While Lucy was off searching for her sisters, Icky stayed busy taking care of the Pitmuck Deli and Lucy's garden. She was becoming quite an accomplished cook, although she had learned the recipes only from direct observation. She did not know how to read.
"Werd, werds, werds," she muttered, paging through the indecipherable books on Lucy's shelf. She knew that one of them contained the story of how Lulu Little got eaten by her sister's dragon; but she could not read the titles, much less the text inside. This troubled Icky. "Miz Lucy sed shee mite beins teechin mees howz ta reedz." She made a mental note to remind Lucy to start on the lessons when she returned.
Icky's heart jumped for joy when she finally found one book she could understand. It didn't have words, but pictures... simply drawn stick figures that illustrated Pitmuck goblins helping her around the deli and garden. "Mees goinz ta lern ta reedz," she said. "En maybees mees kin lern ta drawz, toos!"
"Werd, werds, werds," she muttered, paging through the indecipherable books on Lucy's shelf. She knew that one of them contained the story of how Lulu Little got eaten by her sister's dragon; but she could not read the titles, much less the text inside. This troubled Icky. "Miz Lucy sed shee mite beins teechin mees howz ta reedz." She made a mental note to remind Lucy to start on the lessons when she returned.
Icky's heart jumped for joy when she finally found one book she could understand. It didn't have words, but pictures... simply drawn stick figures that illustrated Pitmuck goblins helping her around the deli and garden. "Mees goinz ta lern ta reedz," she said. "En maybees mees kin lern ta drawz, toos!"