he posted a few posts from his Iphone from my house using my Wifi.

He had to make a new account and no longer posts from my network.

This is how stratics tracks people down through there IP address they are posting from. They make Zero allowance for multiple people posting from ths same IP address, which in this day and age is wrong. My son also reads stratic but i have had to tell him to use my account as Stratic will not believe there are more than one person from a house posting.

So i vote no
Deleting an account for violating Item Q seems extreme. I am asking for transparency. A notation or a list that says these Stratics handles post from the same IP address, could be the same person. If you aren't doing anything wrong, malicious, you have no reason to vote NO. I don't believe in banning anyone from Stratics or UO, I believe in fixing problems, and prosecuting scammers when they commit fraud that breaks the law.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Deleting an account for violating Item Q seems extreme. I am asking for transparency. A notation or a list that says these Stratics handles post from the same IP address, could be the same person. If you aren't doing anything wrong, malicious, you have no reason to vote NO. I don't believe in banning anyone from Stratics or UO, I believe in fixing problems, and prosecuting scammers when they commit fraud that breaks the law.
Yes the stratic team take things to the extreme. Posting from the same IP address in this day and age of Wifi is the norm.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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1. Mods cannot do this, only admins can
2. If anyone feels they have received an infraction under this rule without cause, as with any similar decision, the correct procedure is to email [email protected]
3. This infraction can not, in itself, lead to an outright ban - it does not carry that level of infraction points.
3. Forum accounts are NEVER deleted. They may, however be banned when sufficient infraction points are accumulated.
4. Item Q is specifically for circumstances where there is intent to deceive. Many people share ip addresses,, role players, spouses, siblings.
5. If a selling post is locked for such a reason you may reasonably assume the problem is with the seller. Buyer posts would simply be removed and the sale allowed to procede.
6. Any further questions on this matter may be submitted by email or PM. Stratics rules are not subject to a vote.
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