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[EM / RP News] Town Guard Promotions: Ric Flair Named Leader. Dupre Addresses the Gathered.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Town Guard Promotions: Ric Flair Named Leader. Dupre Addresses the Gathered.

It seems congratulations are in order. Ric Flair has been promoted to Seargent and Leader of the Loyalist Garrison in Britain. These others were also recruited during the event: Hinatta. Princess Leigha. Mako. Bogart. Leithia was also commended.

Dupre - who seems to have developed asthma in his old age (unable to speak in more than four words at a time) - informed the gathered that Ver Lor Reg had fallen and Citizens were rioting in the streets! He suspects there is some dark power behind these recent events - perhaps related to the Exodus - and hopes to recruit the missing Krett in building a device in the fight against the Machine.


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
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Stratics Legend
From the desk of Lord Dupre,

Hail and well met! First off Congratulations to the Town Guards on their Promotions in rank and welcome to the new recruits!
I will explain the reasoning for the meetings in Trinsic, I am a Paladin, Trinsic is the City of Paladins, Trinsic is my home.

*Looks down at notes from news reporter*

I, sir, do not have any ailments or afflictions. Asthma? Bah..it was hard to speak with a zombie breathing down my neck and wandering the room with his....fetid odor. As for my age, rest assured, I can still draw a fast blade when the time is needed, have no fear there.


(as handed over to the EM by pigeon Carrier)

A Zombie

Stratics Veteran
I, sir, do not have any ailments or afflictions. Asthma? Bah..it was hard to speak with a zombie breathing down my neck and wandering the room with his....fetid odor.

I sir, aw heck I can't take offense cuz you're right about that ... but still, bring it Mr Paladin... I'll eat your brains for dinner !!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I, sir, do not have any ailments or afflictions. Asthma? Bah..it was hard to speak with a zombie breathing down my neck and wandering the room with his....fetid odor. As for my age, rest assured, I can still draw a fast blade when the time is needed, have no fear there.
Now, now... COPD is no laughing matter. You should get that checked.