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Diablo3 Vs Uo


Stratics Veteran
Of all the people who played UO and left for Diablo 3, I'm curious as to how progressed everyone is.

UO required a lot of time, I'd like to know if people are putting the same time/effort in on D3 successfully.

I'm currently in Act3 Inferno with my monk, here's my prize for the day. Best drop I've seen in 15 hours of hardcore (not the 'hardcore' game setting) Inferno farming.



Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Should save your pictures as png so the quality is better. I love looking at screenshots from other games.

I didn't play Diablo 3. I never got into Diablo 1 or 2 so the craze for 3 didn't hit me. It seems like a lot of grinding (kind of like what they are turning UO into) which isn't for me, but I do find trying new games fun for a while.
Seems like Diablo 3 has an end game where UO doesn't though, and I think that's why UOers always come back to UO.


EC has the same 'looking' Bars, with the circle thing on the end, D3 a UO wannabe?


Seems like Diablo 3 has an end game where UO doesn't though, and I think that's why UOers always come back to UO.
Yep. Diablo 3 is deliberately designed to not only have an end-game but to get you to play back through with increasing difficulty, doing the same things over and over to get better gear.

And now they are dangling the carrot of players easily and officially selling things for real-life money. It's going to make even more people grind when it goes live next week.


EC has the same 'looking' Bars, with the circle thing on the end, D3 a UO wannabe?
A lot of MMORPGs have similar looking interfaces and UIs. The EC's UI can be changed to whatever you are wiling to do or whatever Pinco and the others have put up for UIs.

It's one of the best things the UI has going for it.


Except that EA copied most of the UI design on the EC directly from WOW and Diablo2 ?
To be fair, Blizzard "borrowed" many things from a lot of other games, or was "inspired" by the other games for the Warcraft and Diablo games.

Look at Ultima IX's interface, it "inspired" many RPGs and MMORPGs that game after it. Ultima VII was rocking the backpack inventory over a decade before WOW was around.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EC has the same 'looking' Bars, with the circle thing on the end, D3 a UO wannabe?
The UI this game uses, along with UO's EC, is pretty standard for MMOs these days. With a few minor differences in aesthetics.

Meat Elemental

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Playing Diablo 3 right now and as a EC user I wish it had graphics like diablo's....I can see diablo's fun wearing off soon, but so has ultima's...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To be fair, Blizzard "borrowed" many things from a lot of other games, or was "inspired" by the other games for the Warcraft and Diablo games.

Look at Ultima IX's interface, it "inspired" many RPGs and MMORPGs that game after it. Ultima VII was rocking the backpack inventory over a decade before WOW was around.
Ultima 9 is a mashup of interface elements from Diablo 1 (which was well earlier) and The older Black Isle games like Baldur's Gate, pretty much all games borrow things from each other but comeon...the EC's design document must have been "Make it look like WOW" (and it does, it "looks" a lot like WoW's interface....just doesnt work nearly as well). U7's inventory system, cool as it was, was really just a different way of visualizing your standard roguelike backpack system that had been around for decades, Blizzards system is far more similar to the old D&D gams than ultima.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend

I swear I must have woken up in Bizzarro World today given the amount of revisionist history going on all over the place. Just a random sampling from this thread:

Diablo and Diablo II had the bar interface with the globes for health and mana long before the EC was the KR client and well before the KR client was a wet dream.

The EC does NOT have mana and health globes by default, though it does have a "toolbar" interface that everyone and their mother are presently using. Mana and health are presented in a WoW-style (gasp... no big shock since the KR client originally used WoW icons during the earliest days of testing...) portrait/bar/bar/bar including stamina (which one might note that Diablo does not use).

WoW doesn't use a backpack anything like the one in Ultima VII; it used a backpack similar to EQ's interface -- given that UO had nothing even remotely like it when it came out, nor had any previous Ultima game used a slotted inventory.

Yes, Ultima IX had a toolbar interface... still no mana and health globes. They were, instead, bars at the bottom of the screen. Similar to Diablo, perhaps... Diablo released in 1996; Ultima IX in 1999. Make of that what you will.

Curious the strange historical inaccuracies around here, but then, why use facts when you can simply make them up?

On the other hand, we could choose to debate whether Diablo had stolen some of its interface elements from Ultima Underworld, which one might also accuse EverQuest of as well... But then, why add fuel to the already toasty fire? I'm having more fun watching the made-up timeline and strange deliberations going on here anyway. hehe


Good point about Ultima Underworld and the globes.

