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[EM Fiction] We Didn't Start the Fire (Lady Charlotte Christianson)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We Didn't Start the Fire
EM Godiva

Lady Charlotte Christianson watched helplessly from behind the castle walls as the world exploded around her. A seemingly infinite array of bright flashes peppered the evening sky and she did not know what was happening. She was frustrated and scared.

Charlotte had repeatedly tried to leave but the palace guards stopped her each time, informing her in annoyed tones that it was “for [her] own safety”. Eventually, they escorted her to a private room in the castle, and locked her inside. Again, they claimed it was “for [her] own safety”.

Charlotte began pacing back and forth, her fists balled up at her sides. She felt like a prisoner…again. She let out a scream, low and primal, as she kicked her runebook across the room. The runes scattered across the floor but she did not care. It was currently useless anyway. As soon as the chaos began, a powerful mage was called in to limit traveling magic both to and from the castle.

Her rage quickly subsided when she realized where she was. It was the room Nicholas Tarrant had brought her after she was rescued. That seemed like a lifetime ago. Suddenly exhausted, Charlotte flopped down on the bed and wept as she was assaulted by memories she wished would just remain buried.


Charlotte’s trip down memory lane was mercifully cut short when a large explosion from the North-East violently shook the walls of Castle British. She immediately leapt from the bed and began pounding her fists against the door, calling out for someone to unlock it. No one came. Charlotte stopped and listened, trying to make out anything from beyond the thick, wooden door.

“…bridge…Castle Blackthorn…incinerated”


Stratics Veteran
(msg from Fig the Ancient to the royal guard.)

"...Well done protecting the Lady Charlotte while Britian burned...While you might have been able to hide your crimes from the general populace by sealing off the main entrance of Castle British, there are other paths into the castle, which few know.

Last night, I discovered the body of the Lady, dead upon the roof top of the Castle...her color was white as if something had drained the life from her...I asked Sister Frances to come confirm what I had seen...and today upon the dawning of a new day(for me)...I also enlisted the aid of Lance Marshal, Sir Astro, and Nicholes Tarrent...I showed them the body and asked for their opinions..The only clue was the lack of decomposition which Nicholes was quick to point out..and her lack of color...

I am calling for the investigation of her death...which will include the royal guards....since they were charged with her safety. If I find you were involved your heads will be displayed upon the battlements of the castle...

Fig the Ancient"


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(Fig, I am pretty sure the body wasn't meant to be found yet, if at all, and isn't part of the plotline - yet.

ETA: I'll eat my words if Godiva intended it to be this way, but it would sure go down as the most unceremonious killing-off of an RPC in history)

EM Godiva

Stratics Veteran
The "body" was from the Dreamscape arc (when she was in a coma). I moved it to the roof until it could be deleted. Sorry for the confusion!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(Fig, I am pretty sure the body wasn't meant to be found yet, if at all, and isn't part of the plotline - yet.

ETA: I'll eat my words if Godiva intended it to be this way, but it would sure go down as the most unceremonious killing-off of an RPC in history)
Hear hear for unceremonious killing-offs!

My favorite kind.


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
is alrite fig, i always feel like the idiot

i am glad charlot is alive

EM Godiva

Stratics Veteran
WOW...do I feel like an idiot..lol...
You shouldn't! I love that you found "her body" and ran with a storyline. It reminded me of when I...er...someone dropped the body and note in Magincia. I apologize if any role play was disturbed by the fact that she's not actually dead but I am not quite ready to kill her off or I would just roll (or would that be role? haha) with it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WOW...do I feel like an idiot..lol...
You saw it. IC.

It doesn't matter if it was unintentional. Perhaps it was the astral projection of a tortured Charlotte. Perhaps the Time Lord was granting Fig a prophetic vision of a possible future he must help avert.

It's RP. Create something and roll with it.


Caretaker of Sudiva
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
(I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was discouraging a creative roleplaying interpretation of events.)