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[Discussion] Question about Easter Baskets


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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over the last year or so i have picked up easter baskets here and there.
i just noticed the other day that i have a nice little collection of them all in different colors.
and i thought to myself.... i wonder where these all came from.

so i came and looked around wondering if there was a list of which shard had which colors given out.

i cant seem to find any list if such a list exists.

i KNOW that one certain colors where given out per shard.

i thought maybe someone here would know the answer to this riddle.

thanks for your time.



The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Easter 2010.
just read up on them a bit, they where from the EM easter event 2010.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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Beautiful set! I've enjoyed my set as well. I think you have all the colors too at first glance.

I think it would be a good bit of info to add into the archive. If we can compile a shard/color list, I'll be happy to make a graphic for it.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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thats not my set, hehe, i think i have 14, i got that off a web search.

but ya, if people wanna kick in with what their home shard color of basket was we could slap that into the archive.

ive started a list of what i THINK where some of the shards.
maybe ill make a pic with each basket numbered and we can have a ongoing list that we can edit till we get them all.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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1. Atlantic Fel (93)
2. Atlantic Tram (95)
3. Drachenfels and Cat's (1165)
4. Asian Day 3 (2119)
5. Legends (83)
6. GL #1 (778)
7. Asian Day 2 (2001)
8. Sonoma & Baja & Pacific (1159)
9. Lake Austin (133)
10. Europa (137)
11. Lake Superior (1172)
12. Chessy and Asian Day 4 (1166)
13. GL #2 (22)
14. ? (23)
15. ? (26)
16. Napa (1170)
17. ? (13)
18. Origin (1171)
19. most shards if you got it too early (0)
20. Asian Day 1 (2418)

and yes, that is MS Paint!
there's no school like the Old School!
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Lore Keeper
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and yes, that is MS Paint!
there's no school like the Old School!
I know for a fact #18 is origin, #8 was Baja and another shard had that color too, Europa had a red one, but not sure which.
GL had one in fel and tram, there was purplish and a greenish one.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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I know for a fact #18 is origin, #8 was Baja and another shard had that color too, Europa had a red one, but not sure which.
GL had one in fel and tram, there was purplish and a greenish one.
i think that other one for #8 was Pacific.
i know it had one of the funky dark ones and i just did a search and there are a lot of those one for sale on pac and cheap.

Lord X

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11 is Lake Superior, 19 Plain default color also happened on Lake Superior if you got it too early.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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10 Fel Europa
19 plain default colour Tram Europa
10 or 9?
another person from Europa posted on the Europa forum that they thought is was 9 is the only reason i ask.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Your image has terrible compression but I believe 1 & 2 are Atlantic.
a thousand pardons my liege, i just grabbed the only complete pic i could find, if i can find another complete set ill try to get a better one up.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Baja is confirmed to be #8 along with Sonoma and possibly Pac


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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very nice bro!
all check those against what we have allready!!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Pac is rumoured to be #8 (shared with sonoma and baja)

Pac Forum


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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so, whats missing.

Oceana and all the HK and Korean shards.
if anyone knows of any of those, or has a contact for any of those, let me know.



The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i think we have done all that can be done on this topic.
Oceania i cant seem to find anyone who was playing at the time of this event.
and i dont speak Korean or Japanese.

so, while this list is only 80% done, i think that is as far as we are gonna be able to get it.

thanks everyone who helped!



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Since there's still no good list, and as we go into yet another Easter season, I figure this is worth some ressurrection. I do notice that the above list is missing all of asia. From what I can tell, they all got the same colors, but each day, the color changed. It ran from 2010-4-14 to 4-17:

day 1: brown 2418
day 2: green 2001
day 3: blue 2119
day 4: pink 1166


Always Present
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Since there's still no good list, and as we go into yet another Easter season, I figure this is worth some ressurrection. I do notice that the above list is missing all of asia. From what I can tell, they all got the same colors, but each day, the color changed. It ran from 2010-4-14 to 4-17:

day 1: brown 2418
day 2: green 2001
day 3: blue 2119
day 4: pink 1166
Ugh not cool bumping a 2 year old easter thread. I got excited.


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Heh, well, we do have new easter baskets as of today... they just happen to all look identical, and use the plain hued graphic of a daily spawn basket. But they do come with bunnies inside! :D


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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Since there's still no good list, and as we go into yet another Easter season, I figure this is worth some ressurrection. I do notice that the above list is missing all of asia. From what I can tell, they all got the same colors, but each day, the color changed. It ran from 2010-4-14 to 4-17:

day 1: brown 2418
day 2: green 2001
day 3: blue 2119
day 4: pink 1166
Brian where you able to grab all the numbers?

i just checked mine and it seems i have a double, so im missing one of the numbers.
ive updated my post above with the numbers (hues) i have.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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ive updated post 7 with some more current information.

just missing 3 now and ive added the hue numbers for the 20 different baskets.
the 3 missing ones i think we can safely assume are either Asia shards or 2nd baskets from a north american shards (fel side colors like ATL and GL had)

unless someone remembers this will remain a mystery.


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Just turning the list inside out, so we know what we don't know... I know "asia" here at least included Asuka, Izumo, Mizuho, Sakura, and Wakoku. I'm not sure about Yamato.

If the easter baskets had similar hues and distribution to the 4th of July staffs, I would guess that Balhae might be #14. as that one's the one that seems hardest to find. (With #s 1 and 9 second most difficult, then 15 and 17 tied for third place...)

