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[Discussion] Price Guide

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
As Athelas said, is it really about quantity? I totally agree.

I think an item's worth should be based on:
1. Graphic
2. Hue
3. Activity
4. Name

If an item seems close to unique in all of those categories, then sure it could be listed at 500 mil.
But if you're going to list a 1 of 10 item like a stool, thats brown, has a simple name, and does
nothing when you click on it, for an extremely high and RANDOM price (like 500mil, yes I keep
using this price but mainly because that's what these random sellers are wanting) then of course
the item won't sell. I think if you price an item based on the 4 categories above, it should be
almost accurate.

What I'm trying to say is that you shouldn't just list an item based off of the drop #, think about
it's characteristics and maybe that will help determine the price.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As Athelas said, is it really about quantity?
Well to be totally clear I was actually referring to what SixUnder said, "You jealous that a few of us have more rares than you do gold coins?"
I guess there are some that may do it that way, but I've always went for things that fit whatever theme I'm going for and that hit the mark on my personal quality scale. Its not about having as much of anything to me, that seems to defeat the point, at least in my opinion. I might have a lot of old footwear, but I don't just buy any old footwear. If I don't like the name, have too much of a particular tag, etc than I don't buy it.

Same goes for event items.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it truly "sold" for that, is it worth "less" than that? Free market. Just something to think about.:)
Okay, where the hell did you come from. You're like a tick on a dog, you're there, have little to no effect, and just plain annoying. Never in my 3 years of being on the Rare's forums have i seen you post one comment on anything here except this very thread. I mean, I understand some points you've made and can see where you are coming from. Yes, the pig did sell for 1bil, but that brings me back to what i posted along with that. Some people can do the high prices, while most can't.

To be perfectly honest, i believe you are a 'cover up' stratics name for someone in this argument and they just don't want to use their usual name. or you could just be someone passing by that wants to get in on a argument. Either way, I personally feel you have NO idea what you are actually arguing about. :)
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Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but remove the top damagers, please.
Oh yes, please! Make it random!!! I stopped attending EM events since the top-damagers get all the stuff. No fun anymore... And by the way: Most of the events have never been much fun: Hear someone talk, run through a gate, kill hard mobs, wait for the boss, kill the boss, hope for the best... :lame:

I got 3-4 event items in my UO life and sold them for "normal" prices like 150-250 mio. Never got 500 or more... This was, however, last year... What i do not understand (and I hope you can help me out): What has happened in the last 12 months that justifies 50-100% of inflation? Maybe I am naive, but I really don´t understand that...

Thanks for your insights :)


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you, Olcher. The template you are addressing (without talking explicitly) - it seems to be tamer & spellweaver, right? Last year, only small amounts of tamers attended the events, but latest events were overrun by tamers. We had 30-40 GDs at one event. And in the end, everybody casts WoD... To me, this had one reason: The events on DF took place within city borders, so you couldn´t cast RC (which was my preferred method)...

However, there are many archers, too... Uhmm :confused2:

But seemingly, this isn´t the only reason... Am I right with my guess or totally wrong?

However, I (and many of my friends) decided not to attend EM-events anymore, as long as the top-damager-mechanics rules... Hence, good luck to everybody else ;-)
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, where the hell did you come from. You're like a tick on a dog, you're there, have little to no effect, and just plain annoying. Never in my 3 years of being on the Rare's forums have i seen you post one comment on anything here except this very thread. I mean, I understand some points you've made and can see where you are coming from. Yes, the pig did sell for 1bil, but that brings me back to what i posted along with that. Some people can do the high prices, while most can't.

To be perfectly honest, i believe you are a 'cover up' stratics name for someone in this argument and they just don't want to use their usual name. or you could just be someone passing by that wants to get in on a argument. Either way, I personally feel you have NO idea what you are actually arguing about. :)
I am on the Rares forum every day. Sorry if I lack "street cred" for you, too bad. I am not a "cover-up" name for anyone here. I have posted on Stratics, under this name and only this name, for 7 years. I simply read an post by the OP, and called ********, since it was filled with several false premises, the first of which was that gold has remained steady in value the last few years. I'm sorry if you disagree, but since I posted my initial post, I've had the OP do nothing but make weak attempts to ridicule me rather than respond to my post like an adult. At least one other has told me to settle down when I've hardly gotten excited, a third has tried to whip out his epeen and tell me what I do or don't have based on his/her assumptions, and now you call me a tick on a dog. Quite frankly everyone is so quick to jump my ****, but no one has discussed or refuted my first post in this thread. Only Cyanide Mage seems to understand. Mage was calling out the same things and has yet to be questioned by the masses or responded to by the OP.

