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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mama Faith is a bit preoccupied.

She been running across mah dreams all night.

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mama Faith is a bit preoccupied.

She been running across mah dreams all night.
Is that why I'm so tired every morning? I've always said I don't run and if you do see me running, look for the wild dogs that are chasing me.

As Fig said, I'll be MIA for a while. We purchased a home in ND and though it's only 7 yrs old, it's going to need a lot of work since the previous owner sprayed in too much insulation so there was no vapor barrier. Guess what that means, class? BLACK MOLD! I'll be heading up there a couple times until the weather and roads won't allow. So until then, I'll be thinking of all of you and will definitely be checking Stratics to see what kind of trouble you're all staying in. Take care and Godspeed *deep curtsy*


Stratics Veteran
Hi Silm!

And yes... although we are diminished by your abscence, we are still around.

COME BACK. That's all.

Hope to see ya soon!

Frances, EcZ