dazzled harpy
Harpies are kind of like what would have happened if the scorpions in Shame were slightly buffed and renamed. They don't aggro, have twice the normal HP.
vampire mongbat
The vampire mongbats seemingly go cannibal on the other vampire mongbats, harpies, and headless miners. They're odd. They also seem to snap back to a spawn location. They don't aggro, and aren't tameable.
headless miner
These are my favorite on the level. I don't mean to be full of myself, but I suggested the idea of habitual action in UO, and I can't help but wonder if when I asked for miner NPCs mining near Minoc a dev read that and smiled. Probably a coincidence, though! If you stand by them you'll hear mining sounds, and they have an orange-hued shovel as loot. They don't aggro.
a strange gazer
Only the strange gazers seem to aggro onto players. They are a regular gazer hue but they turn blue every so often. I'm not sure what that does. The interval seems similar to a Dark Wisp shield but hard to tell.
server coming down, will continue travelogue later

dazzled harpy
Harpies are kind of like what would have happened if the scorpions in Shame were slightly buffed and renamed. They don't aggro, have twice the normal HP.

vampire mongbat
The vampire mongbats seemingly go cannibal on the other vampire mongbats, harpies, and headless miners. They're odd. They also seem to snap back to a spawn location. They don't aggro, and aren't tameable.

headless miner
These are my favorite on the level. I don't mean to be full of myself, but I suggested the idea of habitual action in UO, and I can't help but wonder if when I asked for miner NPCs mining near Minoc a dev read that and smiled. Probably a coincidence, though! If you stand by them you'll hear mining sounds, and they have an orange-hued shovel as loot. They don't aggro.

a strange gazer
Only the strange gazers seem to aggro onto players. They are a regular gazer hue but they turn blue every so often. I'm not sure what that does. The interval seems similar to a Dark Wisp shield but hard to tell.
server coming down, will continue travelogue later