So, in closing, I'm really quite sorry that you don't like me posting here. Too ****ing bad. My original premise remains....gold is ridiculously devalued, a rare at 3, 4, 500 plus million should surprise no one based on what other pixel crack (most with far more functionality) sells for, and trying to say "hey guys lets limit this so we don't go broke trying to buy all this stuff" is bs. Anything else not clear for you from the tick?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the concept of having some kind of price guide would be great. But as been said the huge influx of gold being tossed around in the game has changed the values of items (not just rares). It's the old
supply and demand formula working its way into the game. In fact its always been there since the start of the game. For example I remember when I first started playing gold was selling for like around $50
per million (crazy ehh) this was around the first few months of the game being out. Now I heard from a friend that was leaving the game that if I wanted some gold he would be selling it for like 25 cents per
million. Thus players who have the desire and the funds to purchase gold from other players could have billions to spend on rares or any other item and thus inflate the valuer of those items.

For me personally I have pretty much stayed away from the em event rares altogather unless it's very similar to what my main collection is all about (xmas statues). I just can not afford to go after all these
event items even back 5 or 6 years ago before inflation hit. I'm just happy with my own little nitch in the game which took alot of time and effort going back many years to collect them.

I think we as collectors have helped to feed the fire of inflation and perhaps if more collectors just focused on certain nitchs of there own, instead of trying for as many of the coolest items out there. The
prices on some of these rares would possible become more affordable to a broader base of collectors.

Perhaps gold should be just thrown out the window, and we should just go to the barter system instead. You have a rare that 10 only exist and I will trade it for a rare that I have that only 10 exist etc etc.
When money became worthless in certain countries during thier past history, the barter system was used instead of thier currency.

One of the few em items I acquried was a gold surfer from Lineman from a couple years ago. It's unique and originally acquried by Manticore from an event, and it was like a must have item for me. So
due to my limited funds I traded Lineman a number of items that I had for this item he had. We were both happy and no gold was needed in the transaction. Yeah it took a bit of haggling by both sides
to come to a finasl agreement, but you know what that was alot of fun too.

I'm not taking sides at all on this topic, but rather giving my perspective of the issues at hand.
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Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am on the Rares forum every day. Sorry if I lack "street cred" for you, too bad. I am not a "cover-up" name for anyone here. I have posted on Stratics, under this name and only this name, for 7 years. I simply read an post by the OP, and called ********, since it was filled with several false premises, the first of which was that gold has remained steady in value the last few years. I'm sorry if you disagree, but since I posted my initial post, I've had the OP do nothing but make weak attempts to ridicule me rather than respond to my post like an adult. At least one other has told me to settle down when I've hardly gotten excited, a third has tried to whip out his epeen and tell me what I do or don't have based on his/her assumptions, and now you call me a tick on a dog. Quite frankly everyone is so quick to jump my ****, but no one has discussed or refuted my first post in this thread. Only Cyanide Mage seems to understand. Mage was calling out the same things and has yet to be questioned by the masses or responded to by the OP.

So, in closing, I'm really quite sorry that you don't like me posting here. Too ******* bad. My original premise remains....gold is ridiculously devalued, a rare at 3, 4, 500 plus million should surprise no one based on what other pixel crack (most with far more functionality) sells for, and trying to say "hey guys lets limit this so we don't go broke trying to buy all this stuff" is bs. Anything else not clear for you from the tick?
1. No one has to justify any of your claims because your claims don't mean much here at all. We don't respond to your post because it's insignificant. And as for weak attempts to ridicule you my 2 posts were legitimately asked: 1) Who are you? Better yet, who do you think you are making a post here when you don't know what you are talking about? 2) Your name is what it is, any so called "adult" player name themselves after a female anatomy part backwards and think that's good probably has the maturity at the same level.

