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[Discussion] Old charged clothing - question on extra mods

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Hail Specialists!

I am not so stable in the rares business still i also collect them...

I cleaned up some of my chests and found (happy!! thought i lost it!!) an old backpack full of charged items (invis, teleport, night, str, agilty, etc..) - now this is nothing new i know BUT i also found 2 items with DEX and STR Bonus each 10

I couldnt remember we had that on cloak and boots or i didnt search good enough for it...

Is this NORMAL from back in the days and do i understand right, that the boots will give me +10 dex if equiped and the cloak +10 strenght?

And yeah, Pricecheck would be cool - this is on Pacific..

Txs alot for your answers and happy hunting
boots.JPG cloak.JPG

Lord X

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It will indeed give you 10 dex or str.... the problem is those charges will wear out quickly. So basically if you wear one for a few mins it will turn into a regular old Thigh Boots or Cloak and youll not be able to tell the diff between that one and one you buy off a NPC.

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Ok so the charges give the +10 Bonus - if you use up the charges (which are for me not necessary, i only have an eye on the bonus) the +10 Dex and +10 Str will go *poof*and the items will show charges: 0 ?

But isnt it like that, you only "consume" a charge if you equip it and next time you unequip and reequuip like you have on the invis and night sight charged items?

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stat based charges and a few others like night sight are consumed passively. So when they wear off, they auto use a charge when equipped. That is the way it was a year ago, but I haven't tested it since then. Hope that helps. I used to sell them at 10-25k before spring cleaning. They have a point value for turn-in, so I'd base their value off of that. The only ones that would be possibly worth more are teleport/invis items or possibly max charged items if you were able to locate a collector who collects them. They aren't typically very popular with many modern collectors.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They are worth more in turn in points than any collector would pay for the item. They are a dime-a-dozen.

Lord X

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok so the charges give the +10 Bonus - if you use up the charges (which are for me not necessary, i only have an eye on the bonus) the +10 Dex and +10 Str will go *poof*and the items will show charges: 0 ?
It wont show charges: 0 when done or the Dex or Str 10. Its turn into a plain item with no mods or charges.

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Well, thank you all very much for your answers and help - they will keep a place in my collection to remember the old days ;)
Both items are worth 5000 turn-in points - as are all the other charged items i have - but i keep them as a part of history saving...