Regardless of who borrowed from what, Diablo is a grind with an end-game. They have hundreds of achievements to entice you to keep doing the same areas, each on a little harder setting. For a lot of people, it defines grinding.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont play D3 (yet), but I've been watching other players streaming their gaming online. Very interesting.

You can go from here:

I am tempted to compare both games from design point of view:
- 2D (third person view) is really better than 3D, so our beloved Legacy Client is the correct solution.
- Targeting & Shooting spells: D3 is the right way to go for UO, long ago =.=

(but then again, you cant really compare both... )

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Eh, until something recreates Ultima Online and does it better, I will probably play ultima online in some fashion until I die (or it is no longer hosted). I can't say that about many other games.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im still playing D3 and im doing it slowly im only lvl 33 wizard and got the game the day it came out. I just CBA grinding it, Im waiting for the PvP to start


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
U7's inventory system, cool as it was, was really just a different way of visualizing your standard roguelike backpack system that had been around for decades, Blizzards system is far more similar to the old D&D gams than ultima.
You sir are an evil man. For the first time I have heard something that makes me want to at least look at WOW.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont play D3 (yet), but I've been watching other players streaming their gaming online. Very interesting.

You can go from here:

I am tempted to compare both games from design point of view:
- 2D (third person view) is really better than 3D, so our beloved Legacy Client is the correct solution.
- Targeting & Shooting spells: D3 is the right way to go for UO, long ago =.=

(but then again, you cant really compare both... )
I'm honestly not sure how you get that this ancient 15 year old client is the "correct solution." Look at Diablo 3, it looks great and it's 3D. Isometric view, but 3D. Looks a hell of a lot better than any client UO has ever had.


I am tempted to compare both games from design point of view:
- 2D (third person view) is really better than 3D, so our beloved Legacy Client is the correct solution.
Yeah, like Ender said, you're confusing isometric/first person versus 2D/3D.

Both Diablo 3 and UO are isometric.

Diablo 3 is 3D, UO is 2D (even the EC, which may have a 3D engine, is displaying 2D graphics).

Diablo 3 does make a good case for going 3D while retaining isometric perspective.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I think my eyesight must be defective. To me UO's graphics are no less beautiful than the ones in the linked D3 vid, the main difference for me (graphically) between UO and modern top down games is in UO there is full daylight so that you can actually see what you're doing, while the modern ones seem to insist on permanent darkness or at best twilight.

The UI on EC was deliberately done the way it was to try to make it easier to understand for people who had played more modern games. That was stated at the time.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think my eyesight must be defective. To me UO's graphics are no less beautiful than the ones in the linked D3 vid, the main difference for me (graphically) between UO and modern top down games is in UO there is full daylight so that you can actually see what you're doing, while the modern ones seem to insist on permanent darkness or at best twilight.

The UI on EC was deliberately done the way it was to try to make it easier to understand for people who had played more modern games. That was stated at the time.
Take off night sight and remember what UO looked like before we basicly had it "always on" (actually looked a lot better TBH with actual color differences). Now remembering how dark that was, go into the menu and turn on "dark nights"....you'll be WISHING the game was as bright as diablo3 :D (


UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Except that EA copied most of the UI design on the EC directly from WOW and Diablo2 ?
Actually, I designed the aesthetics for the current UI (with the time I had to put into it) and at the time, I had never played WoW, nor payed much attention to their UI.

Not to say that there aren't any similarities, but I can assure you that they are coincidental.

I'd love to have some time for us to dedicate to revisiting the UI...

(Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD)

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Actually, I designed the current UI (with the time I had to put into it) and at the time, I had never played WoW, nor payed much attention to their UI.

Not to say that there aren't any similarities, but I can assure you that they are coincidental.

I'd love to have some time for us to dedicate to revisiting the UI...

(Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD)
Grimm, 90% of the reason I don't use EC is the User Interface @ _@. I hate saying it like that knowing you worked on it, but it's the truth. The other 10% is the whole EC just looks off to me.. But I don't think I can say much here because I like the 2D client.. and while it is a bit "off" I suppose, I've just come to accept that as how I do UO. I haven't ever d/l'ed Pinco's UI or anything for EC I should probably do that and give it a shot and see how I get into from there, and a little suggestion, maybe try getting with Pinco if you haven't already and see if he'll talk to you about his UI enhancements and see with the both of you working on it can't find something that makes us all better off for it ^ ^. I dunno though, I don't know Pinco, just from posts here on the boards and everyone says their UI mods make EC excellent. Just a suggestion meow.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
While on the subject of the EC, Grim, you should yell at whoever is handling the tech side to fix the texture scaling, often your art looks a LOT better than we ever get to see it due to the scaling making it blurry and looking unfocused.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
With regards to the EC i think one issue we are up against is that everyone was playing the 2d client for years and years, then along come the EC. I played 2d for ages after EC came out then when I switched i was like.. whats all this then! a week later once i was used to using the EC i have never gone back... if your PC is up to the task then turn everything up and admire the beauty!


Stratics Veteran
I've personally always appreciated the similar yet different layout of the UIs between UO, Diablo, and WoW.

Grimm, I'm a huge fan of the EC. I can appreciate the time you put into it, regardless of what criticisms you may hear on here from people. I left the game 12 years ago with the CC UO still etched into my mind whenever I played another title, it was hard not to compare other games to its layout. Upon return, I discovered the EC had been released and took a week to try it out. During that transitional state, it grew on me immensely and I have since found myself unable to return to the CC. My love for it is further brought about with the Pincos UI and the addition of the Diablo style health bars.

Both Diablo and UO were huge games to me as a kid, seeing as I was 12ish when I first picked up both Diablo 1 and UO. Both are great titles.

As for the achievement and progression in Diablo 3, it's pretty awesome. You can unlock sigils/shapes/patterns, etc for your flag, or battle standard and completely customize it out to show achievements or just look downright bad @ss. Here's a look at the layout of the customization screen. This pic is currently showing the sigil from the defeat of Ghom in Act3 of Inferno difficulty.


Edited to add pics of both the streamlined, collapsing stat screen as well as the inventory screen. Storage in this game is a shared stash among all characters, with the exception of hardcore mode which shares its own stash. Storage can be kinda limited, with it maxing out at 3 pages.

MonkInventory.jpg picture by garillo86 - Photobucket

The game is very polished and I'm looking forward to the tweaks and upcoming patches, especially the PvP aspect.

Winker, I'd highly suggest you 60 asap and begin the real grind, unless you are opting to use the RMAH. That is also if you plan to be competitive. The Act1 Inferno grind to Act2 gear is massive itself, and I can see people who are currently progressed Act2+ Inferno absolutely wrecking PvP and that's not just early on. The gear requirements Act to Act of Inferno alone are each significantly more demanding than the last. Those waiting for PvP and not currently progressing in Inferno will find themselves fighting uber tanky barbs/monks who have 7.5k armor+ with 350-900 resists across the board as well as a very refined survivalist playstyle used to overcome Inferno. Not to mention monks will have a very, very heightened dodge chance (I'm currently at 47.6% dodge with my Mantra of Evasion popped) when equipped with late game Inferno gear due to the higher tier dexterity values. With that kind of damage mitigation, 90% of wizards/demon hunters (with the best of current gear) aren't going to live more than a few seconds via current playstyles/mechanics being used by the classes (all burst no survival).

Are there any progressing UO players in Diablo around?

Old Man of UO

I think my eyesight must be defective. To me UO's graphics are no less beautiful than the ones in the linked D3 vid, the main difference for me (graphically) between UO and modern top down games is in UO there is full daylight so that you can actually see what you're doing, while the modern ones seem to insist on permanent darkness or at best twilight.
I just finished an article about Blizzard North and the original Diablo 3, which was NOT painted graphics with a dark theme, but very bright. There was a falling out, the team dismissed and it restarted at Torchlight I and II. The dark themed graphics seem to be the current fad, which may look rich but I'm not a fan.

I just finished D3 with a monk on normal, and restarted Hell level at level 33. I explored every nook and crevice of every dungeon, and still finished in 30 hours. The monk character is overpowered, and the ending was quite disappointing. Lots of hack-N-Slash, mindless clicking, overall nice graphics, but the game is too short for my $60 and not much replay value.

Maybe if I hadn't played Skyrim or UO first, I would have a different opinion.


Stratics Veteran
There is the trend in Diablo 3 that the maps are increasingly brighter. Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of darker maps such as the sewer system in Act2 or the descent through the layers of Hell to destroy the Heart of Sin.