2. You can call BS or whatever but when you're trying to voice an opinion in an area you don't understand it just makes you look foolish. We know what gold sells for and know their value over the years so when I make a claim the only person found shocking was you. "gold is ridiculously devalued" really? And you know this because you sell gold all the time? Do you for one second actually think you know more than us on this forum? When 20 posters backs one point-of-view and you are the only one that backs the opposing argument and you still have to make a post trying to justify your point?

3. Everyone, do a simple search of this person on stratics and look at his history. You will see what kind of a poster he is.

Sometimes silence is actually golden.

Athleas, its time to lock this up.
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Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
On TV, they have series called Antiques Roadshow, Storage Wars, American + Canadian Pickers, Pawn Stars, Bargain Hunt, Comic Book Men, so on and so forth where they have "experts" determine value on items. There are retail and bargain prices evaluations. I've been to many real live auctions, bought and sold stuff here and on several auction sites like eBay, uPillar, Amazon, and even Ameritrade. I have collected comic books, toys, coins, trading cards, stocks, commodities, and other memorabilia my whole life. I've even been collecting rares in UO for over 10 years.

Having studied most price guides such as Kovels, utilized now defunct Wizard's Magazine, and this thing called Google to search prices on the internet. I have learned one thing about collecting anything. It's called "Trends" based on popularity. A price guide is for the amateur seller who doesn't know where to start, or how to begin to consider what price to put on their rare item. An experienced seller can identify the trends, know the niche markets, and capitalize on it. Right now the trends are leaning towards anything that is new, big, and colorful. The niches are lanterns, rubble decor, hard to find server births, pigs, zombie named items, Mesanna rares, paintings, some random wearables, among many others. A price guide can be helpful, but something traditionally is only worth about what it last sold for "recently". As time passes, trends change, and the value on items rise and fall.

An interesting observation I've notice that defies the trends and the price guide is the seller. Certain sellers have a network of buyers to draw from, to help increase the value on their rares. Some veteran sellers command respect, show charisma, and provide professional etiquette. These sellers enjoy a slight edge when selling their rares, particularly if that rare is trending. In the end, I agree with the philosophy that something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.

Blue Fly

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hard to price items in this game that are limited in quantities. Its like pricing art, purely subjective. If people are paying high prices thats their choice. I dont think we need any kind of price fixing as Six Under thinks. I see eneough of that going on as it is, such as friends not bidding against eachother, I've even seen bids retracted once they see their friend is bidding on it!

Sure, this can be used by a noob that doesn't have a clue about what the item they have is worth, but thats about it... 1 Bil can be had for around 200 bux now, so I dont see how the real price of an item has changed much. I am confident in saying that if you want to pay/get top dollar for a rare item, stratics is the place... Built into the price when bidding here, you get to know whom your dealing with and if they can be trusted (who wants to get scammed etc etc). You also have the conveniance of bidding on an item you may never see anywhere else, and yea, multiple people might want it, so put on the big boy pants and decide what your willing to pay, don't be a sore loser. All part of the increased exposure of Stratics.

When I was 6, i went into the local corner store and could buy a snickers for 25 cents, that was 1987. Those candies are now 85 cents at the same store. This is not a lesson on inflation..... Do you really think that candy bar is ever going to be cheaper then 85 cents now???

Just my 2 cents. Hope im not offending anyone.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A couple points I'd like to include.

While I don't agree with Aibal... He has every right to voice his opinion as much as anyone else on this forum. The moment you start silencing the opinions of anyone in the population, you prove the elitist impression that many people already believe. When it comes to discussion topics (and this was a discussion), everyone should have the right to put their two cents as long as they are not engaging in personal attacks. An' for the record, I have no idea who he is but it doesn't change my opinion.

Secondly, your importance in this community should NEVER depend on how many rares you have in your house or how much gold you have. We are a community.
For many of us, this is a passion... not a ruler on how big we can get our virtual e-peen.

I have enough gold these days to have a shot at the auctions that are in the billions... but do you know what the biggest collections I have are? Roses, Blackrock Infected Boxes and True EQ stuff. This is stuff that I bet the majority of you don't give a second thought to. Probably the rarest items in those collections might go for 15m each, but they are my pride and joy. I still get ecstatic when I find a new item to add to one of those collections. Do I have other high ticket items? Yes... when I have found items that work well with my home and characters. However, what I am most proud of as a rares collector are those items that aren't worth much to most of you, but that I have spent many, many years collecting.

