Sorry - but I disagree... it is not EA's problem to fix the bandwidth of the internet routers in their server locations so that no one will lag at events. Access is not limited to "those who happen to know where to look" - the Atlantic Info sites have been published for a long time and are public knowledge for anyone willing to take the time to look. With many guilds - that is one person who spreads the word to the rest of the guild. And one location for all shards will be too cumbersome for many to sort through - and many will not.Then that is a problem for EA to fix. We all pay for the same game, same content. Some people don't pay extra for access to EM events. WE ALL PAY. Therefore, access should be available to everyone without restricting it to those who happen to know where to look. And it should be in ONE location for ALL shards for anyone who wants to participate in them.