Imagine, what would all the uo players do: If EA's LAwyers sent out cease and Desist Orders to the top ten (if there still are that many) Websites that talk about UO, and shortly after that closed down shop. No more UO, But you got a free 6month subscription to ay other EA game. What would you do with your time? You know, that time you spent playing UO, or trash talking in a forum, or bank sitting, or drooling over some pixels from bank sitters. Or oogling the fire Cu. Imagine if instead of trolling here, and throwing out some negativity you GOT A LIFE!. I'm just saying, you (anyone reading this) probably wouldn't want to admit in a poll where you live, who you live with, how old you are, what the desk or couch around the computer, that you use to play this gasme, looks like. And here you are trolling or trying to defend a Game?! Yeah, I play too.....I risk a job to read about the game, I risk my family and marriage, when I play too long and ignore them. Except, My wifes happy, I have 3 healthy kids, I'm Debt Free! and my UO playing area isn't littered with food wrappers. How about you? Still Living at home with the folks? Fell on hard times and had to move back in? But yet still time for UO? Trolls and defenders alike, i urge you to get over yourselves, and what you think is loyalty to this game! Go outside! run, enjoy Vitamin D! (sun) Lose weight, stop snacking, get in shape. Have a better attitude on life......Step Away from the Computer screen, It won't give you a tan.