I value someone's opinion who has 50m to their name and a couple rares as much as my own. They are the future of this community whether we agree with their opinions or not.

Now, about the whole rares pricing thing. I would love for the rares to drop to the levels they were. However, it is not something we can enforce. The market is what it is. As long as someone is willing to pay the prices that some people are asking, the more folks will continue to charge. People rally (myself included) when someone in this community gets scammed or has their accounts hacked, but to what true effect? Remember the Pac Rares Auction. Many of us refused to buy those items that immediately came up for sale, but guess what.... they still sold. That is reality. We can attempt to lay down rules and guidelines to pricing, but it will make little impact unless everyone else is on board.

Not everyone here is for the passion of collecting. Some are here for the virtual e-peen effect. Some are for profit. We are a community and like many families (which many are reminded of during these holidays), we are messy, loud and don't always get along.

It is what it is. All you can do is guide yourself by your own moral compass and lead by example. Sell rares at what you feel is appropriate and buy the same way.

Lord X

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Confirmed there is something being done about the aforementioned template abusing the drop system at EM events. Also, it was mentioned on Atlantic that a possible solution is instead of having the current low # of drops (10-15) every other week that it may become high # drops (100) at the end of story lines... so lower frequency of dropping but more drops. Perhaps then item prices will drop to what it used to be 50-100m per item. The current system isn't working as intended.

I was there when they were talking about this and to be honest, unless I missed something drops would become more like the Defilers Claw and Dawn the Valiant. Everyone would essentially have every new rare and the value would be around 5 to 10 mill. Eh, doesnt sound that great. I am not against something being done about the new system (though I give kudos to the cross healing bonus) but I thnk it would need to be more in depth then just 100 items at the end.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A couple points I'd like to include.

While I don't agree with Aibal... He has every right to voice his opinion as much as anyone else on this forum. The moment you start silencing the opinions of anyone in the population, you prove the elitist impression that many people already believe. When it comes to discussion topics (and this was a discussion), everyone should have the right to put their two cents as long as they are not engaging in personal attacks. An' for the record, I have no idea who he is but it doesn't change my opinion.

Secondly, your importance in this community should NEVER depend on how many rares you have in your house or how much gold you have. We are a community.
For many of us, this is a passion... not a ruler on how big we can get our virtual e-peen.

I have enough gold these days to have a shot at the auctions that are in the billions... but do you know what the biggest collections I have are? Roses, Blackrock Infected Boxes and True EQ stuff. This is stuff that I bet the majority of you don't give a second thought to. Probably the rarest items in those collections might go for 15m each, but they are my pride and joy. I still get ecstatic when I find a new item to add to one of those collections. Do I have other high ticket items? Yes... when I have found items that work well with my home and characters. However, what I am most proud of as a rares collector are those items that aren't worth much to most of you, but that I have spent many, many years collecting.

I value someone's opinion who has 50m to their name and a couple rares as much as my own. They are the future of this community whether we agree with their opinions or not.

Now, about the whole rares pricing thing. I would love for the rares to drop to the levels they were. However, it is not something we can enforce. The market is what it is. As long as someone is willing to pay the prices that some people are asking, the more folks will continue to charge. People rally (myself included) when someone in this community gets scammed or has their accounts hacked, but to what true effect? Remember the Pac Rares Auction. Many of us refused to buy those items that immediately came up for sale, but guess what.... they still sold. That is reality. We can attempt to lay down rules and guidelines to pricing, but it will make little impact unless everyone else is on board.

Not everyone here is for the passion of collecting. Some are here for the virtual e-peen effect. Some are for profit. We are a community and like many families (which many are reminded of during these holidays), we are messy, loud and don't always get along.

It is what it is. All you can do is guide yourself by your own moral compass and lead by example. Sell rares at what you feel is appropriate and buy the same way.

If you looked at my original post, it was a guide and nothing more. It was never about enforcing anything because I believe in the free market myself and have benifited from it many times. I even said at the end those who wants to pay more its their choice. I was reminding people of what the prices were for a long time before the unbelivible jump and by that I meant un-natural. As for reasons why it did that many posters here stated the reasons. I am all for opinions but when people start attacking by calling this ******** that ******** don't expect the rest to just sit around and take it. Re-read the posts and see how it transpired to this point.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Personally I enjoy the events for the story line and history. When you get a hoard there who could care less about the story line and history, They become very impatient and frankly distracting to the whole event.

