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[Discussion] Price Guide


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since I just got an ICQ threat commenting on how my point of view of rare prices getting out of control and that basically "they" will stop selling items to me from now on "LOL" I guess I just have to take it one step further.

Looking at the history of items over the past few years and seeing the price of gold has kept constant what I saw (and this is only my small observation) that for rares:

1-10 drop unless has multiple qualities such as names, hue, and graphic sells at 75-150 mil.

with secondary functions add another 50-100 mil on top of that.

15 drop items depending on shard follows the same rules.

20 drop items sells 25-50 mil less.

30 drop items sells 25-50 mil less.

But these of course are just what they were selling at before the inflation. But if you wish to bid that 500 mil for the item of course that's your choice :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i'll get behind this and if sellers want to try and make more go for it but I will not be buying :) Good pricing guide manticore


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your name offends me Manticore, it is unnatural for a man, a lion and a scorpion to come together in holy matrimony, and on that point i will no longer be selling to you. :p Just kidding :heart: xxx
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tangles 2 years ago 5 mil, now 13m
Crimson 12 mil 2 years ago now 25-30m
Con garb 18 mil 2 years ago now 30 mil
Con garb luck 25 mil 2 years ago now 80 mil
Xfer tokens 20 mil no more than 6 months ago now 50 mil

I think you should stop lying about what your true motivation is, anyone who has had in-depth conversations with you KNOWS you love the idea of being able to influence the market. Look at your post, you typed out a whole guide on how YOU think items should be priced, its no secret you have, and still do coordinate with people on trying to influence prices. Like with everything an item is worth what someone will pay for it. Please don't sit there and try to spew nonsense about how things still carry the same value as they did, in your words, "years ago". You are either flat out ignorant to the market *which we know you aren't* or your flat out attempting to mislead people so that you can benefit from it. Which one is it?


Lore Keeper
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I have noticed items starting at 500m I understand people wanting the item bad enough to get in a bid war, but it would be nice to start lower and give others a chance to get the item into their collections. Just a couple months ago new event items ran from 200-500m for really cool items ---usually selling around 250m mark


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aye i like what you said there Decadence, whilst prices are increasing with inflation and stuff no doubt, the majority of collectors aren't making more gold or making gold any quicker it seems, so it is just getting harder and harder for many collectors to buy items now.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used to feel somewhat "UO Rich" with what I have until the past 3-4 months. After seeing what things have sold for and seeing some players shaking that endless money (gold) tree.... I think I went from feeling rich to poor pretty quick.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heres my question, does your guide apply to what you sell as well Manticore? I can go back less than 2 weeks worth of posts and was wondering if you would sell some of those unique for your listed prices?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't deal in this market much, but a couple observations. The first is that the price of gold has NOT stayed constant. It's deflated significantly in rl cost as well as in-game cost. This flaws this line of thinking to your favor. Secondly, seriously? I can go back through multiple threads on this board and find 1-15 drops selling for 5+ times what you dictate they are worth. Beyond that, (20) drops selling for 25-100M (compared to 1-15 drops). Really? When a spawnable +5 stat scroll is still 15-20M on my shards, you're going to claim a 1 time EM event drop of 20 is only worth (at a minimum) 25M? Okay..........


Lore Keeper
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I am not exactly sure I understand your question regarding Manticore, but my personal experience with him is that he knows what collectors really likes, and he is accommodating on his prices to help those fill in their collections. For example, I love lanterns, Manticore has contacted me with lanterns he has come across trying to help my collection. He could have easily put the lantern up for bids, but he tries to help collectors. I am sure there are others that could come forward in ways that Manticore has helped them, as he has always tried to promote the rares community.

Oh and he has been very helpful on his prices, selling me items from his own personal collection that were unique when I wanted my character to be decked out in pretty rares, and in items distinct so as imposters could not easily rip off the community pretending to me when brokering.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am not exactly sure I understand your question regarding Manticore, but my personal experience with him is that he knows what collectors really likes, and he is accommodating on his prices to help those fill in their collections. For example, I love lanterns, Manticore has contacted me with lanterns he has come across trying to help my collection. He could have easily put the lantern up for bids, but he tries to help collectors. I am sure there are others that could come forward in ways that Manticore has helped them, as he has always tried to promote the rares community.

It wasn't so much as a question but observations I and many others have made over a period of time. Like I asked though in my last post, does this new "guide" he posted apply to items he is trying to sell? Anyone who has ever tried to buy something rare from Manticore has to laugh at this guide. I can scroll back to his rubble post and see he is looking for prices higher than 1-10 drop items according to his guide. My point is lead by example, if you feel items are worth this then you should have no problem selling items at that price, will he? Right now i'm STRONGLY leading towards a hell no.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also those strongly agreeing with his post have also strongly benefited from the very thing he is railing against. Anyone agreeing with his price guide is nothing but a hypocrite if they sell items for more than his "guide" says.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Manticore :wall: Swing on by my place for some quick heals when you need them. Make sure your all 70's suit is fully functionable as well.

