Ok, let's make some quick comparisons.
Piano recital vs. UO: In a piano recital, a person begins to play some music.. He/she hits a sour note.. audience boos or thinks oh.. that sucked..
In UO, the people hit a sour chord, and they are booed or slandered.. and they are told it sucks.
Back to piano recital, player of musical piece continues to play and does not restart the piece. He also does not apologize. His hope though is that the gem he's playing is understood and he stands before his peers and audience and takes a bow.
back to UO, team constantly hits sour note, that is sour beyond measure, people boo it, constantly boo it, and boo it some more. They begin to wonder why this same sour chord is struck continously, and some people don't even listen/care for that kind of music. UO does not stop and listen to it's peers, or suggestions from it's audience (clearly). It just tries to find a why to make sour chord acceptable. But the performance would just be better in general if it quit striking the sour chord and trying to restart the piece over and over and over.. if it'd just take the piece it's working on, get it to a point and just leave it the meow alone for a while and move on to things that need to be played/*cough revamped or fixed*.
I'm basically trying to say, sure implement a system for everything.. And tweak that system to a point. Make sure the system is playable, without glaring exploits and then wham. Leave it alone and move on to you know.. graphic updates, a worthwhile expansion or "booster" (I hate that word is used when oft times they don't boost much of anything and introduce new boos), Instead, not only do we get systems that are full of obvious ways to exploit system beyond belief, they are buggy, glitchy or simply not well thought out and implemented at times when other things should have taken the forefront.
I love Ultima Online, alot. A lot of people do, even some of the people who troll on everything and anything, do. They wouldn't be here trolling if not, usually trollin because they feel the sour chord hitting is somebodies sickly concocted troll of their own, towards the player. Basically, let's say this latest faction update is a COMPLETE and total failure (again), in the eyes of factioneers. Just leave that crap alone long enough to actually focus on crap that everyone else is begging for a fix for or update on. I'll edit this post (in the assumption it hasn't gotten deleted, I don't think it should meow), and give examples of what I'm talking about if asked, hopefully with direct links to topics that people are talking about. As it stands, we're getting sweeping changes to the game and that's cool. Even necessary, but damnit, stop with the sweeping changes til you've swept up some performance/gameplay issues. Meow.