I no longer attend events as I find them frustrating and unenjoyable.

I did receive a drop or two in the past and Lord Gareth's death was epic fun for sure. As a whole for however, there is no fun for me when a mindless hoard arrives focused on getting an item instead of an event.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is the asian shard players driving EM items through the roof.. check that PIE thread guy wants a billion gold for a 1/20 pie that says Izumo on it.

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you looked at my original post, it was a guide and nothing more. It was never about enforcing anything because I believe in the free market myself and have benifited from it many times. I even said at the end those who wants to pay more its their choice. I was reminding people of what the prices were for a long time before the unbelivible jump and by that I meant un-natural. As for reasons why it did that many posters here stated the reasons. I am all for opinions but when people start attacking by calling this ******** that ******** don't expect the rest to just sit around and take it. Re-read the posts and see how it transpired to this point.

My post was in addressed to everyone and I wasn't singling you out. I'm sorry if you thought it was. The issue this time is price guides, but there have been many topics in the past where the same underlying issue occurs and that is a lack of tolerance. If they think something is "********", that is their opinion. Attacking an idea is not the same as a personal attack and people need to understand the difference. When we as a community try to close our doors to other people's opinions and say that they aren't important enough to have their voice heard is a horrible day. It shouldn't matter if they don't post on every topic, how much gold they have and how blinged out their house.... their opinion should matter.

This shouldn't be a club. It should be a community and that means a difference in opinions and tolerance. I'd like to think that different opinions and points of view can lead to GROWTH rather than stagnation.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Sorry, but I have to say something, although this thread certainly looks very messy.

Lets not forget about the theory of SUPPLY & DEMAND.

An item can have 100 drops, but if no one is willing to sell, I am sure the price will not be cheap.

At least, to me, it is just as simple as that. :):):)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I think someone baked one of those high priced pigs into a pie !


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why write a guide you yourself don't follow though? It made me think of an Obsidain Statue of an Athiest Priest.
Actually, if you wouldn't mind doing a search on my sales thread over the past couple of years you'll find i stick to my guide more or less. The same items I sold for 75 are being resold by others for 375 etc.. I give package deals, and bonuses on top of that. And if you want references I am sure plenty of those can post here on the deals I've accepted on hundreds of items just these past few years.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, if you wouldn't mind doing a search on my sales thread over the past couple of years you'll find i stick to my guide more or less. The same items I sold for 75 are being resold by others for 375 etc.. I give package deals, and bonuses on top of that. And if you want references I am sure plenty of those can post here on the deals I've accepted on hundreds of items just these past few years.
Actually I was refering to you spamming my server last week that you were paying 500m for that weeks 1 of 10 item. So you can see why this Price Guide (generally used by both buyers and sellers) raised my eyebrows.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The good news is people paying a billion for an item that's worth 300m will eventually want to sell it and will take a huge loss. i haven't bought an event item in some time because there releasing far to many a week (100 per week throughout the shards maybe more). I do get a lot of items on the events i attend. Gotta love those throwers


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually I was refering to you spamming my server last week that you were paying 500m for that weeks 1 of 10 item. So you can see why this Price Guide (generally used by both buyers and sellers) raised my eyebrows.
Yep that's true. I wanted that item. Like Assia said it was a guide and not an enforcement.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. No one has to justify any of your claims because your claims don't mean much here at all. We don't respond to your post because it's insignificant. And as for weak attempts to ridicule you my 2 posts were legitimately asked: 1) Who are you? Better yet, who do you think you are making a post here when you don't know what you are talking about? 2) Your name is what it is, any so called "adult" player name themselves after a female anatomy part backwards and think that's good probably has the maturity at the same level.

2. You can call BS or whatever but when you're trying to voice an opinion in an area you don't understand it just makes you look foolish. We know what gold sells for and know their value over the years so when I make a claim the only person found shocking was you. "gold is ridiculously devalued" really? And you know this because you sell gold all the time? Do you for one second actually think you know more than us on this forum? When 20 posters backs one point-of-view and you are the only one that backs the opposing argument and you still have to make a post trying to justify your point?

3. Everyone, do a simple search of this person on stratics and look at his history. You will see what kind of a poster he is.

Sometimes silence is actually golden.