(all shards) - 19
Asuka - 4, 7, 12, & 20
Atlantic - 1 & 2
Baja - 8
Catskills - 3
Chesapeake - 12
Drachenfels - 3
Europa - 10
Great Lakes - 6 & 13
Hokuto - 4, 7, 12, & 20
Izumo - 4, 7, 12, & 20
Lake Austin - 9
Lake Superior - 11
Legends - 5
Mizuho - 4, 7, 12, & 20
Napa Valley - 16
Origin - 18
Pacific - 8
Sakura - 4, 7, 12, & 20
Sonoma - 8
Wakoku - 4, 7, 12, & 20
Yamato - 4, 7, 12, & 20

Arirang - ?
Balhae - ?
Formosa - ?
Oceania - ?

? - 14
? - 15
? - 17
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Slightly Crazed
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I got them in the 2010 Easter event, but I am not familiar with Color code.
my friend of mine had been summarized in a blog article.
Text is Japanese, but it may be helpful


Japan Shard of the same color and four types
(yamato asuka sakura hokuto izumo mizuho wakoku )
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The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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great find blend!
that helps fill up a bunch of the gaps i had!


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Aye, so that takes Sakura and Yamato of the unknown list; now just:

Arirang - ?
Balhae - ?
Formosa - ?
Oceania - ?

? - 14
? - 15
? - 17

And btw, I'm still looking for a 10-charge #9 and #14, if anyone has one! :)


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I think we now have enough info that, combining it all, we can make the definitive listing!

2010 Easter Basket numberings:

Sorted by number
  1. hue 93
    * Atlantic (Felucia)
  2. hue 95
    * Atlantic (Trammel)
  3. hue 1165
    * Catskills
    * Drachenfels
  4. hue 2119
    * Asuka, Hokuto, Izumo, Mizuho, Sakura, Wakoku, and Yamato: day 3 (T2A)
  5. hue 83
    * Legends (Trammel)
  6. hue 778
    * Great Lakes (Felucia)
  7. hue 2001
    * Asuka, Hokuto, Izumo, Mizuho, Sakura, Wakoku, and Yamato: day 2 (Ter Mur)
  8. hue 1159
    * Baja
    * Pacific
    * Sonoma
  9. hue 133
    * Lake Austin
  10. hue 137
    * Europa (Felucia)
  11. hue 1172
    * Lake Superior
  12. hue 1166
    * Chesapeake
    * Asuka, Hokuto, Izumo, Mizuho, Sakura, Wakoku, and Yamato: day 4 (Felucia)
  13. hue 22
    * Great Lakes (Trammel)
  14. hue 23
    * Balhae
  15. hue 2626
    * Arirang
  16. hue 1170
    * Napa Valley
  17. hue 13
    * Legends (Felucia)
  18. hue 1171
    * Origin
  19. hue 0
    * Europa (Trammel)
    * Formosa
    * All shards (when first available)
  20. hue 2418
    * Asuka, Hokuto, Izumo, Mizuho, Sakura, Wakoku, and Yamato: day 1 (Trammel)
  21. hue 1098
    * Siege Perilous
Correct basket unknown:
* Mugen
* Oceania
Sorted by shard
  • All shards (when first available) - 19
  • Arirang - 15
  • Asuka - 4, 7, 12, & 20
  • Atlantic - 1 & 2
  • Baja - 8
  • Balhae - 14
  • Catskills - 3
  • Chesapeake - 12
  • Drachenfels - 3
  • Europa (Felucia) - 10
  • Europa (Trammel) - 19
  • Formosa - 19
  • Great Lakes - 6 & 13
  • Hokuto - 4, 7, 12, & 20
  • Izumo - 4, 7, 12, & 20
  • Lake Austin - 9
  • Lake Superior - 11
  • Legends - 5 & 17
  • Mizuho - 4, 7, 12, & 20
  • Mugen - [unknown]
  • Napa Valley - 16
  • Oceania - [unknown]
  • Origin - 18
  • Pacific - 8
  • Sakura - 4, 7, 12, & 20
  • Seige - 21
  • Sonoma - 8
  • Wakoku - 4, 7, 12, & 20
  • Yamato - 4, 7, 12, & 20

Sorted by hue
  • Hue 0: Basket 19
  • Hue 13: Basket 17
  • Hue 22: Basket 13
  • Hue 23: Basket 14
  • Hue 83: Basket 5
  • Hue 93: Basket 1
  • Hue 95: Basket 2
  • Hue 133: Basket 9
  • Hue 137: Basket 10
  • Hue 778: Basket 6
  • Hue 1098: Basket 21
  • Hue 1159: Basket 8
  • Hue 1165: Basket 3
  • Hue 1166: Basket 12
  • Hue 1170: Basket 16
  • Hue 1171: Basket 18
  • Hue 1172: Basket 11
  • Hue 2001: Basket 7
  • Hue 2119: Basket 4
  • Hue 2418: Basket 20
  • Hue 2626: Basket 15
  • Hue ?: Basket 21
  • Hue ?: Mugen
  • Hue ?: Oceania
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Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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@Baby Doll in the Siege forum helped w/a hue # for the Siege basket - 1098.


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A big thanks to @Olive Oyle from Oceania, who's been able to confirm that they had basket #15.