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[Selling] Lots of rares on Atlantic

Rare Collector

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Selling the following items on Atlantic, payment MUST be made on Atlantic. This is not an auction, items will be sold to the first person to contact me with a reasonable offer. PM or ICQ me at 583-373-397 to make offers.

1. Minor Scepter Of Power

2. Atlantic Mesanna Roulette Torso/Legs set

3. Ruined Miasma Recipe Scroll

4. Proof Of A Completed Assignment

5. Order Of The Silent Truth

6. Friend Of The Wis-Lem Kir

7. I Was Not The Last Man Standing On Atlantic 2010

8. Deed To A Blacksmith's Shop

9. A Signed Modicum Of The Vestmental Robes Of EM Bennu

10. A Replica Of The Mutilator's Machete

11. I Stole This Lantern!
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Rare Collector

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bump... Still many items available selling them cheap. Added item #18.
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