Athleas, its time to lock this up.
This will be my last post on this topic. As Assia Penryn so eloquently put it, my failure to post here regularly does not mean I don't have the right to post here. If you want to ignore my opinion, that is absolutely fine.

1. As you yourself stated, you don't follow your own guide. I thought the idea of a "guide" was ridiculous because this is a supply and demand economy. Those items that are rarer, or "perceived" to be rarer, will garner more gold. Who cares if it's above what random players deem it to be worth, in a free market, uncorrupted by collusion and other forms of price fixing, and equilibrium will be reached. Obviously people want certain items and are willing to pay for them. When you asked "who am I", I replied nicely "no one". Don't confuse that with thinking I have no knowledge of the game. You are no one to me as well, just another anonymous poster on the itnternet who likes to collect rares in the game of UO. It doesn't make your opinion any less or more valuable, and trying to shout me down with an elitist attitude only weakens your point.

My name on Stratics came from the first character I ever played on UO, when my nephews convinced me to buy an account on eBay way back in the day to game with them. It was a character on the main shard I play, and she still exists to this day for sentimental reasons, but is rarely played. I used the same name here. On another UO site I post at I chose to use a different name. Should I have done that here? Perhaps, but it's water under the bridge and a mute point. Honestly, you were the only one that ever got their thong in a bunch over it.

2. You have NO idea if I sell gold or not, or how much. None. Yet again you took the elitist attitude that you have and that you do. Do you, for one second, think YOU know more about every aspect of this game than anyone else? Your tone seems to indicate you feel you do. I was NOT the only poster questioning your guide and it's motivation. Please re-read Cyanide Mages comments.

3. I post on things I believe in. Some you might find you agree with, others not so much. For every "argumentative" post out of me, you'll find plenty on helping people with templates, suits, weapons, gameplay, etc. etc. If you ever gamed with me personally, you'd find out that I have a great deal of knowledge of this game, and am usually quite fun to play and talk to in vent. However, I'm quite sure that will never happen.

So on that note, peace out. I'm going to go game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow this post got very interesting and I think it truly went in a direction the OP wasn't expecting. I could go on and on and break down a lot of comments and observations that jump out to me but I will only address one. Look at the elitist mindset one of the, "pillars" of the rares community, its basically "Your a nobody, I shouldn't even have to waste a breath or key stroke to address you or your opinion". I have told people for years that certain people in this community are worse than pvpers in how they conduct themselves and their true motivations. I'm not saying this is the norm, i've met amazing people within this community, some of the best in uo come from this community, but there is a "elitist" mentality that a lot of people associate with this community and it was brought out front and center. Also I wish those who I have talked with behind the scenes would voice their true opinion on how they feel, you know who you are ;)

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Regardless of elitism and the deserving attention of not well known players, when you put that all aside the issue is still at hand. How about you all stop taunting eachother's reputations and focus on the main reason this argument even birthed. How about we all put aside who we are and all come together as rares collectors and if you aren't one, please do your self a favor and get yourself out of this thread.
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Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Items are only worth as much as someone is willing to pay.

Why are new items nowadays selling for 500m+? Because people are paying it

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Wow! Thanks Guys!

You have been awarded a trophy: Seriously Likeable!

Since this is a 1 of a kind rare I am going to start the bidding at 50 mil and see where it ends up. No Reserve.
Disclaimer You can own it but you can only view it on my profile as its not transferable
Gold can be paid on any shard



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wow all that over manticores nice little list of very generalized pricing, which is basically common knowledge to anyone who browses this forum over the past few years or so i thought.

it really has only been the last few months that pricing has skyrocketed. and you could blame anything for that, from the price of transfer tokens being controlled by duping episodes, to the game changes that have made items at the uo store be a very accurate guide for gold worth. (forged metal tools almost doubled in the past month, so i guess gold is worth about 20 cents a mil now?)


Crazed Zealot
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wow all that over manticores nice little list of very generalized pricing, which is basically common knowledge to anyone who browses this forum over the past few years or so i thought.

it really has only been the last few months that pricing has skyrocketed. and you could blame anything for that, from the price of transfer tokens being controlled by duping episodes, to the game changes that have made items at the uo store be a very accurate guide for gold worth. (forged metal tools almost doubled in the past month, so i guess gold is worth about 20 cents a mil now?)