You are good People and always helpful. :bowdown:

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Also those strongly agreeing with his post have also strongly benefited from the very thing he is railing against. Anyone agreeing with his price guide is nothing but a hypocrite if they sell items for more than his "guide" says.
Oh take it easy, I wouldn't go throw around a bunch of blanket statements at this community. We all know it all comes down to what the market bares including Manticore.

No need for a bunch of personal attacks and accusations between anyone.

If we like it we buy it. If we love we pay all the gold for it. If we are not interested really but we don't have one or might be able to trade it for something we do want we bit lower.

Now let's all go have fun on someone's auction. Who's got something to sell?
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is my outlook on it, I agree with Manticore and Bon Iver. Prices on Items have gone up SO MUCH. The only way I would pay that amount for an item that would be worth 200mil less then the asking price.. Is by how bad I really wanted the item. If its from Atlantic, Has the name Crux Ansata in it, or i just need it to finished my collection, I could pay 200-300mil more than the actual worth of the item. I'm not talking about any specific people, but when someone starts a auction/sale and states the minimum they will take is 500-1bil.. and buyout is 1.5bil-2bil... on an item they bought from these very boards for only 500-800mil?! Its ridiculous, unless someone REALLY wanted it, and I mean REALLY REALLY wanted it, people will not pay 400-500mil OVER the actual worth. For example, about last year i bought a Europa Gold harp from these boards for 400mil, beautiful item. About 5 months ago, I got offered 1bil-1.5bil for it.. because they REALLY wanted it. (I can't remember the name off hand, but its Atlantic Season 8, only 6 dropped.)
Now.. normally.. this item would go for about 400-500mil on stratics. But if I make an auction.. and start minimum of 1bil and buyout of 3bil... Thats sends a sign.. and not a good one. And for those who are wondering if i sold the harp, i didn't. Only because i bought it for one reason. And that reason is because i bought it to keep and cherish.. not to make a quick buck. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh take it easy, I wouldn't go throw around a bunch of blanket statements at this community. We all know it all comes down to what the market bares including Manticore.

No need for a bunch of personal attacks and accusations between anyone.

If we like it we buy it. If we love we pay all the gold for it. If we are not interested really but we don't have one or might be able to trade it for something we do want we bit lower.

Now let's all go have fun on someone's auction. Who's got something to sell?
I wasn't trying to throw out blanket statements at the community, I'm simply trying to point out that those who are "all behind" this guide have greatly benefited from the very reason this post was created. Going forward if they believe this is such an accurate guide they will also sell their future items according to the guide right? Anything less would be hypocritical no?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cyanide, i do believe that Manticore is not stating we should follow that guide he just posted up, he even said thats just a general trend he was seeing a few years back. I believe he was just posting it up there to prove a point that prices are getting a bit out of control and in response to who im guessing was you saying you wouldnt deal with him anymore for him trying to voice his opinion that prices are getting ridiculous


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cyanide, i do believe that Manticore is not stating we should follow that guide he just posted up, he even said thats just a general trend he was seeing a few years back. I believe he was just posting it up there to prove a point that prices are getting a bit out of control and in response to who im guessing was you saying you wouldnt deal with him anymore for him trying to voice his opinion that prices are getting ridiculous

Actually re-read what he wrote, he stated prices of gold has stayed the same and also related that to how rares should be priced the same. He puts a correlation between the 2. He is clearly stating that items should go for a certain price, IE what he listed in the first post.

"Looking at the history of items over the past few years and seeing the price of gold has kept constant what I saw" Those are his words.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Wow.. there is so much ******** in this thread...

People will sell crap for what they want and people will buy that crap for what they want. I think its time people stop taking it personal, if you do like a price offer less.. if they decline move on.. seriously. There is less people and an ABUNDANCE of gold.. the price will fluctuate, this game is full of GREED. Hell if I got a EM ITEM and someone was like.. 500m! and its a 1/10.. 1/20 or whatever.. you think im going to be like.. "wait a minute... i need to check the price guide." **** that.. sold 500m.

Athelas lock this thread now before virtual **** starts getting flung.

