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Price Check on this Skull


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How do you know its the only 1 to drop? If it poped up in your backpack then there were more than 1. Most likley 10.


Only 1 dropped per the EM...a friend is posting a picture of it for me in a few minutes.

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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I am disappointed the EM didn't post any information about an event scheduled in the Stratics Napa Valley EM Forum or even on the old website from over the weekend. I hope Napa isn't turning into Legends in this regard.


That must be across all shards then...only one dropped on NAPA for sure.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
no, this item is indeed Napa specific. The script written in was for 10. Whether or not 10 people got it I have no way of proving so it was established long ago by the public that numbers are to be what was intended and not consider what was actual. So who knows what the real count is but its no more than 10 :).

Also, Asian players never announces their loots and there are a half a dozen that attends all events like Shu Shu, Blend, Cocoa, Ixtab, Shumer, etc...

EMs may in fact ask for who got what but I can assure you not everyone responds to their requests. I for one never say I got one just because a few of us typically recalls out immediately after receiving an item for banking purpose and immediately move on either to attend other shard's event or just leave.

Also, if he asks for the name of the item is because sometimes they don't even know what the item is. They submit a request to Mesanna and she creates them and many times she adds her special touch by changing the item, name, hue or everything all together. Once they are programmed into the Mob as a script the only thing she hands back is the actual Mob to the EM for dispersement later during the event.

And lastly, the chances of having 10 different skulls with 10 different names is .00000000001% because that's not how these loot drop script system works. Here is an example, if the EM say want a "wig" as the drop for the event then it is presented to Mesanna. She then types in "wig" (in her script language form) x 10 or x 20 etc.. and that's it. When the Mob is dead, 10 wigs will go to the top 10 damagers/healers.

Granted you might say the monster died too soon but this is not the first time it has happened either. On Pacific not so long ago with the Technology Rune event, the monster died literally in 5 seconds but the script was written for 40 and at least 15 people gotten it immediately just through ICQs to me.

No one is questioning her wanting to price check but to make a bold claim that hers was the only one when there were 10 programmed will not get a good response from this community.

A better approach would have been, according to the list, 10 were dropped but the mob died quickly and no one came forth claiming but me so based on those facts how much is this worth? I think a more passive approach to this community would have been received much more warmly. This board is full of veteran collectors and are all very skeptical when something like this is announced. Please forgive them (myself include) for our skepticism.


Interesting, but I believe I was the only one that did receive one and
none went up for sale like always in the past.
Anyways, it is for sale...PM or ICQ me if anyone is interested. I will accept
gold on Napa or Atlantic.
If the price is right I will let the person know one way or the other.


Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well... honestly... Manticore has been very accurate and kept it accutate for quite a few years now. So tell me something... you might just think he knows what he is talking about? Just because you "only" or think you got the only item... more than likely you didnt.. If you think Manti is making up his numbers.. he has attended 99% of these events, he will confirm that.. he knows what to look for, the EM's tell the public how many were given out, and some might think (dunno if this is true) that the EM's dont give public numbers but they send "messenger birds" to wisper the number to Manticore.. he doesnt pull the numbers out of then air.. but i just given proof of where he gets his numbers... where is your proof for it being a 1 of 1; Unique? We ALL would love to see..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Umh... this person is telling you what she saw at the event. The EM requested everyone to join them at a specific bank. The EM asked if anyone else received a skull and no one else said they had one. I think they were supposed to have different names or something because the EM asked the name of the skull received. Why would the EM ask the name of the skull? (I am only guessing here though.) The monster died quickly and most regulars were complaining at the quick death and lack of item. Before we all jump on the band wagon and start pointing fingers, let's make sure we know all the facts. She has been on Napa since kingdom come and is an honest person. Manticore may have what was "supposed" to have dropped but maybe he wasn't at the actual event to see what transpired. If he has confirmed drops from anyone on Napa, then he should say so. Reported numbers are not always accurate (as he is saying) and trying to hurt the price check on this item is not appropriate either. I guess I am saying why don't you prove she isn't the only one?

