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[EM Event] "A Cordial Invitation" by EM Crysania


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A Cordial Invitation
EM Crysania

Citizens of Britannia!

The Sultan of Nujel'm cordially invites all to this years Festival!

**********The Festival of the Masks*********

Come dressed in your finery and your best disguise and take in the beauty of Nujel'm! The streets will be filled with food, drink and merriment!
As is tradition, it will be assumed that all who are wearing a mask are part of "The Game"! A great ruby, The Eye of Dahsk, will secretly be given to one person to carry through out the festivities. While they carry this wondrous gem, all other attendees try to find out who has the Eye, steals it, and return it myself, the Master of Ceremonies and Vizier to the Sultan! The winner will receive a special recognition of a value far greater than that of the eye!
In addition, all brewers, distillers and wine makers are asked to bring a barrel of their most delightful tongue tingling brews to share! After all have had a chance to sample these fine brews, a vote shall be taken to which is the finest in the lands!
To the bakers and cooks, bring your tastiest morsels to delight our taste buds! Your pies, your cakes, we will share them all! A winner will be chosen for most originality! (Bring a copy of your recipe in a book!)
The Festival begins promptly at 7pm PST and will last until we either fall over in a stupor or the night beckons us to our rest! (approx 2hrs )

The Grand Vizier to the All-Powerful and Devilishly Handsome Sultan of Nujel'm

Event: Festival of the Masks
Date: 6/30/12
Location: Nejel'm City. Felucca
Time: 7pm Pst/ 10pm EST

Gate will be provide from WBB.

** Take note this a Felucca Based event!**
** Stealing involved**
**Fun to be had***


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
[This sounds like a cool event, I hope it works out! I'd really like to be there but I'm going home for a few days and will have limited internet access. :[ I hereby name Super Ken as my representative for the night.]


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guard zone fight...?

How appropriate a venue for theft is set in Nujel'm.


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Guard zone fight...?

How appropriate a venue for theft is set in Nujel'm.
Ken, The Festival of the Masks originated in 1998, the town of choice has always been Nujel'm as far as I know . I wanted to have it in the original town. It doesn't mean your going to get guard whacked..half the fun is not getting caught :p
If you would like to read up a bit more on it..here is a link :
UO Stratics - BNN Archives - The Festival of Masks a chaotic success - Pacific - June 29th 1998


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, what, I wouldn't read it if it was more than 8?

...what are you implying?

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, what, I wouldn't read it if it was more than 8?

...what are you implying?
I was just thinking back to a few posts that you responded "TLDR". They were slightly more than 8 sentences.... Just trying to show that I care for you! Now, I know if the subject matter was something more interesting, like briefs, well, that would be a different story.