PS: this is NOT directed to anyone specific.. just a general .02
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL, best you can do? My original points are valid. Kudos on your "stellar" powers of observation. Gold is severely devalued, and your "appropriate" price guide is bs. Sorry if you don't like my statements, or name, nothing has changed THOSE facts. Instead of attacking me to the point of reporting the post, please dispute my original comments. The +5 stat scrolls are 20M on my shard, but a (20) level drop is only worth 25. You have yet to respond to my original post, you just personally attack me. Do you have responses for my original post or will you just continue to attack me? Sorry if I somehow offended you, I'm just looking for answers.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well perhaps this thread is doing more harm than good, maybe if everyone just cooled off and slept on it, then created a constructive mature debate on pricing concerns tomorrow in a seperate thread :) Im sure there are valid and interesting points on both sides that are just being shrouded by bullcrap and personal vendettas at the moment :). Manti and Cyan are both fresh out of a confrontation so blood is boiling and that won't do anyone any good at this moment in time :) We're all one community at the end of the day, and in communities there are fall outs but im sure you can both work through it, time heals all :) Im sure the rest of us will be here to support you both and your points through this debate and help you resolve your differences
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well perhaps this thread is doing more harm than good, maybe if everyone just cooled off and slept on it, then created a constructive mature debate on pricing concerns tomorrow in a seperate thread :)
Pricing, whether in-game or in real life, when done under the guise of a "guide" is collusion. This distorts the free market and swings it towards one party or the other. The "free" market should be just that, one which has it's own price discovery mechanism.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well perhaps this thread is doing more harm than good, maybe if everyone just cooled off and slept on it, then created a constructive mature debate on pricing concerns tomorrow in a seperate thread :) Im sure there are valid and interesting points on both sides that are just being shrouded by bullcrap and personal vendettas at the moment :). Manti and Cyan are both fresh out of a confrontation so blood is boiling and that won't do anyone any good at this moment in time :) We're all one community at the end of the day, and in communities there are fall outs but im sure you can both work through it, time heals all :)
Everyone might do well to read this and take it to heart...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well we know you feel that way matey, but im sure there are others like me, that perhaps dont think the guide is the way forward but DO feel that sale prices are going a bit crazy as of late. So we're a bit in the middle :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL, best you can do? My original points are valid. Kudos on your "stellar" powers of observation. Gold is severely devalued, and your "appropriate" price guide is bs. Sorry if you don't like my statements, or name, nothing has changed THOSE facts. Instead of attacking me to the point of reporting the post, please dispute my original comments. The +5 stat scrolls are 20M on my shard, but a (20) level drop is only worth 25. You have yet to respond to my original post, you just personally attack me. Do you have responses for my original post or will you just continue to attack me? Sorry if I somehow offended you, I'm just looking for answers.

Sure I'll play.

I said 1-10 drop typically sell at 75-150 mil. With secondary function add another 50-100 mil or toping out on average at 250 ml.

A 20-30 drop sold for 25-50 mil less than the 10 drop or at best 200 mil range.

I didn't respond to your post earlier because there was nothing to respond to since your figures don't add up to what I originally said.

Your comparison using the +5 stat scroll is like comparing apples against oranges. Lavilier continuous to spawn and yet still sells for 75 mil + so where does that fall in to your argument? By your examples since there are probably 200-500+ of those around and selling at 75 mil an 1-10 drop should be worth 5 billion to start since its 50 x more rare?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well we know you feel that way matey, but im sure there are others like me, that perhaps dont think the guide is the way forward but DO feel that sale prices are going a bit crazy as of late. So we're a bit in the middle :)
Oh no, I'm not presuming to tell anyone how to think. We may be a community but we certainly don't have to always agree with one another. In fact I wouldn't want to be a part of a community like that. We're all free thinkers and we all do things in our own way. I just think things are starting to heat up a bit and everyone should take a step back before someone gets too worked up.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
lol sorry Athelas that post was pointed at Aibal, everyones just posting too quickly on this thread! haha :D

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
I have no problem with purchasing an item that I REALLY want but recently I've been seeing a trend of 1 of 10 event items STARTING at 500mil. I am totally mind blown about how the market has come to such! Some of the items have normal properties and sometimes they have nothing deserving a worth of 500mil. I also think that with the discovery of a new template that has a high % rate of getting an event item, these are the player who control the market now. Please consider the item for what it is, not for a price that keeps being reused with every earned event rare. After a while, people will not be able to afford 500mil rares so YOU, whoever the seller is, start with a lower reserve! If you start with a lower reserve, you may attract more potential buyers and if a buyer wants it bad enough, they will pay however much it takes (Maybe that 500 million).

