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[Selling] Old Rare, 2-Story Statue



maybe he thinks the fact that the head is cut off is a problem with DEVs and not the problem that the container is hiding it?

The fact that his post gives ZERO information...idk


Always Present
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interesting indeed.....the mind does boggle


Stratics Veteran
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I removed the entire post. YES the statues are duped, however I got it from IDOC loot. I unlocked it in my house and it disappeared.


um if you "unlock" anything in your house (excluding the older items that don't decay ie: old furniture, newbie bless items, phillips wooden steeds, etc....) it will decay and disapear...

Why would you unlock it in your house and expect it to stay?


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Stratics Legend
Wow Rusko, do you think Im an idiot? I mean I unlocked it, and it IMMEDIATELY went poof. I couldnt pick it up so I kept trying, and then it disappeared within seconds.



I don't think you're an idiot, lol.

I do, however, feel all of your posts have been lacking in the useful information needed to understand and possibly help you.

Back on track, I think this is more of a private issue than EA fixing it... I have moved both of mine, (1 talks, 1 doesn't) numerous times in re-designing my establishment in the past couple weeks...

Maybe something else is at play here?


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Well since I cannot delete my posts I just put that in there so I would stop getting inquiries.

I had moved mine several times as well. I dont know what happened. But I had even tried my Moving Crate and it wasnt in there, either.


What shard might ask? I have moved mine around on Pacific a lot lately... no problems yet, but I wont be moving it anymore hahah

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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an anwser to one or two questions will solve this whole thing...

1) Was the house public?....
2) Was the statue on your steps?....


an anwser to one or two questions will solve this whole thing...

1) Was the house public?....
2) Was the statue on your steps?....
I think he is trying to say it might have been picked up by a stealther... which is in fact the best explanation yet...

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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aye, it happened to me, i locked the statue down on my castle steps... someone said in general chat they were paying a large amount for the statue at this very moment.. knowing i would anwser to it. I said i would sell it to him, i unlocked it, gone...
I didnt handle the situation positively though... i blamed EA and everyone i could before i would think and realize it was my own fault and careless mistake i made. Lesson to be learned...

1) ALWAYS... use detect hidden even though your house might be private.
2) NEVER lock a rare on steps if you intend on keeping it.
3) If something seems to good to be true, it usually is..
4) Trust NO ONE! This rule goes along with rule #1. Even your freind may take advantage, be on your feet at all times...

As soon as the statue was stolen from me, the guy broke party, never heard from him again... Later i found out he stole from one of my freinds, my freinds first ever Event Drop he had gotten, he stole it from him. He just returned and forgot about stealthers, went to lock it down in his house, guy took it, and oddly recalled away. My freind saw his name and it matched perfectly with the name of the guy who i was in party with. So... you cant trust people in this game anymore. People would rather steal from those who worked hard for their stuff instead of earning it them selfs. But its how this game is ran sad to say.


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Well, I had used Detect Hidden (In a private, Fel Home) and I had also removed access of the person I was just showing it to. It really boggled me. But Lesson learned I guess :(

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
hmm. thats strange... not sure what acually happened. Sorry for your loss man..


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Win some Lose some I guess! I tried to not let it bother me too much, just a game (just a game, with a statue, worth quite a bit :p) lol

Somewhere in the process I must have slipped. Something happened, and I dont know. Whether it was user error, a game bug, or something else.