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Ancient Tome of Rituals Moongate Research translated..

Magdalena Chef

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...or whatever you want to call it. I missed the event last night but I did find these lovely books on top of Britain Bank.

Here are the solutions/translations: (I think in the first one the scribe may have made a slight boo-boo)

Ancient Book of Rituals (tome one):

Mae ddaw un a fydd yn llyddo. Doethrineb a Rhinweddau yn allweddol.

A Ddaw one that will succeed. Wisdom and Attributes are key. (the ddaw.....hm....?)

Ancient Book of Rituals (Tome 2):

Bydd y geiriau yn cael ei sairad mwen amser a bydd yr holl ei iachau.

The words being spoken in time and all his healing.

Ancient Book of Rituals (Tome 3): Bydd yr ynni a ryddheir yn rhoi pwer i yr un. Bydd yn cael ei ddwed bydd un cael ei wneud

The energy released empowers each. It will be said, will be done.

Do I get to be an Honorary Scribe or something? What do I win? *grins* Not sure what it means, means - but maybe it'll make sense to those who were present. Hope it helps!

ps - If I copied the ancient tome stuff wrong, forgive me it's after 5 am and I really should be in bed.....
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Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is Welsh, an ancient language from terrestrial Earth, a variant of which was also spoken by the great abyssal cultists of Grimswind before they all died, leaving only unicorn-infested ruins.

I may actually be talking out of my arse. If I'm wrong, please correct me. The Grimswinders did speak Welsh, though.
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Magdalena Chef

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep, it is Welsh. (Only a few languages have consonant placement [look like] that).

So, question is- does it help or not? :)

A Zombie

Stratics Veteran
Yep, it is Welsh. (Only a few languages have consonant placement [look like] that).

So, question is- does it help or not? :)
Dunno about any of that, but try speaking zombish. Only like 4 words that I know of. *moans* (total gibberish) *brains* (which there is a major shortage of) *Tias* (holy @#$% I'm gonna die again) and one other thing I can't translate in a family friendly environment

Lindae Lives

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am altogether too excited about the possibility of a linguistic link between the Grimswinders and the ancient Ilshenari, but I am aware that nobody cares so I will refrain from ranting about it.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wasn't aware that there was ever any reason to not have rants on Stratics.