Thank you!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Exactly. Putting a pricing "guide" on event "rares" is hilarious. There is too much gold (devalued) and too many buyers, to stop the craze. Manticore, you can hate on me all you want, but this is, what it is. I was going to put a long post together on your earlier slam, but at this point I really don't give a ****. Carry on.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Exactly. Putting a pricing "guide" on event "rares" is hilarious. There is too much gold (devalued) and too many buyers, to stop the craze. Manticore, you can hate on me all you want, but this is, what it is. I was going to put a long post together on your earlier slam, but at this point I really don't give a ****. Carry on.
Oh I don't hate, been playing too long to develop that kind of emotions over a game heh. Thread was interesting to said the least. Something fun to read over on a Tuesday night. At the end of the day different strokes for different folks. It's all good.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, after thinking about this and reviewing some threads. I now claim this thread worthless, even though i agree that the prices of said items are to high. The reason I believe this thread is worthless is for many reasons.

1) There are collectors who have different gold amounts. Me, I'm sitting on 200mil and that's it, While some are sitting on 10bil+. So that being said, many can afford all the high prices because they are always sitting on gold.

2) The dupers - Yes its obvious, I'm not saying any names. I actually don't know if anyone on the rares forums is a dupers. But there is not doubt there is duping out there. They CAN'T stop duping. Why do you think they want to go to the UO gold on the accounts instead of checks. Because they believe it will stop it. Will it or won't it? That's the question.
So duping has a lot to do with the prices on things. More gold available, more higher the item goes. Simple economics.

3) Same people getting the event items - I'm not stating favoritism, because it isn't. With this new 'Event Item' system, many have found 'tricks' to getting an item EVERY time. One trick is having a FAST computer to cut the lag out of the picture. They have also found a template to go with their speed, and use it to their benefit. No lag, right wep, right template. 250 damge a hit. Guarantee's an item every time. Sounds familiar? Thats why i'm highly against this new system. Same people get the item every time, they DO control the prices of the rares. I propose that the items still drop in your packs, but remove the top damagers, please. Or the items will continue going up, as you all saw with the piglet that just dropped. It just sold for buyout of 1bil... when in reality. Its worth less than half that.

There are many more reasons why i believe we are all wasting our time on this. We can't change what people charge and how much someone pays for an item. We only have to adapt to it... or just quit collecting. Simple. I don't collect for the value of the items, i collect for the fun and awesomeness of it all. If you are collecting just for the value, then you will always be mad and irritated on how things change.

Just something to think about. :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I propose that the items still drop in your packs, but remove the top damagers, please.
If there is 10 items at the event, 5 should go to the top damagers, 5 should randomly appear on the floor or maybe even in the corpse so everyone has a chance to grab a goody.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it truly "sold" for that, is it worth "less" than that? Free market. Just something to think about.:)


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since I just got an ICQ threat commenting on how my point of view of rare prices getting out of control and that basically "they" will stop selling items to me from now on "LOL" I guess I just have to take it one step further.

Looking at the history of items over the past few years and seeing the price of gold has kept constant what I saw (and this is only my small observation) that for rares:

1-10 drop unless has multiple qualities such as names, hue, and graphic sells at 75-150 mil.

with secondary functions add another 50-100 mil on top of that.

15 drop items depending on shard follows the same rules.

20 drop items sells 25-50 mil less.

30 drop items sells 25-50 mil less.

But these of course are just what they were selling at before the inflation. But if you wish to bid that 500 mil for the item of course that's your choice :)
I agree, however the people who are purchasing the items at "inflated prices" so be it. However, If anyone has more rares, than Manti or Myself i would like to see them. We have been doing this most longer than any of you have played. Manti put a general guide for these items with a standard price for rares as they drop. These prices fluctuate with gold a little bit but not a bunch.

Yes, the price of gold is down a bit, but who cares? This pig was a 15 drop. Once a few are sold the price will drop. They are not worth more than 150 mil max, and that is just because of the hue on it, and it is part of a set of 4 now. Flying, amphibious, mech and i forget the 4th.

If you pay 500 mil or more for a pig that dropped tonight, you are wasting money. Some of you guys who get lucky and sell one to a fool for whatever abnoxious price are insame. You will regret it later. You do not have the bankrolls that true collectors like us have. This post was to help people, educate people. Manti was trying to set things straight


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Exactly. Putting a pricing "guide" on event "rares" is hilarious. There is too much gold (devalued) and too many buyers, to stop the craze. Manticore, you can hate on me all you want, but this is, what it is. I was going to put a long post together on your earlier slam, but at this point I really don't give a ****. Carry on.
Why is it hilarious? You jealous that a few of us have more rares than you do gold coins?


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its not. But how can the wealthies people in this game, who get icq's everyday about prices. Not having anything to do with the market?
No different than any market. It has to be set.