Asian sites still sell at .35 per on average, and some US sites still sell at .40 and up. There are more selling in bulk at .20-.25 though but its bulk to other retailers or long term repeat customers.
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Legendary Mall Santa
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I am no rares-collector, so I hope you don´t feel insulted by me posting here... But I am curious: I have noticed the same as Smoot and others do, it must have been a change in the last month...

My question: Have the long-term-players amongst you noticed similar periods in UO-history - when gold lost half of its worth - let´s say - within 6-12 month? Or do you think this is a unique thing we are experiencing at the moment?



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Asian sites still sell at .35 per on average, and some US sites still sell at .40 and up. There are more selling in bulk at .20-.25 though but its bulk to other retailers or long term repeat customers.
yep sites still get decent amount for gold, but i guess im talking about what i pay, what the average player pays. and by that im not talking about buying actual gold, im talking about how much my gold is worth. The forged metal tool is a great indicator of what golds worth, becuase its not a "blackmarket" price, its what a player will actually pay. i know i would rather pay the 45 mil on atlantic for a tool than buy the tool for 10 dollars, and enough people do that the cost has risen to 45mil from 20 mil in a couple months. If you more than dabble at UO this is pretty much a necessary item to make even a decent suit. (and i know you dont HAVE to use it to play, it would just be irrational to shell out the gold for superior base items and not get the most out of them) Im not argueing against the tool, it is great revenue for mythic (although would be nice if there was a way to get it in game just for the priciple of it)

So just saying that this is an item everyone needs, it has a hard, rl pricetag, and a thriving market, so is a pretty good indicator of the true value of gold. Well that was way off-topic, but i guess not really because it all relates.


Lore Master
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I am no rares-collector, so I hope you don´t feel insulted by me posting here... But I am curious: I have noticed the same as Smoot and others do, it must have been a change in the last month...

My question: Have the long-term-players amongst you noticed similar periods in UO-history - when gold lost half of its worth - let´s say - within 6-12 month? Or do you think this is a unique thing we are experiencing at the moment?

Yes its happened in the past where there's been an exploit of gold and the value of it had dropped like it has now. It's just the laws of supply and demand, plus its so much easier to obation larger amounts of gold in the
game and not enough of it is going poof by means of a gold sink. It's quickly rwaching the point that perhaps the population of the game will decrease enough that the exploits will not have as much impact to the game.
Sorry for sounding sinical but its kinda pissing me off and ruining the fun for alot of collectors. But its been around for a long time this problem.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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One way of making a system that would be a little more fair would be to start having events at the same time and day on multiple shards. This would help from the gargoyle mafia group that have pretty much taken over our events and started to dictate our market as well. I am not saying across the board but if you could have 4 shards having events at one time it would definitely help everyones odds. I would rather that any day than for them to just start pumping out 100 item rewards.


Always Present
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I've gone to Manti for a price check before. He's never been far off the mark. I am always expecting more than what my junk is worth, but he reels me back to reality. He's rarely wrong, and if he doesn't know he says so.


Always Present
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There's too much gold and nothing necessary for people to spend it on anymore. Everything they need can be farmed in moments to craft. So the gold sits there until someone sees something and says oh so its 200M oh well I've got nothing else to do with my gold and pays for it. Hell transfers sell for how much on atl now? They wouldn't be so high but obviously people have so much gold they just don't care and buy at those prices. Same goes for everything else. It's not like the price of living went up LOL


Legendary Mall Santa
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Very frustrating... I know many people who decided not to attend EM-events anymore because of these frustrating experiences. They have been taken over by professionals from other shards. And if you look in GC, you will find messages like "buying tonights event item for 500+ mio" 10 sec after the event is over...

But I think, this is the way life is... Why should a MMORPG be different than modern Wallstreet-Casino-Capitalism :D


Social Distancing Since '97
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I find this whole argument incredibly funny.

I tell ya, some people posting are hypocrites too, and no I wont point anyone out.

Heres how it went

Drops on corpse (People couldnt see it, complained, EMs started putting bags on corpse with the item)
players then use scripts to autoloot bags from corpses -_-
Clickies? Same people in here with a small armies worth of newbies just to get 50 of them to sell
Notrade/nodrop? The outrage when they tried that was AMAZING

What was everyone using before the new system - Mages (Usually with SW). Why? Summons...WoD...Being able to invis next to a corpse to wait for it to public to loot it. Lets also not act like the market wasn't controlled then either. Sure you didn't have a large group of people working together, but the same people still got all the drops.

