I like a few things that King Fisher noted, and others as well. I think many of us agree there should be some sort of small gold sink, whether it be housing repairs, or a monthly land tax to Lord British. It seems many of us want to make sure that the economy is server run, similar to how UO should have been, without the duplicating and other exploits. However, I believe the customization should be free, along with provided pre built houses, so the player can choose pre existing, or to customize their own. I realize the eyesores that a few people mention, but that is the life. In UO and in real life, sometimes people don't have the decorative mind as one another, maybe that just want to have something crazy, or maybe just a plot land with some plants. I think that should be left up to the player. If one home owner doesn't like his neighbors style, move away, or talk and offer deco tips.
Something my girlfriend mentioned to me, while I was, probably over excitedly retelling her about an interview Lord British had on the George Show, was that it would be cool to have your own theme house. Whatever style fantasy this game ends up being, there is no doubt that most of us still want medievil looks, so having those options similar to UO, being able to decorate your walls, floor tiles, having 1,2, and 3 story homes that could look anything from a sandstone mexican villa to a medievil stone wall S&M chamber. Freedom and options.
Not all the houses should be easy to come by, like the castle in UO(although not that insanely hard to acquire). It is nice to know when you had an 18x18 or a tower, that you did WORK for it, someone would have to spend lots of money on it and make a real investment, and I think that falls back onto making sure not everyone has money just sitting around, except those hardcore players. Again as many other people say, they love the vendor and shopping experiences that UO had to offer, going to one portal, and then that real sense of getting lost in the world shopping from house to house and really trying to seek out good prices. All the newer games with one central shopping hub(auction house), as well as in Ultima Online: Age of Shadows with the introduction of Luna, on every server Luna became this huge shopping extravaganza that wasn't player made. Not only the shopping experiences and ability to really control a mini "business" with vendors, but players would always stumble upon random homes that would be decorated so neatly, and others...not so neatly. It gives reason to help the players that want to make their house look great, extra reason to because they know shoppers will be coming by.
The main issue which of course is tough, is the plotting. For one of my ideas, UO fans I ask you imagine if Tram and Fel were more as one land, not two, and Iilshnar a second, I liked the idea of having at least Some designated areas where one could go and not see homes that would take you away from the experience, as the bright green EXIT sign in a movie theatre does. Like with Iilshnar, I loved going with a friend or two to go hunt the Ancient Wyrm, but you'd have to travel through this forest, around the corner of a mountain, and follow it up to his den. It a small sense, it was great to feel like you and your friend were "travelling" or going on this adventure that would lead you away from civilization(homes included).
The idea of UO is where you couldnt always just lay a big house anywhere, whether it be trees or unflat ground, and not only that, but the ability that sometimes you DID have the chance to build a bigger home in a spot you really liked, however you had to try to purchase the neighbors home, you could then take both homes, and destroy and build an even bigger home. Not always, but running into those situations were something that added small but great opportunities and experiences. I don't, however, feel URPG should have any instanced housing, plain and simple it takes away that open world continious feeling. That people can just walk by, animals may or may not be grazing by. I've searched for quite a long time trying to find games with good housing, and could never find one that could match or best UO.
I personally think the isometric style was fantastic, you get to see so much of the house at once, and at an awesome angle, not only that but you were able to see behind you and all around you all at once. I don't think it would fair well to stray from that, with third person 3d comes so much graphics hogging lag, WoW, TERA, SWTOR, it usually doesn't matter what PC you have.
I DO think housing should play a lot like Felluca did, inside your home, you are pretty darn safe from anything. It's your home. However once you step out, you step out into the world. Of course, there was probably no one running around waiting to kill you, but the possibility that it could happen adds a sense of depth to the game. To be decorating your house one moment and then see two people running by fighting it out adds some cool excitement, for everyone, I believe. Linking what others suggested, what if you could rent some guards(another gold sink), that sit out in front of your home, and while we know NPCs never really do a great job, and I would never expect them too, maybe they could take some damage for you instead of trying to attack the PVPer.(I.E. You open a portal to your house, go there and someone starts to attack you, if you have some good hefty bodyguards, they would take the damage for you as long as you were withing X tiles of your home.) Not only bodyguards, but if you're an animal tamer, you could have an option of having your pet sitting out front protecting you. God knows my dragons saved me more than once!
I feel having the ability to really make a home as individual to each player as much as possible helped curb the downsides of the urban sprawling and other other issues. Yes, it was not perfect but we loved our virtual homes so much we would live with it.
Highlights of my article, and probably the only real important things lol.
- Housing repairs, reoccurring land tax to Lord British
- Freedom of choice for customization, with plenty of themes, with added predesigned homes as an option(similar to UO)
- Ability to fully really renovate your home, floor tiles, walls, balconies, roofing, etc.
- Being able to sell from your home with vendors, adding to the commerical range: simple home, specified selling business, or mini shopping mall
- Real range is home value. Easy small homes, to large very very hard to get homes, or at least plot sizes.
- No "government" designated plotting areas like Luna which take away from player run hot spots.
- Player towns can be suggested in certain locations, but again not to the point of Luna, where it is obvious and everyone makes a house there and then no one shops anywhere else.
- Safety inside the home, but danger on the outside
- Locations and lands where housing is NOT available to add to the experience of getting away from civilization
- Different landscapes, snow, mountains, flat grasslands, or near likely PVP hotspots.
- NON instance housing
- Possibility of renting out bodyguards to take damage for you and proctect you should you come under fire until you can safely enter your home.
- Give us a place to call our own, and the ability to show it off to other people!
Thank you for reading my article and please anyone I'd love to hear feedback on your thoughts on these. Thumbs up, thumbs down?
Gods speed Lord British!