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The Shamrock

Stratics Veteran
It has come to my knowledge that the person who stole this horse statuette from me back in november has officially come public within the rares community trying to sell it. I bought this horse statuette from bliss marie, however due to horrid luck, while locking it down in a private house (apparently too close to the edge) someone scooped it up. I figured for the longest time that it had actually somehow poofed and or got stuck under the house, and was hoping for the longest time this was the case; however I have had 3 people come to me mentioning that they heard someone was indeed selling it. I am making this post TO WARN THOSE WHO WANT TO BUY IT, to be careful. I cannot prove this person is a thief, however I have had 2 people come to me with two different stories on how this person obtained the horse statuette that I had stolen from me. Although it's been 8 or so months since this occurence took place, I tried to keep it to myself because it's embarrassing and frankly not a memory I like to think about. However with all the people coming to me, I've had all the emotions of getting it stolen flood back into me and I decided it would be beneficial to warn the rares community. I'm not making this post to have people sympathize with me or call me an idiot for not being more careful, because trust me I've had enough time to think about all this the past 8 or so months. Here is the picture of the stolen item



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can vouch for this, Bliss Marie did indeed sell this this horse to Rylo, and it was stolen in new mag on Atlantic. So buyer beware.


Stratics Veteran
Wow what a kewl item.. that really sux. and yeah i can vouch for it being possible. I was in my private house on the second floor out on the deck of my house. If you put an item to lock down next to a railing(half wall) it sometimes kind of looks like it is hanging in the air as we've all seen. Well someone outside your house on the ground floor can actually grab the item. fortuneatly it was just a banana tree I lost that way. but definately something to beware of..sorry man that is such a loss..=(

The Shamrock

Stratics Veteran
Yeah, it was, I'm just trying to make this publicly known now after all these months so no one gets screwed as much as i did.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, it was, I'm just trying to make this publicly known now after all these months so no one gets screwed as much as i did.
Wait, you got screwed on this horse as well?

Rylo told me about this story when I was hunting these horses down and it sucks this had happened and kudos to him for posting this to warn the community.

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
I was going to say: There's one of those damn horses Manti's been hunting for!


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it amazes me how people steal things like that and not feel bad about it.... as far as im concerned if you don't use the actual skill "stealing" to "steal" an item, then u obtained it illegally, i dunno how some people have no compassion or sense of decency, makes me wonder what those people are like in real life

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it amazes me how people steal things like that and not feel bad about it.... as far as im concerned if you don't use the actual skill "stealing" to "steal" an item, then u obtained it illegally, i dunno how some people have no compassion or sense of decency, makes me wonder what those people are like in real life
I totally agree 100%
If you can't earn the item yourself, you shouldn't steal it from someone who payed for it or someone who got it themselves. It really shows that persons characteristics if all they know to do is steal and scam from people. I HATE SCAMMERS AND THEIFS. Period.

The Shamrock

Stratics Veteran
Yes it does suck, it kinda speaks for the state of the people who are actually left in this game. I did give the current owner the go ahead to go ahead to buy it from the guy. No point holding grudges because one way or another he would have sold it and it might as well be to someone who really wanted it. What sucks though is that scum of a human being made off with real life money for something that wasn't theirs.

edit; came off a bit whiney here lol... had just gotten home when i made the post (edited out whiney part)

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Sorry for your loss, very sad...

For that i am feeling very unsecure now i have to ask this, is it still possible to grab something from a private house if you use this possible "bug"?

I mean, this shouldnt be possible, and i dont want to lose stuff like that too...

Its a hughe difference if you steal something using the skill, or grab something hidden while in a public house because the owner forgot to check for hidden people before he starts to release and lock down items or, as at seems happend here, using a bug to get something...

IS there any response yet on this from the developers corner?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just because many people are asking. I did not steal this item. Someone else did. I can't sell you things I've never had. I did not invent nor am I the only one ever to take someone that the owner forgot to lock down. If you want to know who took it, I suggest you ask the people that posted that they have information in this thread. A high end take like this would have warranted a smurfy story and probably would have been purchased back by the owner within minutes.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry for your loss, very sad...

For that i am feeling very unsecure now i have to ask this, is it still possible to grab something from a private house if you use this possible "bug"?

I mean, this shouldnt be possible, and i dont want to lose stuff like that too...

Its a hughe difference if you steal something using the skill, or grab something hidden while in a public house because the owner forgot to check for hidden people before he starts to release and lock down items or, as at seems happend here, using a bug to get something...

IS there any response yet on this from the developers corner?
It is possible if the owner is trying to lock it down at the house steps and the thief is standing next to it. You can't use detect hidden to reveal since the thief is technically not in your house.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah just beware i had a guy stealthing around in my house trying to steal items as i locked them down. i always detect hide and never lock anything near the edges! It will get you a instant ban from my house though :)

The Shamrock

Stratics Veteran
You can take anything from a private house if you see it being placed on the ground within the property as long as it's not enclosed by walls/fences etc... i think you can reach in like 5 tiles or so, not just the steps. Not many people know this, hence why this item was stolen.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i think you can reach in like 5 tiles or so, not just the steps. Not many people know this, hence why this item was stolen.
You have a very long arms!!! my chars can only reach 2 tiles.