Checking everyone's name and paperdoll, I've seen:
Edited for updates...
Captain John, Duke of Britain
Bill Breakspeare, Duke of Britain
Zarl, Duke of Moonglow
Hotep Shakkara, Duchess of Trinsic
Aulin, Duke of Britain
Amadigi, Duke of Britain
Arashikar, Duke of New Magincia
Forbrak, Duke of New Magincia
Moira, Duchess of Skara Brae
Whispering Green*, Duke of Britain
Wolfrat, Duke of Trinsic
Sparrow*, Duke of Moonglow
Robin, Duke of Britain
Nimuaq, Marquis of Britain
Eol Sinderanie*, Duke of Yew
Aron Swordmaster, Earl of Yew
Twaalf, Earl of New Magincia
Perry Ragus, Earl of Britain
Ayara-Bee, Countess of Moonglow
Alyala, Countess of Trinsic
MiR, Countess of Britain
Miruna, Countess of Britain
Antinea, Countess of Skara Brae
Neidre, Countess of Yew
Ellendea, Countess of Vesper
G'reth, Earl of Moonglow
Dredd, Viscount of Britain
Salivern Diago, Earl of Britain
Perry Ragus, Earl of Britain
Dumb and Dumber, Viscountess of Britain
Alhendin Viznar, Viscount of Skara Brae
Loke, Viscount of Moonglow
Lyn, Baroness of Minoc
Morgana, Baroness of Moonglow
Maharette, Baroness of Britain
Ailea, Baroness of New Magincia
ARKANE, Baron of Skara Brae
Lucy of Kenton, Baroness of Britain
Caelestis, Baroness of Skara Brae
Vaz'Rakal, Baroness of Trinsic
Snooty Tooty, Baroness of Yew
Dermis, Baron of Britain
Celie Crafter, Baroness of Yew
Miss Sorro, Baroness of Britain
Stoneforges, Baron of Moonglow
Persidious, Baron of Yew
Bleda, Baron of Britain
End Game-, Baronetess of Vesper
Yaesha Miral, Baronetess of Minoc
Meredth, Baronetess of Britain
Megistias, Knight of Britain
Carnelious, Knight of Britain
End Game, Dame of Vesper
Arduinna, Dame of Vesper
Leodegan, Knight of Jhelom
Reann, Dame of Trinsic
Arkane, Knight of Skara Brae
Hex, Knight of Moonglow
Slappyjipper, Knight of Yew
Wokhoss, Knight of Trinsic
Butch, Knight of Britain
Jansen, Knight of Moonglow
Your Granny, Baronet of New Magincia
Ralan, Knight of Skara Brae
Dreaded Iceblood, Citizen of New Magincia
Eve Synes, Citizen of Britain
Caerys, Citizen of Britain
Keishara, Citizen of Britain
Serafi, Citizen of Yew
Drakemore, Citizen of Yew
Monty the God, Citizen of Britain
Hiro Nakamura, Citizen of Yew
Alaster, Citizen of Skara Brae
Hiram Galembravo, Citzen of Britain
John (something), Citizen of Vesper (was too fast and couldn't see full name)
John Cooper, Citizen of Britain
Kou, Citizen of Trinsic
Van Codicius Jr, Citizen of Britain
Emiko Oshiro, Citizen of Britain
Bill, Citizen of Trinsic
Strahd, Citizen of Moonglow
Mary-Ann, Citizen of New Magincia
Thor, Citizen of Yhelom
MelVon, Citizen of New Magincia
Horatio Nelson, Citizen of Minoc
Ragnaer G, Citizen of Britain
Krom of Cimmeria, Citizen of Vesper
Internecine, Citizen of New Magincia
Harry Dresden, Citizen of Moonglow
Someone Special, Citizen of Skara Brae
Will the Black, Citizen of Vesper
Caelyr, Citizen of New Magincia
Sexygirl, Citizen of Moonglow
Despite spending a weekend of arresting protestors, no sign of the roleplaying group at Trinsic. Would've asked first if I had seen them, but no such luck.
Anyone got names to add to the list?