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I personally cant prove anything. Im just stating what Manticore and a few others will tell you and your freind. Manticore can put up a good defence fight on how he knows the event item system so well and how many items dropped. Dont get offended, but i see you already have, your freind hasnt put up ANYTHING as a defence to how he KNOWS its a 1 of 1. If he actually took the time and put up a little information like you just did, people would start to investigate and actually see if it is unique. Just saying "I believe i was the only one that did recieve one and none went up for sale like always in the past." I mean come on, who will bye that? People here need an actual number, not a believe system where you think you got the only one so you can get more money. Trust me, if this guy was to sell it as a 1 of 1, and later people find its a 1 of 10, people are gonna get mad, because the price difference betweeen a 1 of 10 and a 1 of 1 is umm.... alot? (depending on graphic/color/and if it does anything)

All im saying, if your gonna advertise it to be 1 of 1, put some kind of defencive back ground to it, otherwise no one will believe you.

And if you still want to go on with me about how Manticore's number are wrong blah blah blah... check Manti's statement above, he clearly stated how it works.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, I certainly did not mean to cause this uproar....First @Manti, I do not doubt your
knowledge as I know you have been a member of the rares community for years.
Second Alexander, I am not a scammer and would feel horrible if anyone that knew me
ever thought that. You do not know me, and yes MAYBE it seemed like I implied it was
the only one...but in reality I said I believed it was the only one to drop on Napa. Our shard
has a history of someone always trying to sell the event items after the event. I do not know
nor do I care if it dropped on any other shard. I am not trying to scam, if someone wants to buy
it they will, if not they won't. At the worst this could very well be one drop of 10, no one really knows
for sure. Also, I did not defend myself as I feel that I do not need too. And for you to imply that
I was trying to pull one over shows me your mentality.
P.S I AM A WOMAN....NOT A HE and this discussion is done...Thank you for trying to derail
my thread, I could care less. I have been playing since beta and never once have I scammed,
cheated or scripted so you sir need to take your back handed slanderous remarks elsewhere.
Thank You
Summer...Thank you for the defense....even though I do not deem it necessary.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't worry debs you can see why people get put off trying to be apart of the rares community.


Stratics Veteran
I love how instead of giving you an estimate on price, you are getting bashed. Geez, people if you can't say something helpful or nice, say NOTHING.


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Who the hell is bashing anyone?

Alexander wasnt "bashing" but probably came off more hostile than he should have. So besides ONE person, everyone else is either defending the OP or giving more information on the item. Manti has it confirmed 10 were SUPPOSED to drop. As he has said, many times people will not say they got an item even if asked by the EM. He also himself admits, that even tho 10 were SUPPOSED to drop, there is no way to tell if they all indeed dropped.

People need thicker skin

** Also since the OP or a friend of the OP has been spamming in ATL chat selling this skull - with a reserve of 275m, it seems they already have an idea of the price they want.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Whilst i understand your frustration and hear where you are coming from. Please note that due to the size of rare collecting and the value within doing it, this hobby attracts alot of scammers, hackers and general scum which many of these people have had to deal with over their long years which has lead to alot of caution, suspicion and hard skinned nature as it were. Nearly everyone here are actually lovely trustworthy people once you get to know them :)

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok.. i wasnt meaning to offend ANYONE by no means.. and if i have, i apologize. I wasnt even calling or even implieing that you were/are a scammer. I have been up all night and real life issues are getting to me, i read my post and it did seem a little offensive, and i truely apologize for it. It just gets to me when people get mad at Manti or other people here about wheather or not this amount dropped or not. If its a 1 of 1, congrats!, but if it is, well still congrats on getting one. All i was trying to get at is give the community a defence and a reason for it being a 1 of 1. Because its like i said, if you didnt know it was 1 of 10, and you thought it was 1 of 1, then you sell it for a large amount, then people well get mad. I wasnt implieing or trying to anyways, that you were a scammer/thief or anything. I deeply apologize to all i have offended.

@ Funkymonkey,
everyone is welcomed into the rares community, and all of us arent bad as you implied. We get really skeptical when people say its a 1 of 1 and there hasnt been and comfirmation behind it.

We cant really give a price check if we dont know how many there are.
I try and stay nice but the society we live in, isnt that way. Look out your window, go to the local walmart, no one can say anything nice anymore. Just look. I try and stay as positive as i can, but we are just human. We all have different opinions, of course there is gonna be some bickering.

Here is my estimated price check:

IF its a 1 of 1 (dont advertise until we are certain) - it is uncertain, sence you have the only one you control the market on it, also depends on what someone will pay.

IF its 1 of 10, i say around 75-200mil range.