To be fair, Diablo 3 endgame content is Inferno mode. This translates to the game not even starting for many until level 60. The difficulty scaling isn't linear, which is why only 70,000 have progressed into Inferno out of the millions that are currently playing (and only a fraction of that have progressed past Act2). Once in Inferno, the hack and slash aspect is 100%removed, unless you are working the Acts backwards in which case it is only 85% removed (hehe). This is because in Inferno the monster leveling exceed what yours can be. Act 1 the monsters are lvl 61, Act2 they're 62, Act 3-4 63. This means A LOT when it comes to how you approach things, seeing as a normal white mob single hit will register for between 16-40k on a character fresh out of Hell difficulty. Navigation requires a tighter budget of cds, kiting/choke point techniques, cc, damage mitigation, situational awareness, an intimate understanding of class mechanics, and reactivity. Even then, the special mobs have 4 affixes. They're designed to be tougher than bosses required for progression seeing as their defeat is required for endgame content gear. This is for both the nephalem buffs needed for rares to drop from storyline progression bosses and for the gear they themselves drop. This is protect us from people botting for gear as well, seeing as a computer ran player character doesn't stand a chance against one of these mobs. I wouldn't say at any point a Molten, Jailing, Vortex, Desecrating special mob is "easy". I would not define monks as "OP"" when put in endgame content either, seeing as they are melee. Even with top tier damage mitigation tank sets Act 3 white mobs still hit for 6-8k damage each, with each pack having anywhere from 4-30 minions.

The current standings of "OP", supported by both Blizzard posts and forum cries, are currently 1. Demon Hunter 2. Wizard 3. Witch Doctor 4. Monk 5. Barbarian

It's one of those games you can literally run through as if it's Dynasty Warriors until you hit Act 2+ of Hell difficulty... Inferno is where the game began for me.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
UO and DIII are different games but as I play D3 - all I do is run around and say 'holy crap - I wish they had this in our UO interface'. They should just OEM the interface from DIII and slap it on Ultima and we'd have a winner. I mean, no 'redressing' my corpse on death, loot straight off the ground, 10x better map, better paperdoll interface, belt for potions etc etc. How about the on-line friends and the ability in game to port to where your friend is? Thank you DIII. As it is now I play several differnt UO shards and we have to resort to using ICQ (third party app) to find each other. In DIII, no need. You see your friends logged in whether they are in your game or not. This is all basic stuff that with the millions of developer hours UO could have added 5 years ago. Instead we got things like fish tanks, brewing, gardening and 10 other things less than 1% of the population uses.

Its been my point for years now - the UO dev team spends their time on the wrong things.
Then when they do spend their time on things - they release it half baked and it doesn't work well.


Stratics Veteran
I just finished an article about Blizzard North and the original Diablo 3, which was NOT painted graphics with a dark theme, but very bright. There was a falling out, the team dismissed and it restarted at Torchlight I and II. The dark themed graphics seem to be the current fad, which may look rich but I'm not a fan.

I just finished D3 with a monk on normal, and restarted Hell level at level 33. I explored every nook and crevice of every dungeon, and still finished in 30 hours. The monk character is overpowered, and the ending was quite disappointing. Lots of hack-N-Slash, mindless clicking, overall nice graphics, but the game is too short for my $60 and not much replay value.

Maybe if I hadn't played Skyrim or UO first, I would have a different opinion.
You have to be level 50 to enter Hell ;) I believe Nightmare is the difficulty you're thinking of. Normal-->Nightmare-->Hell--> Inferno.

While I wish they would up the difficulty of nightmare some, having to beat each difficulty to unlock the next is a necessity. I say this because as mobs and bosses become harder, in later difficulties you'll find yourself respecing and tweaking your template often until you have a fine tuned killing machine.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have to be level 50 to enter Hell ;) I believe Nightmare is the difficulty you're thinking of. Normal-->Nightmare-->Hell--> Inferno.

While I wish they would up the difficulty of nightmare some, having to beat each difficulty to unlock the next is a necessity. I say this because as mobs and bosses become harder, in later difficulties you'll find yourself respecing and tweaking your template often until you have a fine tuned killing machine.
Hey! Hey you! can you give me an unbiased assessment of D3? I've watched some videos and stuff, but i've been debating on buying it. Any ETA on when the pvp will be in?


UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Grimm, 90% of the reason I don't use EC is the User Interface @ _@. I hate saying it like that knowing you worked on it, but it's the truth. The other 10% is the whole EC just looks off to me.. But I don't think I can say much here because I like the 2D client.. and while it is a bit "off" I suppose, I've just come to accept that as how I do UO. I haven't ever d/l'ed Pinco's UI or anything for EC I should probably do that and give it a shot and see how I get into from there, and a little suggestion, maybe try getting with Pinco if you haven't already and see if he'll talk to you about his UI enhancements and see with the both of you working on it can't find something that makes us all better off for it ^ ^. I dunno though, I don't know Pinco, just from posts here on the boards and everyone says their UI mods make EC excellent. Just a suggestion meow.
Oh, that's okay! Your honesty is well stated. This current incarnation of the UI came about as we were launching the "EC" version of the client from the "KR" client. Some of us thought that launching the EC client with the UOKR interface would be a mistake. And that trying for a more modern looking UI rather than the one we ended up using which was, I believe, a reuse of the UI from the more recent attempt at a UO2 (again, I'm only talking about aesthetics, not the functionality side of things). I still think this was the right direction, although the time allotted was no where near enough to complete a task on that scale. But I did the best I could in that time, and while I'm happy with what I was able to get done, I SO wish I had more time to do a more thorough job. I agree (as does the team) that the EC client needs an overhaul, it's something that's definitely on everyones radar.

I've had only a brief look at Pincos work, and really like what he's been able put into it. Nice job there!

(Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD)


Stratics Veteran
Hey! Hey you! can you give me an unbiased assessment of D3? I've watched some videos and stuff, but i've been debating on buying it. Any ETA on when the pvp will be in?
Unbiased view? I'll try, but only for you..

If you're into storylines and play games for that kinda stuff, no. It's pretty succinct, you'll be through Normal mode in less than 10-12 hours. The endgame is based around grinding and navigating Inferno, as well as PvP. While mentioning PvP, Blizz hasn't put any blue posts up regarding it but forum rumors are hinting at June. They're still using the imbalance of Inferno Act3-4 to weed out cheesy templates/tactics people could use for progression/PvP exploits.

If you're in it for gameplay.... Buy this game. Not kidding at all. Inferno is the beastliest challenge I've had with a video game since I don't know when. Not in the bad way either, more of the "if you build your character right and understand the mechanics you can beat it" way. The classes are set up very nicely and still being tweaked. Gameplay is pretty streamlined and at the same time requires cd budgeting, situational awareness, reactivity, etc... And, I know you're wanting to hear this, the PvP potential is incredible.

Overall the learning/skill curve is pretty linear until you hit Inferno, but you'll learn some awesome tricks along the way.

Pick the game up, lemme know what class you're gonna roll and I'll start saving you up a sick set. I'll drop in at some point and give you vent info as well.

Did I mention the PvP?

RuSini Neb

Stratics Veteran
I just finished an article about Blizzard North and the original Diablo 3, which was NOT painted graphics with a dark theme, but very bright. There was a falling out, the team dismissed and it restarted at Torchlight I and II. The dark themed graphics seem to be the current fad, which may look rich but I'm not a fan.

I just finished D3 with a monk on normal, and restarted Hell level at level 33. I explored every nook and crevice of every dungeon, and still finished in 30 hours. The monk character is overpowered, and the ending was quite disappointing. Lots of hack-N-Slash, mindless clicking, overall nice graphics, but the game is too short for my $60 and not much replay value.

Maybe if I hadn't played Skyrim or UO first, I would have a different opinion.

LMAO.... talk once you hit inferno. Monk OPed... LMAO.....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had only a brief look at Pincos work, and really like what he's been able put into it. Nice job there!

(Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD)
Yeah, he puts out the BEST UI for UO in 12 years (better than 3 failed clients by EA) and the head of UO graphics can only find the time to take a brief look. I vote we hire Pinco and get rid of Grimm. Clearly he's too embarassed to see how someone who is NOT GETTING PAID did it better than he did in a paid position. I'm so fed up with this attitude. Its sad when your playerbase are better developers than the team getting paid to do it.

Is anyone home at EA? Anyone?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just started playing D3 and all i could think was, if they could implement the graphics, the smooth gameplay into UO...id never leave (again..or again). oh dreams...


Purple Pony Princess
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, he puts out the BEST UI for UO in 12 years (better than 3 failed clients by EA) and the head of UO graphics can only find the time to take a brief look. I vote we hire Pinco and get rid of Grimm. Clearly he's too embarassed to see how someone who is NOT GETTING PAID did it better than he did in a paid position. I'm so fed up with this attitude. Its sad when your playerbase are better developers than the team getting paid to do it.
If you read around a little, you'd see that Grimm has been busy on other art-related projects for UO.
I think there might be more than a few people who are fed up with attitudes like yours, too.