Stop acting like the market is being "Controlled". You only have maybe FOUR people working together like that, and even then, the prices are only set because WE ALL pay it.

Dont want prices to be so high? THEN STOP PAYING IT


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Unfortunately that wouldn't fix much. Changing times for events would be like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. Even worse (read: impossible) would be trying to balance every skill and combination of skills in the game so it would make the drop system player-skill based. The root of the problem is the system. As long as it's top damage based there will always be a template that is going to be able to out damage any other template 95% of the time. Unless the EM item drops become non-transferable and/or no-drop/no-trade and cross-shard'ers lose interest, we're back to square one where one template will clean up all of the items.

Why not have a 100 count drop at the end of a long event arc? Can anyone give me an answer other than greed? I think with all these high price tags we've all lost focus that EM events are about the story line, player interaction/involvement and most importantly having a good time. Items are just a bonus along the way and should not be the reason for going to events. The way things are going isn't healthy for events and in my opinion isn't sustainable. I say we get back to the basics and go with the 100 count drops at the end of story lines.
You speak of cross sharders losing interest, well if multiple events were going on at the same time it would kinda end cross sharding. You would pick your favorite or home shard. And as far as top damagers getting item, why not make it once you hit a certain damage amount on boss or healing amount you get thrown in a lottery for item. That would eliminate the cookie cutter templates.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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Just syncing up North American shards one coast would get the shaft in terms of timing. Throw in Asian and European shards and I doubt it's even feasable. Plus, I've done multiple events at the same time and it's not so hard.
Your other suggestion is basically the old loot system of get looting rights (certain damage amount) and cross your fingers when looting the corpse (lottery)... which Mesanna seemed to be very happy to be rid of.
Well if you can follow 4 or 5 story lines at once and fight as well then I guess you deserve a item. There are also 10 American shards. you could split it 5 and 5 as far as timing goes and it would work out fine. I know it is easy on my part to say have them at the same time but I do realise that it would be asking allot of the Em's. So I really do not expect it to happen, it was just a idea.
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Social Distancing Since '97
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Well if you can follow 4 or 5 story lines at once
l o l

Its not hard to do multiple shards at once.

Guildie on ATL: Ok Boss is up, hit it! *pew pew pew*
Guildie on GL: Ok, expect this boss up in a few
Guildie on LA: Boss is up here, good thing ATL killed theirs just before us!


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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l o l

Its not hard to do multiple shards at once.

Guildie on ATL: Ok Boss is up, hit it! *pew pew pew*
Guildie on GL: Ok, expect this boss up in a few
Guildie on LA: Boss is up here, good thing ATL killed theirs just before us!
I am talking about moving thru mutiple gates and around Sosaria. If every event ya just showed up and fought the boss that would be one thing. All I can say is if there were 4 or 5 events going on at the same time it would give the shard hoppers more of a hard time and would be more shard based people at events. And again if you can keep your self healed and fight at 5 different events well hats of to ya Prom, I cant.


Crazed Zealot
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10 drop count - put them on 10 MOBs and release them all at once. Mesanna did this during her world tours on Baja, Napa, and Catskills and it worked out just fine.
20 drop count - put 2 on 10 MOBs and releas them all at once.
30 drop count (current max) - put 3 on 10 MOBs and release them all at once.

The # 10 is currently used anwyas as there are usually 10 guardians before the MOB. And since this is an easy script to write for Mesanna all she has to do is to do it on multiple bosses. Atlantic events somewhat had this idea, i.e. having reward script on multiple bosses but the mistake was to release them one after another.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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This thread makes me sad.

There used to be such camaraderie between the rares community and now it seems like a bunch of hate.

I'm glad I am not active in the market now because this is ridiculous.

I have more gold than I'll ever need and I buy nothing at all... and so many in UO are the same way.
Heck, I know a guy selling 1 billion/$75, so please don't tell me gold has remained consistent...

All we can do is put the items we have up for auction and where they are valued at the close is where it is...
I don't know of another way I'd prefer it to be....


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
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75bucks a bill, just nother confirmation that there is a current gold dupe.