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Paying well for 18x18 unblocked&no spawn in tram/malas


Stratics Veteran
Topic basically says it all... I want an 18x18 that is unblocked by other houses, and has little to no spawn (prefer there to be none) I can pay in pure gold or items if you prefer... or a mix of both. ICQ me @ 606-176-552


Stratics Veteran
Topic basically says it all... I want an 18x18 that is unblocked by other houses, and has little to no spawn (prefer there to be none) I can pay in pure gold or items if you prefer... or a mix of both. ICQ me @ 606-176-552

Bump- So i settled for an 18x18 in tram with spawn (in a swamp wth was i thinking...) and I hate it. 4 Days until I can place again but It seems it'll take that long to find my dream house, which is- 18x18 TRAM-0 spawn, on water, completely unblocked. I am willing to pay very well for this so if you are thinking about selling one.... hopefully the number I offer will push you over that edge :)


Stratics Veteran
I icq'd you on Sunday and you never replied...
Argh I know i accidently closed the convo window cuz i had like 7 open and I have save history on icq turned off so.... when i reopened there was no message from u so i had no way to contact you again. PLZ icq me again!