Yeah, he puts out the BEST UI for UO in 12 years (better than 3 failed clients by EA) and the head of UO graphics can only find the time to take a brief look. I vote we hire Pinco and get rid of Grimm. Clearly he's too embarassed to see how someone who is NOT GETTING PAID did it better than he did in a paid position. I'm so fed up with this attitude. Its sad when your playerbase are better developers than the team getting paid to do it.

Is anyone home at EA? Anyone?
Grimm is one of the best things about UO - he talks to us more than anybody else, and he has been working on the most important thing UO needs - a graphics update.

If you're going to be pancake about priorities, the UI is not a priority because the people above him have not made it a priority. Instead they have made the graphics upgrade a priority, although it's on the backburner now.

And quite frankly, given a choice between him working on the UI, something that you or I could work on, or him working on the graphics upgrade, which the game desperately needs if we want to be playing in 5 years, well the answer is obvious - the graphics upgrade should have priority.

If you don't like the UI, head into the EC forum, look through Pinco's threads, and come up with an interface you like and then upload it somewhere.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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First things first... Diablo is Diablo... not UO.

What Diablo does well from a functional gameplay point of view is the hack-and-slash, level, and loot gig. The latest iteration shows what CAN be done with isometric graphics when not bogged down by 15 year old technology. Multi-layered environments, interactive (read: destructive) environments, and the ability to send EVERYTHING flying as though hit by a tornado (which is something that simply makes me smile and cackle madly with glee).

From a psychological standpoint, the Diablo series may be the epitome of the "Skinner Box" or at least on an equal level as casino games or scratch off lotto tickets in that regard.

What UO does well is to be a WORLD that includes hack-and-slash gameplay but not as an exclusive aspect of the game. The dynamic aspect of UO vs Diablo has created a situation where if a player quits, they can't simply restart and get back what they had the last time they played (also a HUGE difference between UO and WoW).

Right now, for me the BIG question still remains... how will the RMAH system fare? The ingame-gold AH is up and running but has had a bit of a bumpy start, they have not yet opened the RMAH as of this posting. I'm in support of the concept of the RMAH and it has been something I've advocated for a long time because it simply makes sense. People are going to buy and sell ingame goods for real money regardless of what the EULA and TOS say. Putting in a system that allows the game company to have a level of oversight AND provide an income stream was simply the next logical step. Aside from UO and a couple of other very specialized MMOGs, most other game companies (including Blizzard up until D3) treated RMT as Big Media treated online media transfers. They fought against them not realizing that online was simply the next evolution of the Market. So this is a big area that interests me.

Yes, I'm playing Diablo 3. It doesn;t mean that I quit, hate, or am not playing UO. There's room for both.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pinco's UI should be the default skin & UI. The game is almost unplayable anymore without that skin, at least for me. Times change, things improve, but UO is really dragging.
Grimm only briefly looked at the Pinco UI? Really? o_O
I'm desperately hoping that whatever secret project they are doing isn't a waste of time.


Right now, for me the BIG question still remains... how will the RMAH system fare? The ingame-gold AH is up and running but has had a bit of a bumpy start, they have not yet opened the RMAH as of this posting. I'm in support of the concept of the RMAH and it has been something I've advocated for a long time because it simply makes sense. People are going to buy and sell ingame goods for real money regardless of what the EULA and TOS say. Putting in a system that allows the game company to have a level of oversight AND provide an income stream was simply the next logical step. Aside from UO and a couple of other very specialized MMOGs, most other game companies (including Blizzard up until D3) treated RMT as Big Media treated online media transfers. They fought against them not realizing that online was simply the next evolution of the Market. So this is a big area that interests me.
That's how I feel. I think it's interesting that they limit it to 10 auctions at a time as well. That should keep the spammers out.

It is ironic to login to Diablo and be greeted with General Chat messages spamming websites selling gold :gee:

But at least players now have a legit means to buy and sell with some oversight. People bitched about the always-on DRM, but really it's not a single-player game the moment you step into the auction house, and I have yet to find anybody who doesn't participate in the auction house. I sometimes wonder if it's even a DRM issue, and is not Blizzard subtlety encouraging people to visit the auction house, since if you are already logged in and it only takes a few seconds to pop into the auction house, and you are seeing messages from other players, you are liable to visit it more often.