Again i apologize if offended anyone, definatly wasnt my purpose.


the post that said :

That must be across all shards then...only one dropped on NAPA for sure.
Is where everyone went into defense... you didn't claim to "believe" here... you said FOR SURE... just saying...


Like Manti said, the EM's WILL NEVER tell you how many dropped... Because they have no way of knowing...

The can ONLY say "10 were supposed to drop according to the script"

They can't track each drop and who it dropped to...

So, the fact that maybe someone gets an item and doesn't wanna get pestered by 100 people asking to buy it... could be the reason for them never mentioning getting it...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Holy shenanigans! Well, this thread is totally off base but I guess I should clarify. Deb is not a friend and probably does not know who I am at all. Her reputation is excellent though. I have been running events for years and I am very well aware of how the buying and selling of rares work.

Is it possible that it is supposed to be 1 of 10? Absolutely. If you look at past Napa events throughout the years, that is usually the case.
Is it possible certain people did not announce receiving the item? Absolutely as can be seen on all shards events.
Is it possible these were supposed to have different names and, therefore, truly being less than 1 of 10? Absolutely.
Is it possible only one found its way into a backpack due to human error during the set up of the event? Absolutely. Why not?

Certain 1 of 20 items have sold for 300+ mil lately and certain highly duped items have sold for years for 150+ mil. Items are worth what someone will pay for them.I only wanted to add information as I saw it.
Let's all have a Coke and a smile.
No hard feelings for my part in this unholy mess! :loser:

Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My only rant on this is Alex needs to learn how to spell, sorry Buddy but I gotta point that out. ;)


Stratics Veteran
I visited with my hubby and he said the event got messed up. The monster within like 5 seconds of being on the screen. He was at the event and said most people, including himself weren't able to hit it before it died. He also stated that the EM apologized and said they couldn't make another one. I think Deb has some credibility on her assurity of the drop being prolly the only one on Napa. Because the EM messed up, the odds are in her favor. If someone else got one, he said he would be shocked.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again, i want to post that i wasnt meaning to cause hurt feelings or to offend anyone. Wasnt my intentions at all.

Angel Dust
your annoying.................lol (jk)
I know.. i can barely spell when im tired/stressed. Ill try and spell better! :)


Stratics Veteran
If I understand correctly how Manti's list works, if the EM stated that it was intended to have 10 drops then it will be forever listed as 10. This is regardless of how many anyone "thinks" are out there or who's husband's brother's shocked long lost relative with 2 post counts "thinks" dropped that night. Also, keep in mind that most of the adults that play this game are humble and don't brag about getting an item after events (especially with mostly locals to the shard at an unannounced event like this one was).
You can poke fun because I only have 2 posts, but it doesn't mean my post isn't accurate. I don't care how many they "say" dropped, if Deb was the only one to hit and kill the monster, 10 people did not get one. And, by the way, Deb never bragged about getting an item. She's never boasted or anything else. If you don't have something positive to contribute, why bother posting other than to be juvenile?

Nails Warstein

Royal Explorer & Grand Archaeologian Of Sosaria
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Campaign Patron
I'll bid 150m


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can poke fun because I only have 2 posts, but it doesn't mean my post isn't accurate. I don't care how many they "say" dropped, if Deb was the only one to hit and kill the monster, 10 people did not get one. And, by the way, Deb never bragged about getting an item. She's never boasted or anything else. If you don't have something positive to contribute, why bother posting other than to be juvenile?
Quite possible! I killed an event creature as soon as it spawned (took 3 hits to kill) at the event before the server even reconized it I think. I got all 3 items (this was before the new backpack drops) along with a complete 4 piece blessed invisible (not ethereal, it is invisible) gargoyle cloth suit that any type char can wear.


Stratics Veteran
Accurate or not, you are giving the OP credibility when you have 2 posts (all in this thread) and you're story is nothing more than hearsay. The only person credible so far is the EM and they've apparently stated 10 was the amount that was supposed to drop. The reason I posted in this thread originally is because the OP and now you won't give it up that there are probably more than one there despite the evidence.

I never said she bragged about getting an item, I said most people won't brag. Reading comprehension!

Oh no someone called me a juvenile over the intarwebs, what shall I do?
You are an angry person who obviously relishes in mischief. I wish you the best.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
skipped over the last 5-6 posts... Looks like a cool item and I hope you get what your looking for! :D