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Buying Tram villa or bigger


Stratics Veteran
Looking to buy a tram villa or larger in a nice location, I am a returning player but have the gold to buy something pretty decent.


Stratics Veteran
Hey I placed a house in that spot you showed me, let me know how much you want and I will pay you tonight if available. Thanks much


Stratics Veteran
started good...but then sadly nothing!

I just hope that you wont continue trying to sell the house now...with your ICQ on the sign but rather give the spot away for free like you took it!
And thank you for another lesson - *noted* not to be so generous on Atlantic anymore...


Stratics Veteran
I didn't sell the house I ended up giving it to one of the guild members after buying myself something larger. Now with the revert I have it back again, at least have the decency to come to the forums and correct your post after we spoke in game, especially sense I didn't realize I needed to pay/reward you for the house spot in the first place until once placed you asked for gold/rares and such.
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Stratics Veteran
I didn't sell the house I ended up giving it to one of the guild members after buying myself something larger. Now with the revert I have it back again, at least have the decency to come to the forums and correct your post after we spoke in game, especially sense I didn't realize I needed to pay/reward you for the house spot in the first place until once placed you asked for gold/rares and such.
please be honest, when I showed you the spot I said please donate whatever you want for the spot...
then you said something about getting a char etc etc...never checked back with me and then I read it on the board that you had placed and saw it ingame.
then we met several times, I said hi to you at the christmas event etc...you didnt even return a friendly greeting.

after numerous encounters I said to you just keep whatever you were going to now give, I am surely not begging, but to me it would be a nice gesture to donate something when you get a nice spot for free! If you cant you don't have to but some time after you bought a Big Tower for whom the owner wanted 50m+

so after my post here on the board and after we met ingame you "offered" me 1m and I said keep it - just make sure you give it away for free and you said you already gave it to a guildmember for free.

And now please read your post up there again, it says "Hey I placed a house in that spot you showed me, let me know how much you want and I will pay you tonight if available. Thanks much"... how in the world are you now writing that you didnt know you should "pay" donate something for the spot?
You couldnt have written that unless you knew it before placing!
But whatever, I don't care anymore...and actually I am angry about myself that I already tried to help you again by contacting Viktoria from whom you then bought the Big Tower and asked here if she could contact you now again after the revert because I am sure you want to buy the Tower again!

Have fun but please don't bother me again!


Stratics Veteran
I will just leave you with the fact you asked for a donation but yet came to the forums as if there was a debt owed to you.


Stratics Veteran
I will just leave you with the fact you asked for a donation but yet came to the forums as if there was a debt owed to you.
well maybe you are suffering from some kind of amnesia but please don't lie about the fact that we met back at the home after I read it here that you placed and checked the spot and after chatting some time you then said you would ask some people you know about what would be appropriate to give me for the spot because you just came back...and you never ever said anything to me again, then we met at the christmas event in the line outside the house and evene after I said hi and that I was the one with the housespot, because I thought maybe you dont remember the name....nothing came just some ah....
etc etc read above...
and after that nothing came from you ever again until I checked the housespot and the sign had your icq on it ready to sell the spot or house.
that was when I wrote here and after that you came to me in luna..offering the 1m and so on...read above...

It was your behavior and attitude about it I find really sad..thats it...maybe you should think about it!

And just one more fact...even if it is a donation. When you say you are going to donate/pay something for it and you don't do it...thats some kind of debt!
Otherwise you just lied about it.

But whatever...I hope you have fun with the spot now once again as it seems the tower is not for sale again.


Stratics Veteran
You are looking wayyy to into all this, its a house spot. I just didn't want others to assume I stole/took a spot from someone.

PS if it makes you feel any better i couldn't buy the tower anyways, i lost the 86 mil I did have in the revert.