He will be running the following template. I will list current and final skills!
Archery 120
Tactics 115.9 (120)
Anat 84 (90)
Healing 58 (90 - just started training last night)
Music 97.1 (will be 120 but locked until disco is done)
Discord 88 (will be 120 but is going soooo slow)
Chiv 71 (will be drpping to 60 real and boosting up a bit with jewels)
Now I took him out for a tset run last night to riktor with a group.... I have a resonable imbued suit but its by no means good... I was using a comp bow with Max HML (only displayed 30+% though as I had SSI i believe that the intensity is the same as the calculation is based on both SSi and HML??) 45% hit energy area and 45% Hit fireball ans the rest on SSI and damage increase.
With my current suit I have around 90 mana 175 stam and 110 hp.... my suit will be getting a major rework over the weekend but I am just posting so you can see what I was working with.
for the prespawn I had no trouble at all until it popped Knight errants and Justicars... I could take a few at once but any more than 3or 4 and I was running off screen to heal up ect... As my discord is low I was surprised to find out how much difference it made when discording regular dragons/drakes and the orphs. it made managing the crowd a little easier I just made sure that as the timer was up I was targeting the next mob. I will have a play around with bows as I remember the lightning arrow special being fairly awesome on low lvl spawn.
When Rikki popped I swtiched out to a 100% energy damage Dragon slayer comp bow with 43% velocity, Maxed HML and some HCI as well as SSI/remaining in damage inc.
His earthquake hurt me pretty bad but again I found that although my mana went down I did have enough to be spamming AI's... I was hitting for around 200dmg on an AI with EoO and DF. I got the feeling though that had I been the sole focus of his attention I would have struggled to keep my mana at a level where I could keep myself healed and buffed...
I get the feeling from previous posts that this is going to be a mana intensive template... I really like the idea of having disco and have worked it really hard the last few days to get where I am now. I know that once masteries come into play the mana game will be a whole new level.
can anyone suggest any ways to improve the template or suggest mods that I should be aiming for on my suit and stats!
If I have to drop some skills to swap things around I am ok with this but I want Music/disco in there as well as archery
Thanks guys and gals
Archery 120
Tactics 115.9 (120)
Anat 84 (90)
Healing 58 (90 - just started training last night)
Music 97.1 (will be 120 but locked until disco is done)
Discord 88 (will be 120 but is going soooo slow)
Chiv 71 (will be drpping to 60 real and boosting up a bit with jewels)
Now I took him out for a tset run last night to riktor with a group.... I have a resonable imbued suit but its by no means good... I was using a comp bow with Max HML (only displayed 30+% though as I had SSI i believe that the intensity is the same as the calculation is based on both SSi and HML??) 45% hit energy area and 45% Hit fireball ans the rest on SSI and damage increase.
With my current suit I have around 90 mana 175 stam and 110 hp.... my suit will be getting a major rework over the weekend but I am just posting so you can see what I was working with.
for the prespawn I had no trouble at all until it popped Knight errants and Justicars... I could take a few at once but any more than 3or 4 and I was running off screen to heal up ect... As my discord is low I was surprised to find out how much difference it made when discording regular dragons/drakes and the orphs. it made managing the crowd a little easier I just made sure that as the timer was up I was targeting the next mob. I will have a play around with bows as I remember the lightning arrow special being fairly awesome on low lvl spawn.
When Rikki popped I swtiched out to a 100% energy damage Dragon slayer comp bow with 43% velocity, Maxed HML and some HCI as well as SSI/remaining in damage inc.
His earthquake hurt me pretty bad but again I found that although my mana went down I did have enough to be spamming AI's... I was hitting for around 200dmg on an AI with EoO and DF. I got the feeling though that had I been the sole focus of his attention I would have struggled to keep my mana at a level where I could keep myself healed and buffed...
I get the feeling from previous posts that this is going to be a mana intensive template... I really like the idea of having disco and have worked it really hard the last few days to get where I am now. I know that once masteries come into play the mana game will be a whole new level.
can anyone suggest any ways to improve the template or suggest mods that I should be aiming for on my suit and stats!
If I have to drop some skills to swap things around I am ok with this but I want Music/disco in there as well as archery
Thanks guys and gals